英语人>词典>汉英 : 科摩 的英文翻译,例句
科摩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I have seen them trotting into Como from Milan .


And is Perry Como one of the most American popular vocalists?


Hailing from the very many parts of the ancient tamil south which in its heydays extended from cape comorin to venkadam in north and from the kerala in west upto the eastern sea.


Although he speaks of the Far East between the 15th and 18th centuries as a single world-economy, he says it in fact comprised three "gigantic world-economies: Islam, overlooking the Indian Ocean from the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, and controlling the deserts stretching across Asia from Arabia to China; India, whose influence extended throughout the India Ocean, both east and west of Cape Comorin; and China, at once a great territorial power- striking deep into the heart of Asia-and a maritime force, controlling the seas and countries bordering the Pacific."


We had travelled from Delhi, Bombay, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Cochin all the way to Trivandrum, whence a three hours' drive along a palm-fringed road brought us to the shore of Cape Comorin at the southern most tip of India.


The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard and a fearsome predator.


Gueli meters, Sanchez, carrasco, Schuster,乌鲁蒂, Maradona, Zubizarreta, Lineker, Vaquero, Kibaki agency,阿摩尔, Farmer and Labor Laudrup, Ferrer, Stoichkov, Guardiola, Romario, Sergi,阿贝拉多, Ronaldo, Luis.


KOMODO DRAGON FACTS: Komodo Dragons live on the islands of Indonesia.


The most amazing characteristic of the komodo dragon is that the female can lay eggs that hatch without being fertilized by a male.


After arriving in Sumbawa, a ferry service from the port of Sape in the east of the island to Labuanbajo picks up and drops off passengers in Komodo in the July-August peak tourist season.


更多网络解释与科摩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


可选线路: 科摩(Como)岛/五星迎宾馆/泉山森林公园/淮塔/彭园/云龙湖/任选其一可选线路: 科摩(Como)岛/五星迎宾馆/泉山森林公园/淮塔/彭园/云龙湖/其他任选一个

Cape Comorin:科摩林角

印度有许多从神寺和神庙得来的名字,其中有孟买(Bombay)、科摩林角(Cape Comorin)、亚慕纳河(Jumna R.)等,其它国家如墨西哥、利马等也常以他们的圣庙命名.

Cape Comorin:科摩林角(地名)

克伦威尔(人名)Cromwell | 科摩林角(地名)Cape Comorin | 柯钦(地名)Cochin

Comorin, Cape:科摩林角

哥伦比亚高原 Columbia Plateau | 科摩林角 Comorin, Cape | 柯柏盆地 Cooper Basin

km : Comoros:科摩洛

KI Kiribati 吉里巴斯共和国 | KM Comoros 科摩洛 | LI Liechtenstein 列支敦斯登

FMCH Moroni, Comoros:莫洛尼(科摩洛)

FLLS Lusaka, Zambia 路沙卡(尚比亞) | FMCH Moroni, Comoros 莫洛尼(科摩洛) | FNLU Luanda, Angola 羅安達(安哥拉)

FMCH Moroni, Comoros:莫罗尼(科摩洛)

FLLS Lusaka, Zambia 卢萨卡(赞比亚) | FMCH Moroni, Comoros 莫罗尼(科摩洛) | FNLU Luanda, Angola 罗安达(安哥拉)

Komodo dragon:科摩多龙

英国的动物园在周三迎接了5只科摩多龙(komodo dragon)的出生,也为科学家在常久以来因为它繁衍困难的问题提高了士气. 在复杂的演化上,8岁的母科摩多龙让北英国的动物园震惊不已,因为该母体在未接触任何的雄龙和从未接触过雄性的情况下怀孕.

Komodo dragon:科摩多龙(世界上最巨大的蜥蜴)

LEOPARD 豹 | KOMODO DRAGON 科摩多龙(世界上最巨大的蜥蜴) | SPIDER 蜘蛛

Komodo Dragon; Varanus komodoensis:科摩多龙;科莫多龙;科莫多大蜥蜴

红麻哈鱼淡水群体的俗名 kokance | 科摩多龙;科莫多龙;科莫多大蜥蜴 Komodo Dragon; Varanus komodoensis | 皮层颗粒区 koniocortex