英语人>词典>汉英 : 碎石术 的英文翻译,例句
碎石术 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lithotrity  ·  lithoclasty  ·  lithotripsy  ·  lithotrities

更多网络例句与碎石术相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective:To probe into the application of evidencebased nursing for patients accepting percutaneous nephrolithotomy air pressure ballistic curve lithotripsy in prevention of body position complications.


Methods: A total of 80 renal calculus patients undergoing percutaneous nephrolithotomy air pressure ballistic curve lithotripsy were carried out evidence-based nursing to prevent postoperative body position complications.


City of Hubei province yellow stone loves make water of health hospital secrete small start surgical department from August 2007 up to now, ureter lens of applied Switzerland EMS and ureter of cure of baric and ballistic stone crusher are calculous, give after art nurse accordingly measure, the patient recovers entirely leave hospital, obtain satisfactory result. Will nurse now experience reports as follows.


Nevertheless, our study concerning the patient characteristics causing consensus problem of medical service utilization in ESWL, especially, excess of demand may provide useful information to reform a health care delivery system, such as increased premium according to increased income, increased copayment and propaganda of health education.


Objective To evaluae the clinical use of ureteroscope pneumatic lithotrity on the treatment of ureteral stones.Methods 412patients with stone in ureter were treated with the above mentioned lithotriptor.

目的 探讨输尿管镜气压弹道碎石术治疗输尿管结石的临床疗效方法采用URS取石或配合气压弹道碎石术治疗输尿管结石患者412例。

The 112 cases review analyses outpatient services are applied curing the clinical data of ureter disease patient through the trans-urethral ureteroscope, and among them cure in next section 97 cases in the middle and lower ureteral stone combination the going on nephralgia, blocking nature kidney, the ballistic lithotripsy etc through the trans-urethral ureteroscope, other is for diagnosis 15 cases URS.


The ballistic lithoclast is a safe and effective means of endoscopic lithotripsy, which is the treatment of choice for mid and lower u reteric stones.


Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of ureteroscopic micro pneumatic lithotripsy and estracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy for treatment of ureteric calculi.

目的 探讨输尿管镜微创气压弹道碎石术与体外震波碎石术治疗输尿管结石的临床疗效。

Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of ureteroscopic micro pneumatic lithotripsy and estracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy for treatment of ureteric calculi.

目的 探讨输尿管镜微创气压弹道碎石术与体外震波碎石术输尿管结石的临床疗效。

Objective: To investigate the effect of the Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in management of complicated upper ureteric calculi, comparing with Trans-urethral Ureteroscope Lithotripsy.


更多网络解释与碎石术相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


lithotrite 碎石器 碎石钳 | lithotrity 碎石术 | lithotype 利索型照相排字机 煤岩类型

lithotrity:碎石术 (名)

lithotritist 碎石专科医师 (名) | lithotrity 碎石术 (名) | Lithuania 立陶宛 (名)


choledocholithotomy 胆总管石切除术 | choledocholithotripsy 胆总管碎石术 | choledochoplasty 胆总管成形术


electrolithotripsia 电碎石术 | electrolithotrity 电碎石术 | electrolock 电气锁 电锁器

Transurethral Litholapaxy:经尿道膀胱碎石术

输尿管肾镜直视下取石术Ureterorenoscopic Stone Extraction 263 | 经尿道膀胱碎石术Transurethral Litholapaxy 267 | 经尿道前列腺电切术Transurethral Resection of the Prostate 272

ultrasonic lithotresis:超声波碎石术,超声碎石术

ultrasonic linear image diagnosis device 超声线性成像诊断仪 | ultrasonic lithotresis 超声波碎石术,超声碎石术 | ultrasonic luminescence 超声发光

vesical calculus lithotresis:膀胱结石碎石术

膀胱切开取石术,耻骨上 cystolithotomy,suprapubic | 膀胱结石碎石术 vesical calculus lithotresis | 膀胱碎石洗出术 vesical litholapaxy


lithotripsia 碎石术 | lithotripsy 碎石术 | lithotriptor 碎石器

endoscopic lithotripsy:内镜碎石[术]

内镜取石[术], endoscopic stone extraction technique? | 内镜碎石[术], endoscopic lithotripsy? | 内镜胰管引流[术], endoscopic drainage of pancreatic duct?

electrohydraulic lithotripsy:液电压碎石术

膀胱镜碎石术 lithotriptoscopy | 液电压碎石术 electrohydraulic lithotripsy | 膀胱针刺吸引术,耻骨上 needle aspiration of bladder, suprapubic