英语人>词典>汉英 : 硕果仅存 的英文翻译,例句
硕果仅存 的英文翻译、例句


one and the only one
更多网络例句与硕果仅存相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In January, the last major European memory-chip maker, Germany's Qimonda AG, filed for insolvency.


Nowadays, the person do poineering work that only poineering group of wisdom couplet invite applications for a job is rare survival holds the person hold to of large stockholder concurrently, as competitive aggravate, future, the SEEK that comes from Australia can strengthen his to counterpoise in Chinese speech, also on the knees of the gods.


The civil artist Lantian Wang take his understanding and grasp of life in these" mud gugu" with colourful, modeling lovely, beautiful intention.


But whereas there are 19 species in the family of so-called true seals, and 14 in the family of fur seals and sea lions, the walrus is the only living representative of the family Odobenidae.


The pronunciation of Ngau Tau Kwok in Cantonese is same as cattle horn.


A combination of marketing/PR hype, just-in-case recycled internal junk, and self-congratulation, most corporate websites are devoid of useful content, and those that do have useful stuff have it buried where it can't be found.


The only good men left in Panama City are you and me.


更多网络解释与硕果仅存相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Felix Chong:编 剧 庄文强

编 剧: 庄文强 (Felix Chong) / 陈淑贤 (Susan Chan)以历史名人为故事的>,目前未知故事的发展,仅知安东尼鹤健士可望在片中饰演亚历山大大帝麾下最后硕果仅存的将军托勒密,托勒密后来还在亚历山大帝国建立之后成为埃及法老.


171. 人类之子/绝种浩劫/硕果仅存/末代浩劫 Children of Men (2006) | 172. 疤面煞星/疤面人/疤脸人 Scarface (1983) | 173. 迷离世界/哈维 Harvey (1950)

So no more opposition, silent or otherwise:公开或地下反对势力 全被扫荡一空

The handful that Noriega hadn't banged up already.|逃过诺瑞耶加追杀 硕果仅存的一小群 | So no more opposition, silent or otherwise.|公开或地下反对势力 全被扫荡一空 | Burnt...|有的惨遭火攻...