英语人>词典>汉英 : 神庙 的英文翻译,例句
神庙 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fane  ·  hieron  ·  fanes

更多网络例句与神庙相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of the public works that were constructed by him the following remain today: the temple of Hadrian54 at Rome, so called in honour of his father, the Graecostadium,55 restored by him after its burning,56 the Amphitheatre,57 repaired by him, the tomb of Hadrian,58 the temple of Agrippa,59 and the Pons Sublicius,60 also the Pharus, the port at Caieta, and the port at Tarracina, all of which he restored, the bath at Ostia,61 the aqueduct at Antium, and the temples at Lanuvium.


Elgin's acquisitions also included objects from other buildings on the Athenian Acropolis: a Caryatid from Erechtheum; four slabs from the frieze of the Temple of Athena Nike; and a number of other architectural fragments of the Parthenon, Propylaia, Erechtheum, the Temple of Athena Nike and the Treasury of Atreus.


The renowned Athens Acropolis (5th century BC), atop a craggy walled hill, is home to four main edifices-the Propylaea , Parthenon, Erechtheum (Ionic temple noted for its caryatid porch), and Temple of Athena Nike-all built from white marble plentiful in the region.

著名的雅典卫城(Athens Acropolis,建于西元前5世纪)位于陡峭的山岗上,有四座重要建筑物:卫城山门、巴特农神庙、厄瑞克底翁庙(Erechtheum,以女像柱〔caryatid〕闻名的爱奥尼亚神庙)和雅典娜胜利神庙,都是以该地区生产的白色大理石筑成。

Arranged around an indoor court and with the Museum's glass enclosure, the gallery display aims at orienting the Marbles Ionian frieze and metopes - exactly as they were placed at the Parthenon on the 5th century BC The visitor has the opportunity to view not only the Parthenon marbles in a space that has exactly the same dimensions as the cella of the Parthenon, but also the monument itself through the gallery's all around glass enclosure.

安排与室内法院和博物馆的玻璃外壳,画廊展出定向的大理石-爱奥尼亚楣和metopes -正是因为他们在五世纪的帕台农神庙前的访问者把目标有机会看到不仅是帕台农神庙在空间具有完全一样的巴台农神庙大理石塞拉相同的尺寸,而且本身的纪念碑,通过画廊的四周的玻璃结构。

DM, he who himself took from Faustina not only her temple but also her name as a goddess -- that temple, at least, which her husband had built her in the foot-hills of the Taurus, and in which this man's son Elagabalus Antoninus afterwards made a shrine, either for himself or for the Syrian Jupiter or for the Sun.


DM, he who himself took from Faustina not only her temple but also her name as a goddess -- that temple, at least, which her husband had built her in the foot-hills of the Taurus, and in which this man's son Elagabalus Antoninus afterwards made a shrine, either for himself or for the Syrian Jupiter or for the Sun. NeniQeR


The ancient writer Pausanias praises the temple as eclipsing all others but the temple of Athena at Tegea by the beauty of its stone and the harmony of its construction.


Further north, there is also the Temple of Horus at Edfu. This Ptolemaic temple is one of the most completely preserved temples in Egypt.


Within the enclosure of Proteus there is a temple called the temple of the "foreign Aphrodite," which temple I conjecture to be one of Helen the daughter of Tyndareus, not only because I have heard the tale how Helen dwelt with Proteus, but also especially because it is called by the name of the "foreign Aphrodite," for the other temples of Aphrodite which there are have none of them the addition of the word "foreign" to the name.


Our own trip down the Nile begins at the temple of Abu Simbel. The Egyptian ruler Ramses the Second built this extraordinary temple over three thousand two hundred years ago. The temple is dedicated to the Egyptian gods Ra-Horakhty, Amun and Ptah. But it is really meant to show the power and strength of Ramses the Second who led Egypt for over sixty years.


更多网络解释与神庙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Tholos of Epidaurus:埃匹多拉斯圆形神庙

伊瑞克忒翁神庙 The Erecheheion | 特尔斐的阿波罗神庙 The Temple of Apollo | 埃匹多拉斯圆形神庙 The Tholos of Epidaurus

Temple of Erechtheum:伊瑞克提翁神庙

Parthenon 帕提农神庙 | Temple of Erechtheum 伊瑞克提翁神庙 | Temple of Nike 胜利神庙

Temple of Hathor:哈索尔神庙

拉美西斯二世神庙Temple of Ramses II | 哈索尔神庙Temple of Hathor | 荷露斯神庙 Temple of Horus

Temple of Hephaestus:赫菲斯托斯神庙

爬上一个小山就是闻名的赫菲斯托斯神庙(Temple of Hephaestus)建于公元前449年,比卫城的帕台农神庙还要早两年. 神庙外围的成排的多利安廊柱保存完整,在阳光的照射下形成了美妙的光影组合,令我驻足观望. 从赫菲斯托斯神庙可以看到对面山上美丽的卫城,

The Parthenon:帕特农神庙

人群其实大多都聚集在神奇的帕特农神庙(THE Parthenon)附近(布局图9). 这座可以称之为世界上最伟大的古典建筑之一的神庙就如一个王者,在太阳照耀下闪耀着迫人的光辉. 神庙在维修,游客也不可以越过围绕着它的细线靠近它观赏,


pseudoperipteral:四周有支柱的神庙. | dipteral:四周有双排支柱的神庙. | pseudodiperal:双排柱结构但无内侧柱廊的神庙.


clithral:有屋顶的古代神庙. | hypethral:部分或全部露天的古代神庙. | pseudoperipteral:四周有支柱的神庙.


hypethral:部分或全部露天的古代神庙. | pseudoperipteral:四周有支柱的神庙. | dipteral:四周有双排支柱的神庙.

Temple of Karnak:卡尔纳克神庙

卡尔纳克神庙(Temple of Karnak)又译为卡纳克神庙或卡耐克神庙,位于卢克索以北5公里处,是古埃及帝国遗留的最壮观的神庙,因其浩大的规模而闻名世界,仅保存完好的部分占地就达30多公顷,是研究中王国和新王国历史、文化的重要考古遗迹.

Karnak Sound and Light Show:卡尔纳克神庙声光秀

伊德夫何露斯神庙 EDFU Temple | 卡尔纳克神庙声光秀 Karnak Sound and Light Show | Day 8 阿拜多斯神庙 Abydos Temple