英语人>词典>汉英 : 稀有金属 的英文翻译,例句
稀有金属 的英文翻译、例句


rare metals
更多网络例句与稀有金属相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Product Is Suitable for separating the granularity is 0.3-0.02mm of the iron ore,limonite,chromites,trotline,zirconium,retiles,monazite,centimes,wolfram ore,Stan nary,tantalum minerals,niobium minerals and other non feerous metal,rare metal and non metal.


Crystal chemistry characteristics of silicate minerals are closed related with minerals'surface property and flotability.


This paper introduces especially geologic features of occurred feldspar druses in granite pegmatite veins of rock crystal and of rare metal minerals , and discribes 6 kinds of feldspar druse .


Under the guidance of the principle of independence and self-reliance, thesubstituted amide-type A-101 extractant has been successfully synthesized.


The company produces the product widely uses in classifying the titanium, the gold, the silver, the copper, the iron, the tungsten, the lead, the cobalt, mo, zinc, tin, molybdenum, nickel, stibium, tantalum, niobium, manganese ore, fluorspar, coal, monacite, rutile, other rare metals and precious metal ore and so on.


Deutsche Bank calculates that cadmium, a rare metal, has appreciated twice as much as oil since 2001, for example, and the price of rice has risen fractionally more.


The active substance in Vasovist is gadolinium, a rare earth metal element that is detected by MRI scanners.

Vasovist 中的活性物质是钆,它是一种可被 MRI 扫描到的稀有金属物质。

Crystal land's lazurite artistic creation team is lead by international art master Lin,Zhi-Xin and his sons sucessfully creat the misterious red crystal(by mixing gold-red、purple and rare metal) out of the basic yellow、blue、green、indigo and bluish green.


Ferromagnetic materials include iron, nickel, cobalt, some rare earth metals and some 平共处 of their alloys(e.g., Alnico), and some naturally occurring minerals such as lodestone.


The Nanping granitic pegmatite is one of the most important rare-metal deposits in China. In this pegmatite field the No. 31 granitic pegmatite is the most highly evolved and well mineralized one, where beryl is the most important beryllium mineral.


更多网络解释与稀有金属相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


,"特种铸造及有色合金","TZZZ",3 | ,"稀有金属材料与工程","COSE",4 | ,"金属热处理","JSRC",5


火嘴 burner port | 钬(Ho)(稀有金属) holmium | 基础螺栓,底脚螺栓 anchor bolt


稀有气体 rare gas | 稀有金属 rare metals | 稀薄化 rarefaction


RARE METAL MAT ENG 稀有金属材料与工程(中) | RARE METALS 稀有金属(英) | SCI CHINA SER A 中国科学辑A(英)

RARE METALS:稀有金属(英文版)

496 Ranshao Kexue yu Jishu = 燃烧科学与技术 80 | 497 Rare Metals = 稀有金属(英文版) 69 | 498 Re Kexue yu Jishu = 热科学与技术 28

Some rare metals have radioactivity:某些稀有金属具有放射性

radioactivity n.[u] the characteristic property of radioactive substances放射现... | Some rare metals have radioactivity. 某些稀有金属具有放射性. | curious adj. wanting to know about something好奇的;很...

rare metal:稀有金属

梅瓦特王国(MEVAT)的迦德嘉王子殿下要来日本. 王子殿下是维克拉姆二世国王的次子,也是国内的内务大臣,是绝对的亲日派. ""因为数量稀少才叫'稀有金属'(Rare metal)的,从汉字字面上很容易理解吧?"

rare metal:稀有金属,贵金属

rare gas 稀薄气体,稀有气体 | rare metal 稀有金属,贵金属 | rare mixture 贫混合料,稀有混合物

rare metal:稀土金属,稀有金属=>貴金属

rare medicinal herbs 名贵药材 | rare metal 稀土金属,稀有金属=>貴金属,レアメタル | rare metal couple 稀有金属温差热偶


抗噪音 noise abatement | 钪(Sc)(稀有金属) scandium | 靠模(仿制心型匣,金属模或压铸工具用)使命模型 single sided pattern plate