英语人>词典>汉英 : 科罗拉多河 的英文翻译,例句
科罗拉多河 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Colorado  ·  Colo.

更多网络例句与科罗拉多河相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mark's Square in Italy~ the Alcazar Castle in Spain~ the Cologne Cathedral in Germany~ the Idyllic Sights of Windmills and Tulips in Holland~ the Acropolis of Athens in Greece~ the Wall and Clock Towers of Kremlim in Russia~ the Taj Mahal in India~ the Grand Palace in Thailand~ the Angkor Wat in Cambodia~ Shwe Dagon Pagoda in Burmai the Merlion in SingaPore~ the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Temple of Abu Simbel in Egypt~ the Grand Canyon and the Statue of Liberty in the United States~ Sydney Opera House in Australia~ the Globose in Mexico; the Statues of Easter Island in Chile~ the Linear Drawings at Nasca in Peru~ and the Great Wall and the Imperial Palace in China.


So reading about similar areas like Frying Pan: Basalt, Colorado, the South Platte in Colorado, the Gunnison in Colorado, Roaring fork of the Colorado, the Green River in Utah, Bitterroot in Montana, as well as the Yellowstone made me feel as if I were there.


Many of the world's rivers, including the Colorado in America, China's Yellow river and the Tagus, which flows through Spain and Portugal, are suffering a similar plight.


The level of the Yangtse river is falling. Other important rivers around the world are suffering in the same way: the Murray in Australia, the Colorado in the US, the Tagus in Spain and Portugal.


Hack Canyon is an affluent of Knab River, which is an affluent of the Colorado River.


At the center of the park are two deep canyons carved by the Green and Colorado Rivers.


An alarming number of the world's great rivers no longer reach the sea. They include the Indus, Rio Grande, Colorado, Murray-Darling and Yellow rivers. These are the arteries of the world's main grain-growing areas.


Major river basins, including important food producing areas around the Colorado River in the United States, the Indus River in southern Asia, the Yellow River in China, the Jordan River in the Middle East, the Nile Delta in Africa and the Murray Darling River in Australia, are 'closed', with no possibility of using more water.


He might clear the Snake River now, but his real aim was to leap the Grand Canyon.


The Green River is actually a tributary of the Colorado River.


更多网络解释与科罗拉多河相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Grand Canyon:美國-大峽谷

美国大峡谷(Grand Canyon)是一个举世闻名的自然奇观,由于科罗拉多河穿流其中,故又名科罗拉多大峡谷,它是联合国教科文组织选为受保护的天然遗产之一. 科罗拉多大峡谷位于美国亚利桑那州西北部的凯巴布高原上,是地球上最为壮丽的景色之一.

Colorado Plateau:科罗拉多高原

位于美国亚利桑那州(Arizona)西北部的科罗拉多河中游(Colorado River),科罗拉多高原(Colorado Plateau)的西南部,是地球上最为壮丽的景色之一. 包括蒙大拿(Montana),怀俄明(Wyoming),科罗拉多(Colorado)以及新墨西哥(New Mexio)华盛顿(Washington),

Colorado Springs:科罗拉多泉市

第二天 | 丹佛- 科罗拉多泉市(Colorado Springs) 行驶距离: 80 英里/129 公里第四天 | 科罗拉多泉- Cation City - 阿拉莫萨(Alamosa) 行驶距离: 201英里/324公里继续向西南方向前行来到Cation City,这里有壮观的阿肯色河皇家峡谷(Royal Gorge Canyon).


大峡谷是科罗拉多河的杰作. 这条河发源于科罗拉多州的落基山,洪流奔泻,流经犹他州、亚利桑那州,在加利福尼亚州的加利福尼亚湾入海,全长2320公里. "科罗拉多"(Colorado)是西班牙语"红河"的意思,就是因为河水中大量夹带红色的泥沙,使河水呈红色而得名.

goose neck:鹅颈

好在我们要去的被称为鹅颈(Goose Neck)的景点并不是很远. 鹅颈是科罗拉多河的一个大拐弯,河道在这里扭曲成为"Ω"状. 与天空之岛的远观不同,这里是我们与科罗拉多河的第一次亲密接触. 站在台地的边缘,科罗拉多河就在脚下100米的地方流淌,

The Grand Canyon:美国大峡谷

美国大峡谷(The Grand Canyon)是一个举世闻名的自然奇观,位于西部亚利桑那州西北部的凯巴布高原上,总面积2724.7平方公里. 由于科罗拉多河穿流其中,故又名科罗拉多大峡谷,它是联合国教科文组织选为受保护的天然遗产之一.






左岸支流主要有金托(Quinto)河等. 萨拉多河各段名称不一,圣胡安河口以上叫贝尔梅霍河,圣胡安河口以下至迪亚曼特河口叫德萨瓜德罗(Desaguadero)河,迪亚曼特河口以下至圣伊萨贝尔叫萨拉多河,再往下至与科罗拉多河汇合处称作库拉科(Curaco)河.

Green River:格林河

峡谷地国家公园Canyonlands由三大块组成,由科罗拉多河和格林河(Green River)在空中岛屿前汇合,成Y字形将它们分隔,前天去过的针尖公园Needles 属于本公园东南部,科罗拉多河西岸一块迷宫(Maze)部分没有正规的公路相通,因此一般人无法到达.