英语人>词典>汉英 : 稀薄 的英文翻译,例句
稀薄 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
rarefaction  ·  rarefication  ·  rareness  ·  rarity  ·  tenuity  ·  wateriness  ·  subtilization  ·  washiness  ·  rarities

更多网络例句与稀薄相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A decrease in density and pressure in a medium, such as air, caused by the passage of a sound wave.


According to the domestic and foreign references, this paper expatiates on improving power, torque and the necessity and possibility of realizing turbocharger under the altiplano environment where the air is very thin.


In this paper, based on the specific CNG engine parameters and characteristics, the influence of the injection timing, ignition energy and lean combustion for the engine is tested, in order to explore the control rules of fuel injection, ignition energy and lean combustion and then draw the following conclusions: small injection advance angle of electronic controlled injection CNG engine is optimum


Cold cough: cough, sputum color thin white T-ching nasal flow, cold Anhidrotic,微白tongue, you can use apricot Su Powder.


For cough frequency, sputum color white thin恶寒Anhidrotic, fever, headache, nasal Cypriot barrier sneeze flow T-ching and throat itch sound heavy, full-body soreness, urine-ching long, floating pulse tight, thin white tongue, Fingerprint red.


The online bookseller's software noted patterns in buying behavior and suggested that readers who liked Into Thin Air would also like Touching the Void.


And when the dew evaporated, there on the surface of the desert were fine flakes like hoarfrost on the ground.


According to the calculated results,discussions and analyses are then presented to reveal the effects of rarefied region and rarefied effect on the working performances of the magnetic head.


Rarefy v,使稀薄,变稀薄(to make thin,less compact,or less dense

rare adj 稀罕的,珍贵的+ fy 转化成动词→使稀薄

Thin rods like angel hair pasta and vermicelli work best in broths or with thin sauces, while thicker rods like perciatelli go well with heavier, chunkier sauces.

稀薄的标尺象天使头发面团和细面条运转最好在汤里或用稀薄的调味汁,当更加厚实的标尺象perciatelli 匹配很好更重,更加大块的调味汁。

更多网络解释与稀薄相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dilute gas:稀薄气体

diluent 稀释剂 | dilute gas 稀薄气体 | dilute medium 稀薄媒质


本论文讨论一微流管流动介质为二阶流体时,(1)考虑已知不同体积流率下,受流体稀薄(rarefaction)效应,反求压力变化情形. (2)已知压力变化下,受流体稀薄效应时之流速和流量变化.

rarefaction:变稀薄, 稀薄

powdered 弄成粉的, 有许多小斑点的 | rarefaction 变稀薄, 稀薄 | exponential part 指数部分


稀薄化波 rarefaction wave | 稀薄化 rarefication | 拉西塔 Rashing column

rarefied air:稀薄空气

rarefaction wave 余波 | rarefied air 稀薄空气 | rarefied gas 稀薄气体

rarefied plasma:稀薄電漿= 稀薄等離[子]體

rarefaction wave 疏密波= 稀疏波 | rarefied plasma 稀薄電漿= 稀薄等離[子]體 | rate equation 變[化]率方程[式]


rarefaction 稀薄[化] | rarefy 稀释;使稀薄,抽空 | rare metal 稀有金属

稀薄(rarefy 变稀薄):rarefaction n

satisfaction n 满足(satisfy 满足) | rarefaction n 稀薄(rarefy 变稀薄) | stupefaction n 麻木状态(stupefy 使麻木)

稀薄 (rarefy v. 稀薄):rarefaction n

dilute v. 把(液体)弄稀,弄淡 | rarefaction n. 稀薄 (rarefy v. 稀薄) | tenuous adj. 稀薄的,细薄的;空洞的


subtilization /稀薄/ | subtilize /使稀薄/使精细/细微区别/ | subtilty /敏锐/稀薄/狡猾/