英语人>词典>汉英 : 破产行为 的英文翻译,例句
破产行为 的英文翻译、例句


act of bankruptcy
更多网络例句与破产行为相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus, it is easier for affiliated enterprises to exercise false insolvency or fraudulence in bankruptcy to injure the creditors.


The breach of law in affiliated enterprise bankruptcy includes false bankruptcy and bankruptcy fraudulence.


3Both the controlling and the subordinative go bankruptcy.


Bankruptcy is one of means of protection.The fundamental principle of law of bankruptcy is to protect benefits of both creditors and debtors. The most important is to prelect the benefits of creditors.However in practice,the phenomenon of violating creditors rights is always happened.


The automatic stay is a system in bankruptcy law, it brings to a halt and prohibits all acts direct at the debtor to recover a prepetition claim and all other collections will have negative influence on property of the debtor's estate should cease upon the filing of a petition.


Analyses the three kinds of crime which modified and added by amended bill of criminal law : the requisites for the offence of misstating report finance and accounting, the accusation and requisites for the fraudulent bankruptcy and infringing the asset of listed companies. Chapter V researches the defect and perfection of the criminal law when it secures the liability institution of company by compares the antique company law.


As a system to protect the interest of the creditors before the declaration of bankruptcy.the right to repeal of bankrupt sets its aim to protect the creditor as a whole.This system repeals any Liquidation action which is against the interest of all the creditors,thus to realize the aim of bankruptcy law that the assets for insolvency are fairly and reasonably allocated to creditors.


But the gains of bargains are of a more doubtful nature; when men shall wait upon others' necessity, broke by servants and instruments to draw them on, put off others cunningly that would be better chapmen, and the like practices which are crafty and naught.

但议价交易的收益,其性质就值得怀疑了:他们将等待别人的困难,利用仆人和手段拉这些人上钩,导致他们破产,他们还将狡猾地排挤可能比较好的小商,或采取类似的狡诈不良行为。( broke 是形容词,表示&破产&。

EXCLUSIONS 4 In no case shall this insurance cover 4.1 loss damage or expense attributable to wilful misconduct of the Assured 4.2 ordinary leakage, ordinary loss in weight or volume, or ordinary wear and tear of the subject-matter insured 4.3 loss damage or expense caused by insufficiency or unsuitability of packing or preparation of the subject-matter insured (for the purpose of this clause 4.3 "packing" shall be deemed to include stowage in a container or liftvan but only when such stowage is carried out prior to attachment of this insurance or by the Assured or their servants) 4.4 loss damage or expense caused by inherent vice or nature of the subject-matter insured 4.5 loss damage or expense proximately caused by delay, even though the delay be caused by a risk insured against (except expenses payable under Clause 2 above) 4.6 loss damage or expense arising from insolvency or financial default of the owners managers charterers or operators of the vessel 4.7 deliberate damage to or deliberate destruction of the subject-matter insured or any part thereof by the wrongful act of any person or persons 4.8 loss damage or expense arising from the use of any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter.

EXCLUSIONS 4在任何情况下都不得这个保险 4.1损失损害或费用的原因故意的不当行为的保证 4.2普通渗漏,普通的损失重量或体积,或普通磨损的标的物投保 4.3损坏或丢失所造成的费用不足或不适合的包装或准备受保标的物(目的是这一条款4.3 &包装&应视为包括存放在容器或liftvan但只有当这些堆放进行之前扣押保险或担保或其雇员) 4.4损坏或丢失所造成的牺牲固有的副总裁或性质的标的物投保 4.5损坏或损失近牺牲所造成的延误,即使是延迟所造成的风险保险(除费用缴付根据第2段) 4.6损失损害或费用所产生的破产或财务预设的业主管理人员承租人或经营者的船只 4.7故意损坏或蓄意破坏受保标的物或其任何部分的不法行为,任何人 4.8损失损害或费用的使用中出现的任何战争武器的使用原子或核裂变和/或融合或其他类似反应或放射性武力或事项。

We should punish and put an end to void bankruptcy act so as to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the creditor, prevent the loss of state assets and maintain the sanctity of the socialist legal system.


更多网络解释与破产行为相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

across-the-board percentage:全面的百分率

across the board 全面单向波动 | across-the-board percentage 全面的百分率 | act of bankruptcy 破产行为;

the attorney general:总检察长

德、法、意检察官在与身份相关的案件(宣告婚姻无效和当事人无行为能力、宣告破产、亲子、收养等诉讼)等涉及社会公益或公共秩序的案件中(特别是因为刑事犯罪而致使民事诉讼无效的案件),享有"以法律的利益"向最高法院提起终审上诉的权力,美国司法部长即总检察长(the Attorney General)则在涉及国会制定法的合宪性争


财务困境(Financial distress)又称"财务危机"(Financial crisis),最严重的财务困境是" 企业 破产"(Bankruptcy). 企业因财务困境导致破产实际上是一种违约行为,所以财务困境又可称为"违

financial crisis:财务危机

财务困境(Financial distress)又称"财务危机"(Financial crisis),最严重的财务困境是" 企业 破产"(Bankruptcy). 企业因财务困境导致破产实际上是一种违约行为,所以财务困境又可称为"违

default risk:违约风险

企业因财务困境导致破产实际上是一种违约行为,所以财务困境又可称为"违约风险"(Default risk). 事实上,企业陷入财务困境是一个逐步的过程,通常从财务正常渐渐发展到财务危机. 实践中,大多数企业的财务困境都是由财务状况正常到逐步恶化,最终导致财务困境或破产


例如,出示文件、回答关键性问题等;(8)在其他破产程序中有以上7种行为的. 所谓其他破产程序是指:(A)申请破产前一年之内的债务人破产案件;(B)在另一债务人的破产案件中,这个债务人是本程序中的债务人的"内部的人''(INSIDER)

Business malpractice:商业不法行为

bankruptcy petition 破产申请 | business malpractice 商业不法行为 | business slump 生意萧条

Bankruptcy Remoteness:破产隔离机制

破产无效行为:bankruptcy invalid act | 破产隔离机制:Bankruptcy Remoteness | 破产法改革:and Bankruptcy Reform


awkwardly 笨拙地;无技巧地 | bankruptcies 破产者;宣告破产 | behavioral 行为的,关于行为的;行为科学