英语人>词典>汉英 : 碳酸铅 的英文翻译,例句
碳酸铅 的英文翻译、例句


lead carbonate · plumbous carbonate · leaching carbonate · plumbi carbonas
更多网络例句与碳酸铅相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is the second time the DEC has issued a charge of pollution with criminal negligence, following charges against the Esperance Port Authority over emissions of lead carbonate during shipping.


The Ultrafine powder of lead carbonate crystallites was Synthesized by chemical precipitation method.

运用 TEM对合成的碳酸铅形态及颗粒尺寸大小进行表征。

The influences of reaction temperature, reaction time and the ratio of reactants on the formation of lead carbonate crystallites were investigate.

通过实验确定了解制备碳酸铅的最佳工艺条件:反应温度为 95℃,反应时间为 5 h,反应物浓度为0 。5 mol/l,反应物配比为 1∶ 6。

Study on the synthesis of ultrafine powder of lead carbonate.


The result shows basic lead carbonate is the main component of the glaze.


A heavy white poisonous powder, essentially basic lead carbonate, used in paint pigments.


Lead carbonate ; chemical precipitation method ; TEM


Cast lead ; corrosion rate ; lead white rust ; lead hydroxide ; basic lead carbonate


The effects of seven lead salts, including PCDS, PDS, NIP, lead 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol -5-one, lead 2,4-dihydroxybenzoate, lead phthalate and lead carbonate, on the combustion characteristics of the high energy smokeless modified double-base propellant was studied in details.


Products available:strontium chloride,strontium nitrate,high purity strontium carbonate,strontium hydroxide,strENDS UNION ENTERPRISE LTD.


更多网络解释与碳酸铅相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

basic lead acetate:碱式醋酸铅,碱式乙酸铅

basic law of price change 价格变化基本规律 | basic lead acetate 碱式醋酸铅,碱式乙酸铅 | basic lead carbonate 碱式碳酸铅

lead carbonate:碳酸铅

lead bath 铅浴 | lead carbonate 碳酸铅 | lead chamber 铅室

lead carbonate:碱性碳酸铅

"轻泻剂","Laxatives" | "碱性碳酸铅","Lead carbonate" | "碘化铅","Lead iodide"

basic lead carbonate:碱式碳酸铅

basic function 基础函数 | basic lead carbonate 碱式碳酸铅 | basic material 基本材料

basic lead carbonate:碱式碳酸铅;铅白

basic lavas | 基性熔岩 | basic lead carbonate | 碱式碳酸铅 铅白 | basic lead chromate | 碱式铬酸铅 铬红

basic lead carbonate:硷式碳酸铅

basic dye 硷性染料 | basic lead carbonate 硷式碳酸铅 | basidiomycete 担子菌

Lead Carbonate, Basic (80%concentration ):碱式碳酸铅

不溶性硫磺/Insoluble Sulfur | 氧化铋/Bismuth Oxide | 碱式碳酸铅/Lead Carbonate, Basic (80%concentration )

white lead:碱式碳酸铅;铅白

whirling 离心脱水;甩干[俗] | white lead 碱式碳酸铅;铅白 | wicket mark 烘架印[罐头用印铁涂层在烘干时由于烘架震动磨擦的痕迹]

white lead paper:铅白纸;碳酸铅滤纸

铅白 white lead | 铅白纸;碳酸铅滤纸 white lead paper | 乾湿球湿度计 wet and dry bulb hygrometer

white lead paper:碳酸铅浸过的滤纸

White P-白票, 光票, 商业净票 | white lead paper碳酸铅浸过的滤纸 | white manifold paper复印纸