英语人>词典>汉英 : 称兄道弟 的英文翻译,例句
称兄道弟 的英文翻译、例句


address one another in great familiarity · call ... brothers · calling each other brothers
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Dark night people putting this a group of things with common features the brethren pays no attention to broad woman to like to follow that dead a blind person to mix unluckily, for example the firelock hand of person a group of things with common features people also not be too the king that waits for the hill that sees old man of that white mustache follows to belong to atomy a group of things with common features likewise however instead is in weller, again for example the hunt head comrades of animal a group of things with common features are mixed this a group of things with common features the relation of emperor of fierce male sword also is not quite harmonious the call each other brothers of emir of bovine tribal chief that follows looby however.


The fellow that calls you "brother" generally wants something that doesn't belon g to him.


He is far more than a companion who will fit into our "buddy system" or a divine ATM responding to our impulses.


Liv: You can't get all buddy-buddy with him. Not now.


The famous calligraphist and painter Mi Fei of the Sung Dynasty went to the extent of hailing one stone as his "big brother."


I do rub shoulders with some of the most vile,sadistic men calling themselves leaders today.


In fact, I also received a bouquet of roses, it is in the Valentine's Day I was in a book shop for their own. Over the years, the cold front of the pommel horse every Valentine's Day are rare. I usually fraternizing with those saying that they appreciate the stresses Hupenggouyou impulses to accompany his wife is not really with the situation Guoqingrenjie people, although these often ungrateful guy dawn of the night to talk about the project and aspirations, however, the long run, I seem to have become the most competitive market conditions in women, especially women who have husbands who are husband. become more assured you can be very safe and very frankly working partners and friends, so Most of the Valentine's Day with my husband had seen no boyfriend, no single sex were not celebrate Valentine's, this year's Valentine's Day. extreme fatigue coupled with the continued late into the night because of overtime daily Pok Man. So when I finished the day in the evening after the blog was alone at home fell asleep nausea Cox, a big dream, whoever Cox?


After a poor start he also took a shine to New Zealand's Bernard Freyberg, a general with 27 war wounds and a Victoria Cross, who was described by a contemporary as "a red-necked thug who ate two Germans for breakfast".


They were not worldly young fellows, but fraternizing with dairy-folk would have struck unpleasantly upon their biassed niceness, apart from their views of the match.


You can't be buddies with your own son.


更多网络解释与称兄道弟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

country cousin:乡下亲戚, 乡下人

call cousins with 攀亲戚; 称兄道弟 | country cousin 乡下亲戚, 乡下人 | double first cousin 双重亲表兄妹 双重亲堂兄妹

skilled craftsman:省略法 能工巧匠

狼吞虎咽 to wolf sth. Down | 5. 省略法 能工巧匠 skilled craftsman | 称兄道弟 to call each other brothers

Then I don't get it:我更迷糊了

Mr. I-wanna-be-your-buddy Boss Man Bing.|"称兄道弟"上司 | Then I don't get it.|我更迷糊了 | You know what? I think you just gotta face it.|钱德,你得面对现实

out of control:失去控制

郭大卫在书中指控说,有 "布什的大脑"之称的白宫高级政治顾问卡尔.罗夫(Karl Rove)的办公室人员虽然在表面上同美国的基督教领袖称兄道弟,背地里却瞧不起这些人,说他们"荒唐(ridiculous)"、"失去控制"(out of control),甚至是傻子.


郭大卫在书中指控说,有 "布什的大脑"之称的白宫高级政治顾问卡尔.罗夫(Karl Rove)的办公室人员虽然在表面上同美国的基督教领袖称兄道弟,背地里却瞧不起这些人,说他们"荒唐(ridiculous)"、"失去控制"(out of control),甚至是傻子.

Me hearties:同伴;好朋友;老伙计;海盗间称兄道弟的用辞. 船长通常用这个词汇指代整个舰队成员

He's gone to Davy Jones's locker 他死了. (Davy Jones的柜子就是指海底) | Me hearties 同伴;好朋友;老伙计;海盗间称兄道弟的用辞. 船长通常用这个词汇指代整个舰队成员 | Shiver me timbers! 惊奇,诧异.

Banana Republics:香蕉共和国

当坚果解,我们可以与中美洲,被世人讥笑为香蕉共和国(Banana Republics) 的那些邦交国,你是香蕉,我是土豆,大家称兄道弟,并驾齐驱,永结同好.

to be bare-handed:赤手空拳

称兄道弟 to call each other brothers | 赤手空拳 to be bare-handed | 自吹自擂 to blow one's own trumpets