英语人>词典>汉英 : 票据再贴现 的英文翻译,例句
票据再贴现 的英文翻译、例句


bill rediscounted
更多网络例句与票据再贴现相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The central bank s raising of rediscount rate in 2001 caused a sharp shrink of rediscount business, which had a profound impact on the paper market in terms of its operational mode, market scope and development.


On the shrink of the central bank s rediscount business;2. As the market has developed, there is a distinct gap between rediscount , and acceptance and discount.


更多网络解释与票据再贴现相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bills dishonoured:拒付票据

bills discounted with collateral securities;有担保品票据贴现;; | bills dishonoured;拒付票据;; | bills rediscounted;票据再贴现;;

bill rediscount:票据再贴现

票据贴现 discounted note | 票据再贴现 bill rediscount | 贴现率 rate of discount

rediscount business:(票据的)再贴现业务

settlement and clearing system 清算系统 | rediscount business (票据的)再贴现业务 | required reserve system 法定准备金制度

rediscounted bill:再贴现票据

redemption price 赎回价格 | rediscounted bill 再贴现票据 | redomiciling 迁册

bills rediscounted:票据再贴现

bills dishonoured;拒付票据;; | bills rediscounted;票据再贴现;; | bin tag;货签;料签;;

bills rediscounted:再贴现票据

bills of payment 付款单 | bills rediscounted 再贴现票据 | bimetallic standard 复本位制

bill rediscounted:票据再贴现,再贴现票据

bill receivable 應收票據 | bill rediscounted 票據再貼現,再貼現票據 | billing 開單,開發票

bill rediscounted:再贴现票据

再贴现 rediscount | 再贴现票据 bill rediscounted | 再循环燃料 recycled fuel

bills rediscounted account:再贴现票据帐户

bills account 票据帐目 | bills rediscounted account 再贴现票据帐户 | bond account 债券帐户

eligible bill for rediscounting:可再贴现票据

eligibility for tax credit ==> 符合税收抵免条件 | eligible bill for rediscounting ==> 可再贴现票据 | eligible process ==> 可选进程