英语人>词典>汉英 : 移植 的英文翻译,例句
移植 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
denizen  ·  explant  ·  explantation  ·  graft  ·  naturalise  ·  naturalization  ·  repot  ·  transplant  ·  transplantation  ·  transplanting  ·  displant  ·  grafted  ·  denizened  ·  denizening  ·  denizens  ·  explanted  ·  explanting  ·  explants  ·  grafts  ·  repotted  ·  repotting  ·  transplanted  ·  transplants  ·  repots

prick off
更多网络例句与移植相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Porcine was acted as the experimental animal. It was researched on problem of the origin of obtaining early embryonic cells, methods of separating blastomere cells, best parameter and order of ECNT embryo electric activation and system of ECNT embryo IVC, which was to find a scientific method of fitting ECNT and a procedure of fitting the lab producing embryos largely, optimize the procedure of ECNT and improve the ECNT embryo in vitro.


METHODS: The models of abdominal aorta transplantation were made with micro-surgery in rats. The recipients were divided into three groups: allograft control group, atorvastatin-treated group and isograft control group. Vascular intimal thickness in all of the groups was observed by histological examination. The expression of proliferation cell nuclear antigenl and α-smooth muscle actin were determined by immunohistochemistry. The content of nitric oxide was measured by nitrate reductase chromatometry.


Their sex proportion、pretransplant Hb、pre- and post-transplant BP、diuretic therapy、immunosuppressive drugs、native kidney nephrectomy、pre-transplant lymphotoxin cross test and prePTE S cr/BUN were recorded and analysed. The results showed that those nonAza treated hypertensive male recipients with higher pre-transplant Hb and excellent allograft function were susceptible to PTE.


In the experiment besides entire spermatophore transplantation and spermaduct transplantation, partial spermatophore transplantation and semen transplantation were firstly used in artificial insemination of Fenneropenaeus chinensis. Artificial insemination rate, fertilization rate and hatching rate were compared among the four methods. The results indicated that artificial insemination rate of four methods was high, the highest was 80.8% and the lowest was 53.3%.


Using CDFI to examine the models of TRAS were established before and after,observe the renal artery and each artery inside the TK, Emphasis to observe whetherthere are high speed color bloodstream signal in artificial TK arteriostenosis. Andachieve the pulse of artificial TK arteriostenosis、the renal artery and each arteryinside the TK, select the measure index include PSV、EDV and RI; Intravenous bolusinjection of contrast agent, Collect and store the continuous image which fromcontrast agent inner to disappear in TK and renal arterial. Open QLAB analysingsoftware, choose the region-of-interest, build TIC, measure and quantitativeanalysis on part parameter index.


Mmol/L and 385±24. 6 mmol/L. At 3, 7 and 14 days after transplantation, the grafts were removed for a morphological observation under histological studies. In 7d, the macro pathology in control group's renal allograft was packed by gastrocolic omentum thickly, open the package and dissect the kidney, the color was paleness and interstitial edema.


Hours after infusion, the radioactivity accumulation appeared in lung, and it revealed that the infused cells distributed mainly in lung, and some appeared in liver, spleen, kidney and bladder. 6 hours after infusion, the radioactivity in lung diminished compared with that at 3 hours after infusion, and bilateral kidneys imagine appeared intensively. 9 hours after infusion, the radioactivity in lung appeared reduced significantly than that at 3 hours after infusion, and liver imagined increasedly, intestine tract imagine appeared in several rats.


Results Of the 21 patients, 5 showed transplanted kidney swelling alone, 8 showed transplanted kidney swelling and perinephric dropsy, 1 showed atrophy and function failure of both kidney, 2 showed perinephric hemorrhage, 1 showed multiple small cysts, small calculi and perinephric dropsy of transplanted kidney, 1 showed ureteral fistula, ureteral stricture, hydronephrosis and infarct of subsegment kidney, 1 showed hydronephrosis and ureteral calculi, 1 showed swelling and pyonephrosis, and 1 showed rupture of transplanted kidney.

结果 21例患者中5例仅表现为移植肾肿胀,8例表现为移植肾肿胀并肾周积液;1例为双肾萎缩伴功能丧失;2例表现为移植肾周积血;1例表现为移植肾多发小囊肿、小结石并肾周积液;1例表现为移植肾输尿管旁尿瘘伴输尿管狭窄及肾积水、亚段肾梗死;1例表现为移植肾积水并输尿管结石;1例表现为移植肾肿胀,肾盂内积脓;1例表现为移植肾破裂。

Nowadays, bone defect has become one of the most important disease which threat people's living quality severely. Today, the most common methods used to healing bone defects include: Autogenous bone grafts and allogenic bone grafts. But autogenous bone grafts have a shortage on donor, difficult to make shape and will bring a complicate disease on donor site; allogenic bone grafts often follow with graft rejective reaction, and have a potential risk of propagation of many disease.


In our research,Wistar rats and SD rats which were parathyroidectomized were used as donors and recepients respectively.The parathyroid gland of the Wistar rat were allografted into the cerebroventricle and other different sites of the brains in SD rat s tereotaxically. Using methods of testing serum Ca~(2+) concentration,histological examination,histochemical and immunocytochemical methods and electron microscopic observation,we investigated the survival of the grafting tissue,its revascularization, infiltrating of monocytes, changes of microglia and astrocytes, the relationship of the CNS with the immune system, and the mechanism of rejection were investigated.The results as following: I .Effects on PTG after allografting into cerebroventricle and cerebral parenchyma of the brain: Testing serum Ca~(2+) conc.


更多网络解释与移植相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

autotransplantation:自体移植术 人自体组织移植术

autotransmitter自动传送机 | autotransplantation自体移植术 人自体组织移植术 | autotransplantationofartery自体动脉移植

bone marrow transplantation:骨髓移植

骨髓移植(Bone marrow transplantation)是指将他人骨髓移植病人的体内,使其生长繁殖,重建免疫和造血的一种治疗方法. 确切他说,骨髓移植就是造血干细胞移植. 骨髓移植分为自体骨髓移植和异体骨髓移植,异体骨髓移植又分为血缘关系骨髓(同胞兄弟姐妹)移植与非血缘关系骨髓移植(志愿捐髓者)移植.

embryo transfer:胚胎移植

胚胎移植(embryo transfer)是将一头良种母畜配种后的早期胚胎取出,移植到另一头同种的生理状态相同的母畜体内,使其继续发育为新个体,其技术环节包括收集、检查、培养、保存和移植等几个基本步骤,由于胚胎移植时,希望一次从供体母畜得到较多胚胎,




进行移植的外科手术叫做移植术(transplantation). 以往,移植术限指那些将供者器官与受者的血管进行吻合的手术,把不进行血管吻合的组织移植叫做种植术(implantation). 现在,移植术与种植术已互相通用,且一般称为移植术. 如果供者与受者是同一个体,

Heart transplantation:心脏移植

)等(3)心脏移植(heart transplantation):自从1967年第1例同种心脏移植成功至今已有近2万人接受过心脏移植由于环孢素(cyclosporin)的应用排异反应可有效地控制移植后生活质量和生存率明显提高现心脏移植已成为治疗终末期心衰惟一有效的方法8.康复治疗 充血性心力衰竭(CHF)的基本病理生理改变是心输出量绝对或相对不足心脏处于

autografting:自体移植术 自体组织移植 人自体组织移植术

autograft自身移植物 自体移植片 自体移植物 | autografting自体移植术 自体组织移植 人自体组织移植术 | autogram压印

heteroplastic transplantation:异种移植,异种移植术

heteroplastic graft 种间移植 | heteroplastic transplantation 异种移植,异种移植术 | heteropleural transplantation 异侧移植


4.异种移植(xenograft)指不同种属间的移植. 因为供者与受者的基因完全不同,移植后出现强烈排斥,到目前为止尚不能成功. 异种移植可解决临床移植物的来源,但对移植免疫学是一个严峻的挑战,也是移植免疫研究的方向之一. 在同种移植中,


4.异种移植(xenograft)指不同种属间的移植. 因为供者与受者的基因完全不同,移植后出现强烈排斥,到目前为止尚不能成功. 异种移植可解决临床移植物的来源,但对移植免疫学是一个严峻的挑战,也是移植免疫研究的方向之一. 在同种移植中,