英语人>词典>汉英 : 碱性液 的英文翻译,例句
碱性液 的英文翻译、例句


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In which case, the available than the normal slightly thick developering alkalescence liquid again one more time.


During the investigation on the isolation of aureomycin from fermentation broth, it was observed that the stability of aureomycin depended upon the pH and temperature of the solution.


Methods The immobilizing conditions of neutrophil alkaline phosphatase staining were detected by the stationary liquid of 40%, 60% and 80% acetone-citric acid, and at the same time, the staining conditions were detected at 10, 15 and 20 minutes in the matrix liquid prepared respectively with 2-amino-2-methyl-1.3-propylene glycol (PH9.4-9.6) buffer, barbital (PH9.2) buffer and Tris (PH9.2) buffer.


The effects of FPL andits three ingredients on growth of ovary,on micro-and ultra-structure andAlkaline phosphatase activity of endometrium,on structure andkeratinization rate of exfoliated cells in vaginal epithelium in mice,onmicrocirculation in rat and on uterine kinesis in rabbit were respectivelyobserved by the techniques of light and electron microscopes,histochemistry,microcirculation and organ cinetography.The results have confirmed themechanism of FPL for the sterility caused by ovary standstill and persistentcorpus luteum to be as follows:(1) a weak estrogen-like role which canprompt development of ovary,proliferation and secretion of endometrium andvaginal epithelium and cornification of exfoliated cells in vaginal epithelium;(2)enhancing AKP's activity of endometrium;(3)improving microcirculation;(4) exciting uterus.


Ore-forming has close relation with rich-alkalescence geotherm and calc alkali syeogranite, which belongs to middle temperature geotherm al beryllium deposit, and formed in Mesozoic Yanshan period.


The Ca2+ salt solution as a new regenerant was presented in this paper. The influences of the calcium salt proportioning, temperature, dosage and flow rate on anion exchange fiber regeneration were studied. High regeneration can be obtained with 0.5 mol/L CaCl2+8 g/L CaO+6.5 °Bx sucrose solution at 70~80 ℃, the dosage of the Ca2+ salt solution was about half of the raw decoloring syrup, the regenerant flow rate should be lower than that of the raw decoloring syrup. It was shown that stable decolorization rate and lower decline in exchange capacity could be achieved with the new regenerant. It performed more effectively than the traditional sodium salt regenerant with less discharge of waste water.

选用二价钙离子蔗糖溶液为再生剂,再生蔗糖脱色后的强碱性阴离子交换纤维,研究了再生液的配比、再生温度、再生液用量、再生液流速等因素对再生效果的影响,结果表明配比为0.5 mol/L CaCl2+8 g/L CaO+6.5 °Bx蔗糖的再生液在70~80℃温度下,再生剂的用量约为脱色糖汁的一半,流速应低于脱色时的流速时,再生效果优于传统的钠盐再生剂的再生效果,重复再生后的纤维脱色率能保持稳定,交换容量下降少,且再生液能回收利用,废水排放量小,是一种环保型再生液。

The Ca(superscript 2+) salt solution as a new regenerant was presented in this paper. The influences of the calcium salt proportioning, temperature, dosage and flow rate on anion exchange fiber regeneration were studied. High regeneration can be obtained with 0.5mol/L CaCl2+8g/L CaO+6.5 °Bx sucrose solution at 70~80℃, the dosage of the Ca(superscript 2+) salt solution was about half of the raw decoloring syrup, the regenerant flow rate should be lower than that of the raw decoloring syrup. It was shown that stable decolorization rate and lower decline in exchange capacity could be achieved with the new regenerant. It performed more effectively than the traditional sodium salt regenerant with less discharge of waste water.

选用二价钙离子蔗糖溶液为再生剂,再生蔗糖脱色后的强碱性阴离子交换纤维,研究了再生液的配比、再生温度、再生液用量、再生液流速等因素对再生效果的影响,结果表明配比为0.5mol/L CaCl2+8g/L CaO+6.5 °Bx蔗糖的再生液在70~80℃温度下,再生剂的用量约为脱色糖汁的一半,流速应低于脱色时的流速时,再生效果优于传统的钠盐再生剂的再生效果,重复再生后的纤维脱色率能保持稳定,交换容量下降少,且再生液能回收利用,废水排放量小,是一种环保型再生液。

It is found that the surface of Nafion membrane can be rendered more hydrophilic by modification with sulfonic type PFSAS.


The tuffaceous volcanic reservoir s of Xing'anling group in Hailaer Basin, Daqing Oilfield, includes andesite-rhyolite tuffaceous, andesite tuffaceous and trachy-rhyolite tuffaceous volcanic rocks.


The desulfurizing absorption tail liquid treated by microbe is basic, and it can return directly to the desulfurizing absorption unit and be reused as a basic absorption liquid; the chemical oxidant is oxygenized by microbe to revive.


更多网络解释与碱性液相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alkali metal:碱性金属

alkali liquor 碱液 | alkali metal 碱性金属 | alkali metal grease 碱金属润滑脂

basic solution:原液;盐液

"碱性皂","basic soap" | "原液;盐液","basic solution" | "碱度;碱性","basicity"

caustic lime:碱性石灰

caustic extraction 碱抽提 | caustic lime 碱性石灰 | caustic lye 苛性碱液,烧碱液,火碱液

cell sap:细胞液

花青素的颜色随着液泡中细胞液(cell sap)的酸碱性不同而变化,酸性时呈红色,碱性时呈蓝色. 在实践中可用花青素的颜色变化作为形态和生理指标. 此外,在细胞生长代谢的特定时期,液泡还能形成多种结晶状物.

alkaline china clay:碱性瓷土

"alkalimetry","碱定量法" | "alkaline china clay","碱性瓷土" | "alkaline cleaner","碱清洁液"

ealkali fumes:碱性烟雾

eagro-sylvo-pastoral system 农林牧系统 | ealkali fumes 碱性烟雾 | ealkaline buffer 碱性缓冲剂; 碱性缓冲液

alkali reclaim:碱液回收

alkali olivine basalt 碱性橄榄石玄武岩 | alkali reclaim 碱液回收 | alkali resistance 抗碱性


5.清洗(WASH)系统探针和搅拌棒采用激流式等方式自动冲洗. 清洗装置一般由吸液针、吐液针和擦拭刷组成. 清洗工作流程为吸出反应一吸于一注入纯水一吸干一擦干. 清洗液有碱性和酸眭两种. 一般说来,在吸出反应液后,仪器先用碱性液冲洗,

alkaline bleach liquor:碱性漂液

alkali treatment 碱处理 | alkaline bleach liquor 碱性漂液 | alkaline bleach liquor cleavage 碱性分裂,碱性裂解


校准 alignment | 碱性液 alkalies | 碱度 alkalinity