英语人>词典>汉英 : 积极的活动 的英文翻译,例句
积极的活动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与积极的活动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By exploring the national minority sports courses, we can make the nationality and local characteristics more outstanding so that the students will have a better understanding of national minority sports and at the same time facilitate the development of national minority sports, make up for the inadequate sports conditions in the higher institutions, attract more students to take part in such sports and enable the students to learn more about sports and health.


During the year, the Group sponsored the Community Chest's "Greening for the Chest" programme, in line with our environmental protection principles.


Scholarly activities in our family, the parents and the active participation and support in our activities.


In recent years,the course is undertaking a series of reform in English teaching.We began to develop computer- aided teaching in the year of 2003 and have successfully created a very soft English campus environment by managing and organizing all kinds of colorful English activities such as English Speech Contest, English island, English movies, English essay-reciting etc. We have worked out a reform plan including curriculum setting, textbook establishing, teacher training,teaching research,teaching modes,assessment reform etc. The principle of the reform is listening and speaking first followed by reading and writing, teaching according to the students'levels and making good use of the resources in English teaching.


This article carried on the reading related activity and the physical question design and in the solution literature foundation to the related concept connotation and the related theory has combed with summarizes, proposed based on the active junior middle school physics question and the solution principle and the method, and has carried on nine grade electrophysics based on the active question design teaching practice, has formed four typical cases: Series circuit characteristic case, electric radiator electric current thermal reaction case, Electricity review class case and practice simple circuit design case, has obtained the positive result.


Part four tries to demonstrate the basic principles of activity moral education. The author proposes that the nature of activity moral education can only the"educating", but not"indoctrinating" The ultimate aim of moral education is to help students practise moral life; Practical curriculum should be the major course model of moral education.


Think of the most positive thing you'll be doing that day.


Generally speaking, satisfied, happiness, happy, positive emotion of adoring etc can raise the circulation of student, make students clearheaded, enlarge the aesthesia range, Memory is quick and firm, thinking is deep and flexible, learning efficiency improves; Unsatisfied, not agitated, painful, sad, getting angry pacifism emotion can weaken student" circulation, make students feel dizzy, memory is confused, notice scatters, Thought is slow-witted, mechanical, learning efficiency is low, Proceeding emotion education Cake improve students" interest at maths greatly, It also can packet students be full of appetite efficiencies, It can improve students" ideation, and improve students" performance .


Using ecology theory and multiple intelligence theory as guiding ideology, the writer designs and implements a series of activities, which can develop preschool children"s intelligent fortes by active participation, improve parents" educational level and strengthen the understanding and communicating between parents and kindergarten. These preschool children with poor companionship are intervened continuously for 14 weeks.


The self-explanation in the Mathematical Problem Solving of Primary School Students Self-explanation is an active Cultural Construction. By using the prior knowledge, the learners help construct new knowledge. Generating its own explanation is a process of promoting the students learning transfer .


更多网络解释与积极的活动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在美国等大多数西方国家,情报事务通常被分为两部分,即旨在获取敌方情报的进攻性情报活动,以及防止己方情况被敌人获取的防御性情报活动. 前者被称为积极情报活动,后者被称为消极情报活动. 从广义上讲,"反情报"(Counterintelligence)属于消极情报活动的范畴,但不排除在实际运

differentiation strategy:差异化策略

企业必须把持著能增加竞争优势的二个策略--成本领导策略 (Cost Leadership Strategy) 与差异化策略 (Differentiation Strategy). 利用网路提供顾客支援所节省的成本是相当巨大的. 思科公司 (Cisco Systems) 是利用网路来进行其行销活动最为积极的公司之一.

feminist movement:女权运动

一九四八年七月十九日,美国纽约州召开了第一届女权运动(feminist movement)大会. 会议的目的是积极争取妇女在法律和政治上的平等,她们当时正面对着美国社会以男性为统冶主体的嘲讽和攻击. 类似于这样的活动,西方的所谓的女权主义者要比中国女人觉悟的年代要早远的多,


地下经济包括本属合法,但未向税 收机关报告的活动[如现场旧货出售(garage sale)或亲朋间提供的服务]和非法活动(如贩毒、赌博和卖淫). Unemployed 失业者 未被雇用但积极寻找工作或等待重返工作的人. Unemployment 失业 (1)在经济术语中,

in other words:换句话说

"换句话说"(In Other Words)书店,成立于1993年,位于俄勒冈州的波特兰市. 该书店以积极的姿态响应新近的"把大学带到社区"活动. 作为一个非盈利性机构,该书店的成立源于波特兰州立大学的女性学习计划的"女性社区教育方案",

I know:我知

以上所描述的活动可以让员工跨入我知(I know)的门栏,员工知道培训/学习的6W 1H 之后便会自行做出决策与相应的行为或是选择积极的I can(自我做到)的态度避免自已落后于人,甚至见贤思齐欲超越他人,或是选择I can\'t(我不 能、我不想)的态度,


在教育部创造力教育中程纲要计画(2005)及台北市创造力教育中程计画(2005)揭橥的推动方式也是本校可行之道,详列如下:4、推动行政程序标准化(SOP)减轻行政负担. (4)、举办整合式学校创意活动,培养学生4P:积极(Positivity)、愉悦(Playfulness)、热情(Passion)及坚持(Persistence).


报告表示:"为了加强和促进联合国在韩半岛地区的活动,应该制定积极的(proactive)方案. "并提议:"为实现最重要的悬案--韩半岛无核化问题,应该促进六方会谈的进程,与北韩开始进行政治对话. "据悉,潘基文还未决定对该政策建议采取何种立场.


研究者通常把情绪的强度和原子价(valence)作为描述情绪特征的两个维度. 这里"原子价"指情绪的性质或方向,例如,高兴属于接近性的、积极的情绪类型,而抑郁属于回避性的、消极的情绪类型. 研究者分别考查了成人、幼儿以及婴儿在安静、放松状态下的脑电活动,

high road:(竞选的)正道

Positive Campaigning 积极的正面选举 | High Road (竞选的)正道 | Negative Campaigning 攻讦性竞争活动