英语人>词典>汉英 : 祈使语气 的英文翻译,例句
祈使语气 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
imperative  ·  imperatives

更多网络例句与祈使语气相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Through the study, the author finds that the advertisers use different kinds of mood adjuncts, modal auxiliaries to claim different degrees of certainty and uncertainty so as to make the advertisements convincing as well as revealing; the advertisers use the present tense to turn to the readers intermittently and to make implicit evaluations of their products/services along the way; use multiple means to realize the imperativeness in advertisements and they address the readers as "you" in advertising textual world to create the pull for the readers to get into the real situation.


From Middle High German halten

源自 中古高地德语源自halten的祈使语气动词

Hands up/ put up one's hand 相当于 Put up your arms over your head!

hands up 是一句祈使语气的口语,举起手来!

In English the indicative mood is used to make factual statements, the subjunctive mood to indicate doubt or unlikelihood , and the imperative mood to express a command.


In English the indicative mood is used to make factual statements, the subjunctive mood to indicate doubt or unlikelihood, and the imperative mood to express a command.


At the clausal level , interpersonal meaning of English advertising discourse is mainly realized by declarative mood , imperative mood and interrogative mood .


Using descriptive linguistics and referring to the research results through habitual ways of expression, study in detail the seven kinds of imperative mode from the aspect of semantics.


更多网络解释与祈使语气相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

imperative mood:祈使语气

在英语文法中有三种语气,即直述式语气(Indicative Mood)、 祈使语气 (Imperative Mood)和虚拟语气(Subjective Mood),其中前两种我们早已熟悉了,这里则不多谈了,如: Howbeautiful she is!



indicative mood:陈述语气

英语中有三种语气:陈述语气(indicative mood)、祈使语气(imperative mood)和虚拟语气(subjunctive mood). 虚拟语气表示说话者所说的话与客观事实相反,只是一种纯粹假设,或者只是一种愿望、建议、猜测. 这种语气通常用在虚拟条件句和表示愿望、建议、猜测等意义的句子中.

indicative mood:直陈语气

虚拟语气的精讲精练,有详细的讲解和大量习题(有详解),适合最后的总复习. 语气 (mood)是一种动词形式,用以表示说话者的意图或态度. 英语中的语气有三种:陈述语气、祈使语气和虚拟语气. 直陈语气(indicative mood),表示所说的话是事实.





Modal verbs:情态动词

情态动词(Modal Verbs)是说话人用来表示说话的语气,包括叙述、命令、要求、愿望及不可能的假设. 如果是叙述,就是叙事语气. 命令或要求,就是祈使语气;愿望或不可能的假设,就是虚拟语气.

imperatival:命令语句的, 祈使(语气)的

peen hammer 斧锤 | imperatival 命令语句的, 祈使(语气)的 | page layout [计]页面


7 介词和副词小品词(介副词)Prepositions and adverb particles | 8 动词、动词时态、祈使语气Verbs,verbtenses,imperatives | 10 情态动词和有关动词Modal auxiliaries and related verbs

Verbs,verbtenses,imperatives:动词. 动词时态. 祈使语气

7 介词和副词小品词 介副词 Prepositions and adverb particles | 8 动词. 动词时态. 祈使语气Verbs, verbtenses, imperatives | 10 情态动词和有关动词Modal auxiliaries and related verbs