英语人>词典>汉英 : 神志昏迷 的英文翻译,例句
神志昏迷 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
deliriously  ·  deliriums  ·  deliria

wander in one's mind · lie in delirium
更多网络例句与神志昏迷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She knew that he had become delirious, and tried to pacify him.


The After Effects: spine stiffness, angular arch anti-sheets, spine pain, mental disorders, pediatric shock chisel-yang things do not move, fine cold thin-ching, nocturnal emission, women Shaofu bulge Leng Tong, Gong cold sterility, Yaoxisuanruan , tongue pale, pulse weak and evil committed Du channel can be expressed as trismus, headache, limb convulsion, delirium is a very, fever, white or yellow moss


Methods Based on comprehensive trentment, the consciousness ,respiration and blood oxygen saturation of the patients are monitored closely, When the patients show the symptoms of heavy tetrodontoxism Such as coma, quadriplegia, respiratory muscle paralysis and blood oxygen saturation beginning to go down, they receive effective mechanical ventilation with artificial airway by endotracheal intubating in time.


Logistic regression analysis discovered that the symptoms correlate with outcome are consciousness,flushed cheeks,anisocoria,accelerated breathing,gruff breathing,fever,spontaneous perspiration,dry stool and foul breath.3 Electroencephalography monitoring22 patients were included and no patient\'s electroencephalogram was normal. Special types of electroencephalogram include 1 spindle coma and 3α,θcoma, and 1 patient\'s electroencephalogram appeared spike and slow wave complex.


Results: Four patients suffering from sudden dyspnea were subjected to emergency tracheotomy: of them, one patient died, one suffering from coma secondary to cerebral hernia and edema resumed sensation but regained hemiparalysis, and 2 were fully healed. The other three suffering from dyspnea of 2 to 3 degrees recovered after an intensive monitoring and a large dosage of steroid.

结果:7例患者中4例突发呼吸困难加重行紧急气管切开,其中死亡1例,发生脑疝脑水肿昏迷1例,经综合治疗神志恢复,遗留偏瘫,另外2例痊愈;其他3例发生2 3度呼吸困难,经严密监护观察,大剂量应用激素治愈。

Results There were 14 unconscious patients of hypoglycemic syndrome, of them, there were 3 patients with transient hypoglycemic hemiparesis on the right,2 with hypoglycemic hemiplegia on the right, 1 with transient hypoglycemic hemiparesis on the left ,1 with hypoglycemic hemiplegia on the left and 1 right-left mixed hypoglycemic hemiparesis patient and there were 3 patients with right side Babinski's sign.

结果 14例低血糖误诊的病例中神志模糊5例,昏迷9例,14例中发作性右侧轻偏瘫3例,右侧偏瘫2例,左侧轻偏瘫1例,左侧偏瘫1例,右侧肢体瘫痪与左侧肢体瘫痪交替出现的1例,右侧巴宾斯基征阳性3例。

By the therapy the time of the patients from unconsciousness to consciousness (4. 94 days) in proctoclysis group was significantly shorter than that (6. 9 days) in the control group. After seven days and fourteenth days therapy the increase in the scores of Glasgow-Pittsburgh coma and the total effective rates in proctoclysis group were superior to those in control group.


The Tongfuxingshen liquid proctoclysis can promote the patients in unconscious state to conscious state, and improve the degree of coma and the scores of nervous functional defects,To observe the expression of HSP70, HO-1mRNA and the Cerebral vessels permeability, encephaledema in rat brain after experimental haemorrhagic stroke. Hemorrhagic stroke Sprague Dawley rat model was made by injecting collagenase type Ⅶ and hepathrom stereotaxically, Rats were randomly divided into fake operation group, model group and enema group, take orally group, in three time point (3 days, 5 days, 7 days) we observed the change of cerebral vessels permeability, encephaledema and HSP70 immunohistochemistry, HO-1mRNA hybridization in situ.


In the meantime, even in their present form, the cell tra lants may still help some people - a roximately 10 percent of those with Type 1 diabetes, who frequently suffer from severe episodes of low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, that strike without warning and can cause confusion, fainting or even seizures.


Her intellect was rather limited in its scope, and she attached no more importance to her son's eager words now, than she had attached to the wild ravings of delirium.


更多网络解释与神志昏迷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


deliriant 精神错乱的 | delirifacient 谵妄促成剂 | delirious 神志昏迷


delirious 神志昏迷的 | delirium 精神狂乱 | delitescence 潜伏期

wander in one's mind:神志昏迷, 说胡话

uppermost in sb.'s mind 在头脑里占第一位, 成为某人注意的中心 | wander in one's mind 神志昏迷, 说胡话 | weigh on one's mind 挂在心上; 担心

weigh on one's mind:挂在心上; 担心

wander in one's mind 神志昏迷, 说胡话 | weigh on one's mind 挂在心上; 担心 | with.... in mind 把....搁在心上