英语人>词典>汉英 : 种庄稼 的英文翻译,例句
种庄稼 的英文翻译、例句


till the land · be a farmer
更多网络例句与种庄稼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Take the Aswan Dam in Egypt for example ,where desert land can now be used for growing crops.


If we don't grow crops, our society is impossible.


They announced when it was time to plant crops.


After producing crops on the field for many years, we let it lie fallow now.


Where there is no rain, farming is difficult or


This species is a noxious weed and is usually a host to several viruses of crop plants.


The word still must speak of from the beginning, zhang Mou belongs to Yao to bring person of the village on end of Zhenjiang of prefectural smooth salary, culture of junior high school, humanness is laborious, will a few years be planted from the open up wasteland on the barren mountain that sends this villager panel crops, be planted the place of crops is Guang Lucun appoint meeting and river end village appoint the have a common boundary of the meeting, place name calls Zhang Jiashan, person of river end village call his small Song Ping again, fertilizer of ground of this barren mountain is careless luxuriant, it is kind of crops and the good place that depasture, in last few years, ten farmer of group of the village on river end are planted in here open up wasteland crops, year answer can obtain good crop one year, arrive again in an instant in May 2006, zhang Mou follows as one used to do same, plant on ground of him place open up wasteland went up maize, apply went up to change


The farmer raises cattle and crops.


When the farmer plants his grain, he does not plant it all in the one place and at the one time.


Large supply of non-hybrid seeds for vegetables, grains and herbs; make sure they are of the non-GMO, non-hybrid, propagating variety; also be sure to have instructions on how to harvest seeds including information on "moldering" techniques to properly collect seeds from certain plants such as tomatoes; note lastly that due to damp low-sunlight conditions many crops will not grow without growing lights and protection from rain; special research is therefore required on which crops will grow best (for instance, patty rice should grow better than wheat under damp conditions); also be sure to take into account the climactic change which results from the change in latitude due to the pole shift as a location which does not change greatly in latitude will fare better than one which falls in the vicinity of the new poles for instance; the pole shift theory presented on Zeta Talk states that the terrestrial North Pole will move to the middle of the Atlantic off the bulge of Brazil and ultimately one will need to observe the climate and the position of the sun to figure out the new latitude, and either adapt or re-locate as needed


更多网络解释与种庄稼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beady Evangelism:给熊传福音

47.How the Tinguian Learned to Plant菲律宾人学种庄稼 | 48.Beady Evangelism给熊传福音 | 49.Blonde in Space金发女郎登太空


地里的庄稼(crop)女人说种啥,男人就种啥. 左邻右舍女人说跟谁走近点跟谁走远点,男人全听女人的. 男人正跟人闲侃,女人一声喊,男人像被牵了鼻子的牛,乖乖就回去了. 男人正跟人喝酒,女人上前只扯一下耳朵(ear),就被拽进家.


你教我种庄稼(emblement)的本领吧!咱们一起种地,到秋后分配收成. 但是现在要先制定一个规则,免得到时候为这点小事伤了咱们的感情. "农夫想了想回答说:"这主意不错,那么你觉得怎么分配(distribute)收成才合理呢?"

Self-trust is the first secret of success:自信是成功的首要秘诀

2092 Repent what's past, avoid what is to come. 前事不忘,后事... | 2093 Self-trust is the first secret of success. 自信是成功的首要秘诀. | 2094 Kindnesses,like grain, increase by sowing. 友情象庄稼,愈种...


一天,狗熊对农夫说:"好朋友,你教我种庄稼(emblement)的本领吧!咱们一起种地,到秋后分配收成. 但是现在要先制定一个规则,免得到时候为这点小事伤了咱们的感情. "农夫想了想回答说:"这主意不错,那么你觉得怎么分配(distribute)收成才合理呢?"


雀形目(Passeriformes)拟黄鸝科(Icteridae)的数种鸟类. 羽衣黑色,有虹彩,尾长. 嘴粗壮尖削,用以捕捉昆虫、从土中挖取蛴螬,以及杀死鱼和幼鸟等小型脊椎动物,还可咬碎坚硬的种子. 多数集群巢居,经繁殖形成大群,并可损害庄稼.


一般认为鸥可分为几个属,但许多学者视之为一个大属:鸥属(Larus). 黑头鸥(L. ridibundus)头暗色,腿深红色,繁殖于欧亚和冰岛,向,到太平洋海滨越冬;据说曾拯救了盐湖城区早期的摩门居民的庄稼,使之免遭摩门蟋蟀(一种长角蝗虫)的破坏,

How the Tinguian Learned to Plant:菲律宾人学种庄稼

46.Magsawi马格萨韦 | 47.How the Tinguian Learned to Plant菲律宾人学种庄稼 | 48.Beady Evangelism给熊传福音

Some of fields are out of crop:有的土地是荒芜的

The land is in crop.这地里种了庄稼. | Some of fields are out of crop.有的土地是荒芜的. | When the summer crop is ripening, the autumn crop has to be sowed.夏季作物成熟时,就得播种秋季作物.

Kindnesses,like grain, increase by sowing:友情象庄稼,愈种就愈多

2093 Self-trust is the first secret of success. 自信是成功的首... | 2094 Kindnesses,like grain, increase by sowing. 友情象庄稼,愈种就愈多. | 2095 Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. 自由的代价是永...