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研细的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Teachers although do not have cull phrases but not meaning, fine grind grind slow, if glossal Can is spent, implemented the idea that gives priority to body with the student truly however, make the student realized ego to comprehend, the process that ego creates, also edified my heart and wisdom, especially the class of 3 experts lets Qian Menglong, Zhi Yuheng, Cheng Gongbing I benefit a lot.


In addition, your baby had omphalitis, inflammation can be used in less then 3% hydrogen peroxide partially washed, cleaned Tu Complexation iodine; or synergies in conjunction with methyl-chip inquiry into细末, sprinkle in the navel, and attention maintain partial drying.


After retiring, although he contracts severe heart disease, but to accede and disentomb seal cutting is artistic bequest of culture of this one people, he ignores ill aspect right-down, unexpectedly the spirit with the perseverance will prevail, study seal cutting is artistic a few years, arrive from theory skill, getting of essence of life is fine grind, achievement abundant


Prescription 1: Mining drying immature papaya, and research into a fine powder, scatterable affected area, daily 2


Fresh sophora bud as raw material, full dried under 65 ℃,using ultrasonic condition alkaline lime boil hydrochloride acid precipitation method after smash to obtain rutin.


The cutting edge along the side of an end mill is generally straight and sometimes can be tapered by grinding on a tool and cutter grinder such that the draft required for mould and die cavities can be automatically generated.


更多网络解释与研细的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lilium Martagon:{百合}

1898年,纳瓦兴(Nawaschin )发现被子植物双受精作用.他以头巾百合(Lilium martagon)和细弱贝母(Fritillaria tenalla)为材料,观察到卵细物学家对花粉粒中两个精子的作用以及胚乳的来源问题疑惑不解,纳瓦兴(Nawaschin )的研1950年,


茜草科(Rubiaceae)咖啡属(Coffea) 常绿灌木或小乔木,与茶、可可并称为世界三大饮料作物. 咖啡种子(俗称咖啡豆)经焙炒后研细即为咖啡粉,是一种良好的饮料;还可提取咖啡碱作麻醉剂、利尿剂和强心剂;外果皮及果肉可制酒精或作饲料.