英语人>词典>汉英 : 租金帐 的英文翻译,例句
租金帐 的英文翻译、例句


rent roll
更多网络例句与租金帐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Commission making out invoice of rent (tax is charged by leaser or lessee) and offer transfer services of rent payment


EZPZ Landlord has all the standard accounting features you would expect from a computerised bookkeeping system, such as sales ledger, purchase ledger, nominal ledger, bank reconciliation, and VAT analysis with additional features such as the calculation of rents and automated credit control for tenants.


EZPZ Property Manager has all the standard accounting features you would expect from a computerised bookkeeping system, such as sales ledger, purchase ledger, nominal ledger, bank reconciliation, and VAT analysis with additional features such as the calculation of rents and commissions on managed properties and automated credit control for tenants.


When he had squared every debt, redeemed every pledge, he would still have jingling in his pockets a princely $43.90. And on top of that he would have a month's rent paid in advance on the type-writer and on the room.


Who work in the unit for more than 6 months, units and employees in respect of payment of housing provident funds;, under certain circumstances, unemployment, disability, low staff provident fund balance can also be extracted; to enjoy the minimum living guarantee for urban residents of the workers, I can extract the housing provident fund account balance of the storage for the payment of rent.

谁的工作单位, 6个月以上,单位和职工对支付住房公积金;,在某些情况下,失业,残疾,低收入的工作人员公积金余额也可提取;享受最低生活保障的城镇居民的工人,我可以提取住房公积金帐户余额存储的支付租金。

Once you have a filing cabinet, and some hanging files, create a file for each bill and bank account, for example, mortgage/rent, electric, cable TV, water/sewer, health clubs, checking account, savings account, cash receipts, etc.


更多网络解释与租金帐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accounts payable:帐款

214 应付帐款(accounts payable) 指商业应付之各种帐款. 216 应付所得税(income taxes payable) 应付未付之营利事业所得税. 217 应付费用(accrued expenses) 凡已发生而尚未支付之各项应付费用,包括应付薪工﹑租金﹑利息﹑营业税﹑应付其它税捐及其它应付费用等皆属之.


就租金方面,我们不仅要熟悉表示租金的rent,还要熟悉其他:如,第一个月除了租金外还需支付押金(deposit),每月的花费除了租金以外,还有各种各样的帐单(bills),包括:电话费(telephone bill)、煤气费(gas bill)、水电费(water/elec

GNP deflator:國民生產毛額平減指數

这里的房屋租金不仅包括实际发生的租赁支出,也涵括「设算」租金.因为设算租金其实是一种机会成本的观念,故应在衡量自有住宅的服务时纳入计算.国民生产毛额平减指数(GNP Deflator)涵盖的范围包括国民所得帐中所有的商品与服务.平减二字主要在指出,

historical cost:历史成本

在建工程和空地不能产生租金收入,所以只能以历史成本(historical cost)入帐;根据恒隆的会计政策(注2),到了物业建成租出之后,就必须改为以公平价值(fair value)入帐,所谓公平价值就是「由外聘合资格估值师评估」的价值.


rent-roll 租摺 | rent-roll 地租帐簿 | rentable 可收租金的


rent-roll 租摺 | rent-roll 地租帐簿 | rentable 可收租金的


rent-roll 地租帐簿 | rentable 可收租金的 | rentabletenantable 可租的

render an account:开送帐单; 报帐

render account 开出帐目; 结帐; 送呈帐单 | render an account 开送帐单; 报帐 | rent account 租金帐