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科学记数法 的英文翻译、例句


scientific notation
更多网络例句与科学记数法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whether the number is printed using decimal or scientific notation depends on the value of the floating-point number being printed. The library chooses a format that enhances readability of the number. Very large and very small values are printed using scientific notation. Other values use fixed decimal.


Print floating point numbers using scientific notation.


We can use scientific notation to represent a number, for example


Displays either as a fixed-point or scientific notation based on the size of the number.


An issue when exporting output to Excel in which some values get displayed in scientific notation was resolved.


Evaluate each of the following expressions and express the answer in scientific notation.

a 5。求下列各题的值,并以科学记数法表示答案。

The computer schemes for floating point numbers are closely similar to normalized scientific notation


The format of the labels can be changed by clicking on Format in the header (the numbers, which may be in scientific notation, can be changed to "Number").


By default, the notation used to print floating-point values depends on the size of the number: If the number is either very large or very small, it will be printed in scientific notation; otherwise, fixed decimal is used.


If we want to force either scientific or fixed notation, we can do so by using the appropriate manipulator: The scientific manipulator changes the stream to use scientific notation.

如果希望强制科学记数法或固定位数小数表示,可以通过使用适当的操纵符做到这一点: scientific 操纵符将流变为使用科学记数法

更多网络解释与科学记数法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


3.4.2 双精度型(double)浮点型准记数法(Standard notation)由整数部分加小数点加小数部分组成. 例如2.0,3.14159,和0.6667 都是有效的标准记数法表示的浮点数字. 科学记数法(Scientific notation)是浮点数\ddd 八进制字符(ddd)后部讨论).

scientific notation:科学记数法

科学记数法(Scientific notation)默认总长度8、小数位数为2、任何数字用一位整数、若干小数和指数所构成. 表示指数的字母可以用E、用D,指数部分可带正负号也可不带. 甚至指数部分不用字母D或E,只用符号表示也是可以被接收的. 如123,

scientific notation:科学记法

# 9 要度量一个量,首先要做的是先大约估计它的大小. 先界定粗略的范围,这就是大小尺度 (order of magnitude) 的问题. 为此我们先复习所谓数的科学记法 (scientific notation) 或幂数记法 (exponential):

order of magnitude:数量级

一个数量级(order of magnitude)就是十倍的差异. 例如说两数相差三个数量级,其实就是说一个数比另一个大一千倍. 我们用科学记数法就能简单地描述数量级.