英语人>词典>汉英 : 硬伤 的英文翻译,例句
硬伤 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

mechanical damage
更多网络例句与硬伤相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But for me the game was up with, first, the assumption of the teenage Jamal's role by Dev Patel – a dolefully inexpressive young actor also handicapped by strikingly dissimilar features to the previous Jamals – and, second, with the rush-to-resolution of every subplot as time runs out and the audience threatens to turn back into a pumpkin. A post-Halloween pumpkin.


Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the gam


But there's a big hitch in Obama's reasoning.


Unlike many United States cities, where a river is no longer the focal point of urban life, the river in San Antonio winds through the middle of the business district, and the River, or Paseo del Rio, is the city's most popular.

答案是E。他说B的错误是which离US最近,所以他指代的是US不是the river,我觉得这样的解释很牵强,我们曾经做过无数的指代稍微远的题,这是否为硬伤

The gorgeous-looking bruising with superiority showing in the pictures are the witnesses of our real memory of the time.


Connection between living room and dining room: use the softy wall as background wall to connective living room and dining room.


The article summarizied the following items,those are juggle with concepts, the errors of the major premise , the testimony of ontology, the Hegelistic academic concept, the revised empiricism , the terrific resemblance , the uncalculated sopyistry and the concept of pracmatical truth,etc.


World's possession of lethal "Yingshang", the company was founded nearly four shareholders are also charged with numerous open continuously for unauthorized debt, whenever unpayable debt, the world's shares will be "equity" to the hands of other companies.


Basically, the cleaning method is to use cloth coated with a little water, and then gently wipe in the uppers and vamps attention on whether the stolen property is "硬伤", if there is cracking硬伤uppers, then skip there place injury, because if there are injuries in place to continue to rub the wound will become even more dirty, and even become larger cracks.


Design Award was originally thought that the house design in the units will not be a problem, did not expect to live into later found to have so many硬伤, bedroom design is especially unreasonable, poor lighting, no direct ventilation of the windows will be just, but also difficult to install air-conditioning, it is not possible Condenser extraction, if the adoption of the balcony, there is a large amount of possession, the decoration is very intractable.


更多网络解释与硬伤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bruising:压扁 硬伤

brick kiln 砖窑 | bruising 压扁; 硬伤 | Buddhist n. 佛教徒a. 佛教的


食管镜检查(esophagoscopy)是将食管镜插入食管内对病变进行检查和治疗的一种方法. 与支气管镜一样,食管镜亦有硬管和软管两种类型. 对严重心血管病、严重食管静脉曲张、食道腐蚀伤急性期及危重患者,不宜进行检查.

extradural hemorrhage:硬脑膜外血肿

explosion injury 爆炸伤 | extradural hemorrhage 硬脑膜外血肿 | fabricated wound 伪伤

fabricated wound:伪伤

extradural hemorrhage 硬脑膜外血肿 | fabricated wound 伪伤 | fall from height injury 坠落伤



intracerebral hematoma:[脑内血肿]

(3) 脑内血肿(intracerebral hematoma) 临床与硬膜下血肿类似,难以区别. 病儿可有中间清醒期,可被误诊力硬膜外血肿. 20.脑实质内出血(brain parenchymal hemorrhage) 脑创伤、产伤、窒息、出血凝血性疾并白血并早发、晚发维生素K缺乏症等,


需要提醒读者的是, 这一类的问题是所谓的 "自然性" (Naturalness) 问题, 也就是说是现有理论显得不够自然的地方, 并非是象实验反例那样无法解决的 "硬伤", 粒子物理的标准模型迄今尚未遇到任何确凿的实验反例.

pinching hazard:压伤性危险

puncture hazard 刺伤性危险 | pinching hazard 压伤性危险 | rigid projection hazard 硬突起物伤害危险


Tomida等(17)采用急性期延迟增强MRI方法,探讨了预测进展性EDH和硬脑膜下血肿(SDH)的可能性. 作者对伤后首次CT扫描显示为没有占位效应的小EDH和SDH患者,进行延迟MRI检查. 结果发现凡是出血部位有弥散性增强者(说明受损的血管有活动性的出血),

Scleredema of newborn:新生儿硬肿症

诊断方法1.临床表现 本病常发生在寒冷季节,以生后不久或1周内的婴儿多见,多有环境温度偏低,保暖不够的...新生儿硬肿症(scleredema of newborn)为一综合征,主要由寒冷损伤引起,故又称寒冷损伤综合征(cold injury syndrome),简称新生儿冷伤.