英语人>词典>汉英 : 稳妥 的英文翻译,例句
稳妥 的英文翻译、例句


on the safe side
更多网络例句与稳妥相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our unknown future is secure in the hands of our all-knowing God.


The purpose of my thesis is to study the adult education theotry,from two antithetic ideological system—Modernism and Post-modernism,in order to form a steady way for the development of adult education.


According to the higher demands, and in connection with the actual work, we presented the basic principles of restructuring work is : to transform to a limited liability company, the withdrawal of all state assets, so that enterprises can truly become independent, self win again, self-development, self-restraint legal entity and market competitors. A new property relations, sound corporate governance structures, promoting institutional change mechanisms and the establishment of the industry characteristics, its own characteristics, full of vigor and vitality geotechnical companies; the principles of openness, fairness, justice, innovation, careful appraisal and strict procedures, standards, actively and steadily push forward the reform; correctly handle the state, the collective and individual interests, and conscientiously carry out the ideological and political work and stability, stock assets in the settlement of historical issues, security restructuring smooth and orderly manner.


If you don't have your own goals, you will most assuredly become a part of someone else's.


They have been up and running since 1999, so it is most assuredly stable and secure.


When they say, Peace and security, then sudden destruction comes upon them, just as birth pangs to a woman with child; and they shall by no means escape.

5:3 人正说平安稳妥的时候,毁灭忽然临到他们,如同产难临到怀胎的妇人一样,他们绝不能逃脱。

Thes. 5:3 When they say, Peace and security, then sudden destruction comes upon them, just as birth pangs to a woman with child; and they shall by no means escape.

帖前五3 人正说平安稳妥的时候,毁灭忽然临到他们,如同产难临到怀胎的妇人一样,他们绝不能逃脱。

Second is to constantly improve the capital market structure, and actively and steadily promoting the construction of multi-level capital market.


It was now for more than the middle span of our allotted years that he had passed through the thousand vicissitudes of existence and, being of a wary ascendancy and self a man of a rare forecast, he had enjoined his heart to repress all motions of a rising choler and, by intercepting them with the readiest precaution, foster within his breast that plenitude of sufferance which base minds jeer at, rash judgers scorn and all find tolerable and but tolerable.

布卢姆已过人生之半途[190] ,历尽沧桑,系一谨慎民族之后裔,生就稀有的先见之明,遂抑制心中所冒怒气,最迅速慎重地克制住感情,告诫自己胸中要怀一"忍"字。心地卑鄙者对此加以嘲笑,性急之判断者藐视之,然而众人咸认为此乃稳妥之举。

Different, differing, divergent 5.sound basis 稳妥的基础■难句注释(1)This may create a communications gap … or human embryonic stem cells.


更多网络解释与稳妥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be on the safe side:为了稳妥起见, 以防万一

be on the other side of the fence [美]在反对的一边 | be on the safe side 为了稳妥起见, 以防万一 | be on the same side of the fence 站在同一立场上

to be on the safe side:安全的; 可靠的; 为了稳妥起见

to be cold 天气冷 | to be on the safe side 安全的; 可靠的; 为了稳妥起见 | to be sure 的确

bread and butter pass:稳妥的传球

bottom left-hand corner of the net球门网左下角 | bread and butter pass稳妥的传球 | break突破

infallible way:万全之策,稳妥的方法

长有皮毛的动物-furry animal | 万全之策,稳妥的方法-infallible way | 磁石-magnet

Will set you on solid ground:安置在稳妥处

I pray that the Lord we found 我祈祷 神将你 | Will set you on solid ground 安置在稳妥处 | I know that is feels like leaving 我知道离别

err on the right side:宁可失之谨慎; 选择稳妥的做法

descend on the rightside of the fence 倒向[附和]胜利的一方 | err on the right side 宁可失之谨慎; 选择稳妥的做法 | err on the safe side 宁可失之谨慎; 选择稳妥的做法

err on the safe side:宁可失之谨慎 选择稳妥的做法

carbonylic [化]碳酰基的, 羰基的 | err on the safe side 宁可失之谨慎 选择稳妥的做法 | autoregeneration 自体再生

Play it safe:做事要稳妥

1. Safety first. 安全第一. | 2. Play it safe. 做事要稳妥. | 3. Play it cool. 做事要冷静.

Play it safe:稳扎稳打、办事稳妥、安全行事

Who's in charge Here?这儿谁说了算? | Play it safe 稳扎稳打、办事稳妥、安全行事 | Life is not a bed of roses 生活不总是一帆风顺

Snaps securely closed:相片稳妥地关闭

Made of plastic制成塑料 | Includes 30 compartments包括30个隔间 | Snaps securely closed相片稳妥地关闭