英语人>词典>汉英 : 矿工 的英文翻译,例句
矿工 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
miner  ·  mineworker  ·  pitman  ·  Pitman  ·  miners  ·  pitmen

更多网络例句与矿工相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They then pumped oxygen in to create an air pocket and also sent down hundreds of packets of sugar water.


But the miners helmets with black, obviously does not meet safety ergonomics principles, because the shaft lighting poor, the black miners cap was not obvious in the chiaroscuro, theLikely due to blurred vision and security incidents.


Visitors can travel on the Miners' Tramway or descend into the Deep Mine, via a funicular railway which uses an old incline, to explore this former slate mine and learn how slate was extracted and processed and about the lives of the miners.

游客可以乘坐火车在矿工轨道(Miners' Tramway)上游览,也可以乘坐索道车通过古老的货运斜坡,缓缓下到Deep矿井深处,探索曾经的板岩矿井,了解板岩是如何被开采和加工,并了解矿工们的生活。

In the paper, mineral enterprises' benefit –cost model and the utility function of mineworker are constructed, and the root of the mine disaster that much concealed cost exists is pointed out established in the phenomena that many mine disasters happened and many non-technological people want to be mineworkers.


When human heat balance conditions and sweating rate were satisfied,the thermal zone diagram was divided into nonworking zone,comfort zone and prohibitory zone by miners' mean skin temperature curves with different working intensities.


When Strauss told him he had rough canvas to use for tents and wagon covers, the prospector said,"You should have brought pants!,"


Here, Chinese miners are using a sluice box and puddling mill to search for gold, while another miner has a massage to relieve his aching shoulders.


The strike movement 1997 relatively Russia coal industry began to step forward 1994 the reform of dimension difficult and the strike movement dimensions at the beginning of changing a course demesne already had fall after a rise, but the remonstrant activity of this kind of form still exists after all, continue action is mixed at reform change a course demesne.


It discusses weightily the heat balance mechanism of man body, establishes equation of degree of heat comfort, measures the heat balance parameters of workers in scene and then gets the degree of heat balance. It also study the effect which high temperature affects to physiological function of human, the effect including: high temperature affects to colliers' body temperature, nervous system, cardiovascular system, heat balance, breathing system and excretion system. The test grades and analyzes the labor intensity and establishes index of heat environment in mines.


Postmarked from different places, they often begin the same way:"I am proud to be from a family of miners,""I am the son of a coal miner,""I am proud to be a coal miner's daughter."


更多网络解释与矿工相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


binding 捆绑 | bindle 临时油矿工的炊具和衣物 | bindler 带炊具和衣物的临时油矿工


从前有一个大煤矿,有许许多多的矿工(collier)在这个煤矿工作,其中有一个老矿工,他在矿井里辛苦工作了五十年,可是他生了重病,最终离开了人世. 老矿工死后,他的灵魂升上了天,他沿着银河(galaxy)走啊走,也不知道走了多久,

Miner Daven:矿工达文

Dun/邓恩 | Miner Daven/矿工达文 | Miner Dirkins/矿工德尔金斯

stay-in strike:留在井下罢工; 静坐罢工(指矿工)

stay-down strike 留在井下罢工; 静坐罢工(指矿工) | stay-in strike 留在井下罢工; 静坐罢工(指矿工) | Sympathetic strike 同情罢工

truancy:旷课,逃学,旷工 旷课,逃学,矿工

trier of fact 事实的审判者 事实的审判者 | truancy 旷课,逃学,旷工 旷课,逃学,矿工 | truant officer 调查旷课/旷工的官员 调查旷课/矿工的官员

truant officer:调查旷课/旷工的官员 调查旷课/矿工的官员

truancy 旷课,逃学,旷工 旷课,逃学,矿工 | truant officer 调查旷课/旷工的官员 调查旷课/矿工的官员 | true bill 大陪审团签署的起诉书 大陪审团签署的起诉书


miner'shelmet 矿工安全帽 | miner'slamp 矿工灯 | miner'slevel 矿用水准仪

Iowa is just flat outplaying Texas Western. It's been a difficult game so far:爱奥华队实力明显强于矿工队 形势对矿工队很不利

You want fundamental basketball, right?|那种... | Iowa is just flat outplaying Texas Western. It's been a difficult game so far.|爱奥华队实力明显强于矿工队 形势对矿工队很不利 | Ain't our night. Coach.|今...

Gold Miner Joe:矿工乔伊

矿工乔伊(Gold Miner Joe)是一位矿工,他在四处各地找寻金矿,再进行开挖.某次他找到了一个大金矿,里面有着丰富的金矿,让乔伊喜出望外,但没想到里面竟然是危机重重,有许多怪物对他展开攻击.这是一款动作游戏,你必须在众多敌人的威胁之下突破重围,

Gold Miner Vegas:黄金矿工之维加斯版

黄金矿工(Gold Miner Special Edition)免安装单机版 Gold Miner Special Edition是个很有操作性的小游戏,玩法蛮简单的,再每一关规定的时间内,只要在采矿机的钻头2009年8月4日 黄金矿工之维加斯版(Gold Miner Vegas)免安装单机版:出了名的黄金矿工要到拉斯维加斯大显身手了,