英语人>词典>汉英 : 禁烟 的英文翻译,例句
禁烟 的英文翻译、例句


no smoking · ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade
更多网络例句与禁烟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The opium abolition campaign was one of the most important measures.


In the thick of the fug there is an antismoking ray of light.


Such is the early fate of the antismoking effort.


It's a good image for|an antismoking campaign.


For a start, governments could begin by loudspeaker banning all cigarette and tobacco advertising and should then conduct antismoking advertising campaigns of their own.


Factors, which are the embarrassed economy of the late Qing dynast, favorable international circumstances of anti-opium, rising of the modern nationalism in China and the appeal of the intellectuals, led to the opium abolition movement during the New Policy.


The vast majority of adult smokers taking up the habit as teens, and are more attracted to flavored cigarettes and tobacco products than to unflavored ones, according to the FDA, which is also mulling over regulating menthol cigarettes and flavored tobacco products other than cigarettes, the agency said.


"It's very easy for the Government to evangelise how this will be good for public health," said a council spokesman. The reality is it will cause major problems.

& 政府宣讲禁烟对公众健康的益处是很容易的,&委员会的一位代表说,实际情况是,禁烟会引发一些重大问题。

It's a revision of the city's original anti-smoking law passed back in 1994. Now there is a specific list of places affected, such as shools, hospitals, and other public places.


Results The effect of "Provisional Rules on Smoking Ban in Public Places of Shanghai" was obviously, and there was broad support on anti-smoking legislation. However some problems such as irresponsibility on smoking control, uncompleted anti-smoking system, unimplemented health education existed. Indoor air pollution was serious in some public places.

结果 《上海市公共场所禁止吸烟暂行规定》作用明显,控烟立法有广泛的支持,但同时上海部分禁烟场所存在不履行禁烟职责、制度不健全、未开展控烟宣传教育等问题,部分场所室内空气污染严重。

更多网络解释与禁烟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's a good image for|an antismoking campaign:真是禁烟运动的好象征啊

What's that?|那是什么? | It's a good image for|an antismoking campaign.|真是禁烟运动的好象征啊 | You've gotta be kidding me.|不是吧

smoking bans:禁烟令

contractual obligation 合同义务 | smoking bans 禁烟令 | grievance 牢骚,不满

smoking cessation:禁烟

726 smoking 吸烟 | 727 smoking cessation 禁烟 | 728 smoking predictors 吸烟预测因子


misunderstand 误解 | non-smoker 禁烟车厢 | dancer 跳舞者

non-smoking section:禁烟区

non-smoking section 禁烟区 | resident permit 居留许可证 | air-sick 晕机

This is a non-smoking section,isn t it:这是一个禁烟区,是不是

KEY SENTENCES焦点句型 | This is a non-smoking section,isn t it?这是一个禁烟区,是不是(7 | Do you feel like a smoke?你想抽支烟吗

smoke-free carriage:禁烟车厢

27. duty-free shop 免税商店 | 28. smoke-free carriage 禁烟车厢 | 29. food supply 食物供应

smokeless zone:禁烟区

smokeless powder 无烟火药 | smokeless zone 禁烟区 | smokeless 无烟的

non-smoking car, no smoking car:禁烟车厢

"血缘系数","coefficient of relationship" | "禁烟车厢","non-smoking car, no smoking car" | "戒烟者率","rate of quiffing amokers"

Non Smoking Room:禁烟室

time difference- 时差 | non-smoking room-禁烟室 | ☆reception program-接待计划