英语人>词典>汉英 : 稀释液 的英文翻译,例句
稀释液 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与稀释液相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With common pakchoi as the material, they were soaked in mixed solution with 1000 times of methyl parathion, dimethoate, dichlorvos, pyralid treat phosphorus, poison-to-death barnyard grass and fenvalerate for 1 min, and then they were saved in CW(25℃, humidity 55%RH), LC(4 ℃, humidity 60%RH) and DW (-24 ℃, humidity 70%RH) after air dried. After saved for 0, 24, 48 and 72 h, the samples from which were taken to determine the residual quantity of pesticides in pakchoi of different treatments.

方法]以普通小白菜为材料,将其在1000倍甲基对硫磷、乐果、敌敌畏、治螟磷、毒死稗和氰戊菊酯的混合稀释液中浸泡1 min,取出晾干后分别在CW(25℃,湿度55%RH)、LC(4℃,湿度60%RH)和DW(-24℃、70%RH)条件下保存,0、24、48、72 h后分别取样,测定各处理小白菜中农药的残留量。

To 95.1% and from 40% to 80%, and that of the 5 time diluted fermentation liquid of Y1 against Botrytis cirerea and Glomerella cingulata were more than 82%.

2%~95.1%之间和40%~80%之间,其 5倍稀释液对番茄灰霉病菌 Botrytis cinerea和苹果炭疽病菌 Glomerella cingulata孢子萌发的抑制率均大于 82%。

The local lesion assay indicated that: contacted with TMV infected leaf juice dilution over 12 h, the disinfestants whose inactivation ratio of TMV above 80% are as follows: 7% sodium hypochlorite at 10 μLL^(-1), 30% chloride of lime at 15 mgL^(-1), 40% Yubao at 75 μLL^(-1) and 98% potassium permanganate at 20 mgL^(-1), 10% chlorine dioxide at 25 mgL^(-1) inactivation ratio of TMV less than 50%.

结果表明,与TMV病叶汁液2万倍稀释液接触12 h,体积分数7%有效氯次氯酸钠10μLL^(-1)、质量分数30%有效氯漂白粉15 mgL^(-1)、体积分数40% N-羟乙基亚甲胺多聚物75μLL^(-1)和质量分数98%高锰酸钾20 mgL^(-1)对TMV的抑制率高于80%,质量分数10%二氧化氯粉剂25 mgL^(-1)对TMV的抑制率低于50%。

Objective To prepare the liquefier of KX-21 automatic digital corpuscle count instrument.


The important parameters of imported diluent were determined, the prescription of home-made diluent was identified.


The polyspermy rate was significantly decreased when the semen samples were stored for longer (3 days). Some cleavage embryos were collected to identify their sexes in 3-4 days after in vitro fertilization. The ratio of male embryos, produced from the BTS semens stored for 1 and 3 days, were 60 % and 41 %, respectively, and 35 % and 48 % in the MIII semens.

使用不同稀释液,保存1与3日之精液进行体外受精,在培养3 - 4日后收集卵裂胚进行性别鉴定,在保存1日与3日之稀释液BTS组,雄胚性比率分别为60 %与41 %;在稀释液MIII组,保存1日与3日之雄性比率分别为35 %与48 %。

In clean diluent condition, the median lethal concentration (MLC50) of CIO2 against bacteria and yeast was 9.4 and 8.4 ppm, respectively. In dirty diluent condition, the MLC50 of CIO2 against bacteria and yeasts was 39.9 and 24.3 ppm, respectively. The virucidal activity of CIO2 against 100 median embryo lethal dose (100 ELD50) of Newcastle disease virus, avian influenza virus, infectious bronchitis virus and infectious bursal disease virus was 1.2, 1.2, 2.5 and 1.2 ppm, respectively.


This can be done by adding 1 mL of not less than 10 3 dilution of a 24-hour broth culture of the microorganism to the first dilution (in pH 7.2 Phosphate Buffer, Fluid Soybean–Casein Digest Medium, or Fluid Lactose Medium) of the test material and following the test procedure.

方法如下:将1mL该微生物24小时肉汤培养物的10 3倍稀释液加入供试品的首次稀释液(于pH7.2磷酸盐缓冲液,液体大豆酪蛋白消化物培养基,或液体乳糖培养基中)。

Survival rate of embryo in DS1 was the highest when embryos were exposed to different extenders for 18h.


HGF is 2,000 nanograms per ml of a micro-dilution recombinant hybrid Biotropin "The real thing"+ amino acid-polypeptide precursors, Arginine pyroglutemate, Lysine HCL, Glycine and L-Glutamine.

HGF微型稀释液每毫升约含2000毫微克生长因子,稀释液的成分有&真正的生长因子&+氨基酸肽前体,精氨酸酰胺酶,赖氨酸盐酸,甘氨酸和L -谷氨酰胺。

更多网络解释与稀释液相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aqueous solution:水溶性液剂

AL 无需稀释液剂 Liquids to be applied undiluted | AS 水溶性液剂 Aqueous solution | BB 块状药饵 Block bait

gum arabic:阿拉伯胶

黏着媒剂是阿拉伯胶(gum arabic)及甘油(giycerine),水为其稀释液. 由于提炼材料的不同,水彩颜料可分着色性及染色性两种颜料. 着色性颜料是由粉状的色料所构成,涂绘时,仅能附着在纸张的表层,较易清洗掉,如土黄、镉红;


将土样制备成稀释液,采用平板涂布培养法,分析双孢蘑菇覆土期、充分发菌期、原基形成期、采收前和采收后2d 5个时期土样中几种有益微生物的消长规律.结果表明,原基形成前和采收后,乳白色芽孢杆菌(Bacillus)、固氮菌(Azotobacter)和假单胞杆菌(Pseudomonas)数量增加;

Escherichia coli:大肠杆菌

23、绿脓菌素(pyocyanin)测定用培养基(PDP琼脂)(1) 大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli) 取胆盐乳糖培养基3份,每份100ml,2份分别加入规定量的供试液,其中1份加入对照菌50~100个作阳性对照,第3份加入与供试液等量的稀释液作阴性对照.


阴性对照:将1ml样品稀释液(sample diluent)加至标记好的小瓶中作为阴性对照. 阳性对照:1ml阳性对照液(positive control)溶解一瓶阳性对照, 颠倒混匀. 未用完的阳性对照可在2~8℃贮存1个月,长期贮存应分装存于-20℃. 2、加酶结合物(conjugate)后应用枪头轻柔混匀(上下5次左右),以便于抗原抗体充分结合.


"容器"(container) 指为某目的而设计或拟供某目的之任何受规管产品的部分,而该部"进口商"(importer) 指不论是以拥有人、收货人、代理人或经纪身分,管有或有权保"稀释液"(diluent) 指任何凡加入受规管产品中便会减低该产品的黏度的液体,


\\"二氢吗啡酮\\",\\"dilaudid,dihydromorphinone\\" | \\"稀释液\\",\\"diluent,dilutor,diluter\\" | \\"稀释\\",\\"dilution\\"

histamine phosphate:磷酸组(织)胺

稀释液:磷酸组织胺( histamine phosphate )或氯化乙酰甲胆碱( methacholine chloride )为粉剂,需用稀释液稀释后才能用于吸入. 稀释液常用生理盐水 (0.9%NaCl) ,因其等渗且配制容易,其缺点为略呈酸性 (pH

diluting pump:稀释液泵

diluted paint 稀释漆 | diluting pump 稀释液泵 | diluting water 稀释用水


digestion吸收 | diluents稀释液、稀释剂 | Dilute稀释