英语人>词典>汉英 : 石蕊试纸 的英文翻译,例句
石蕊试纸 的英文翻译、例句


litmus paper · litmus test paper
更多网络例句与石蕊试纸相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A laboratory cunt and no litmus paper those have to get IT color.


A laboratory cunt and no litmus paper that could take her color.


We test the liquid for acidity with a strip of litmus paper.


Ammonia gas NH3 is colorless which can turn wet red litmus paper to blue.


Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence of acid in a solution.


If you are curious about the results of your wash, use ordinary litmus paper, it will tell you the rough pH level.


We can determine whether a solution contains acids by litmus paper.


Table 2 shows the result of an investigation when litmus paper is dipped into three types of substances, W, X and Y.

表 2 显示石蕊试纸浸入 W、X和 Y 三种物质后的实验结果。

Chlorine gas Cl2 can turn wet pH paper / blue litmus paper red and then white.


Alkaline substances will change the colour of red litmus paper to blue and it taste bitter.


更多网络解释与石蕊试纸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

litmu aper:石蕊试纸

lithomechanics岩石力学 | lithostaticpre ure静岩压 | litmu aper石蕊试纸

litmus paper:石蕊试纸

化学试验上用以测试酸碱性的指示剂石蕊试纸(litmus paper),就是以一种海石蕊Roccella tinctoria DC. 所提取的色素吸入一种纸上造成. 海石蕊地衣是一种茎状地衣属,分布於东部太平洋沿岸、非洲及地中海地区的乾燥海岸岩石地带.

litmus paper:石蕊试纸(检查酸碱性用)

infrared spectrum 红外光谱(分子只能吸收与其振动、转动频率相一致的红外线而形成特征光谱) | litmus paper 石蕊试纸(检查酸碱性用) | metabolism 新陈代谢

red litmus paper:红石蕊试纸

redistillation 再蒸馏,重蒸馏 | red litmus paper 红石蕊试纸 | redox 氧化还原作用

red litmus paper:红色石蕊试纸

red light 红光 | red litmus paper 红色石蕊试纸 | red magnetism 红磁性

blue litmus paper:蓝石蕊试纸

blue flame burner 蓝焰灯 | blue litmus paper 蓝石蕊试纸 | blue print paper 蓝晒纸

blue litmus paper:蓝色石蕊试纸

blue light 蓝焰信号 | blue litmus paper 蓝色石蕊试纸 | blue magnetism 蓝磁性

lacmus paper; litmus paper:石蕊试纸

"laccase","虫漆酶" | "lacmus paper; litmus paper","石蕊试纸" | "lacmus; litmus","石蕊"

turn red litmus paper blue:使红色石蕊试纸变蓝

feel slimy 有滑腻感 | turn red litmus paper blue 使红色石蕊试纸变蓝 | react with acids to form salts 与酸反应生成盐

turn blue litmus paper red:使蓝色石蕊试纸变红

taste sour 味酸 | turn blue litmus paper red 使蓝色石蕊试纸变红 | react with metals above H in the reactivity series to form hydrogen gas 与金属活动顺序表中排在氢前面的金属反应放出氢气