英语人>词典>汉英 : 石器时代 的英文翻译,例句
石器时代 的英文翻译、例句


Stone Age · stone age
更多网络例句与石器时代相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In terms of technical development,people were going from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age.


Those eating habits remind much of what different yoga books recommend and contortion is very similar to yoga, but this is also what people ate in the stone age, but also on the island of Kitava where the living conditions are similar to the ones in the stone age.


Of, relating to, or characteristic of the very beginning of the Stone Age; Eolithic.


From the Stone Age to the Iron Age, iron is a symbol of mankind's entry into civilization.


The religions of archaic cultures - the cultures of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic ages - are also referred to as primitive.


A small stone artifact, probably an arrowhead, with a blunt straight edge and a sharpened, crescent-shaped back, especially characteristic of the Mesolithic Age.


We have experienced the Stone Age, the metal time, the power time, the energy time, the Electronic Age, the global informationization time ......The science and technology is the first productive forces.


Results show that Pb enrichment factors varied from 1.0~1.8 in the cultural layers, and were not quite high. However, with the history going on from the Dawenkou Culture to the Longshan Culture, the Pb enrichment factor displayed an obvious rising trend, which indicated that the Pb in the cultural layers was probably associated with the development of metallurgic activities in the middle stage of the primitive society. From 5 050 cal a BP to 4 000 cal a BP, China underwent Stone Age, Chalcolithic Age and Bronze Age in sequence. Pb dust in the atmosphere increased with intensifying utilization of copper resources, which was probably the main cause of the rising enrichment factor in the cultural layers.

但是随着时间的推移,从大汶口文化到龙山文化,Pb的富集系数有明显逐步上升的趋势,表明遗址剖面中的Pb很可能与原始社会中期发展起来的冶金活动有关。5 050~4 000 cal a BP间,中国先后经历了石器时代、铜石并用时代,到最后进入青铜时代,这个过程中铜资源利用越来越多导致产生的大气粉尘铅越来越多,很可能是YC1剖面中Pb富集系数逐步增长的主要原因。

Proof of these migrations is the distribution over every continent of the crudely worked, unsharpened flint tools of the earlier Stone Age, known as "palaeoliths," all or most of which date from this period.


Microliths are small flakes and blades that characterise the Later Stone Age in Africa.


更多网络解释与石器时代相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


azedarach 楝树 | Azilian 中石器时代的 | azimuth angle 方位角


气液混合物 azeotropic mixture | 阿席林(石器时代) Azilian | 方位,方位角 azimuth

cave dweller:(史前石器时代的)穴居人

cave canem | 当心恶狗! | cave dweller | (史前石器时代的)穴居人 | cave dwelling | 窑洞

caveman skull:(史前石器时代的)穴居人;野人的头骨

catcher's mask [棒球]接球手的面具 | caveman skull (史前石器时代的)穴居人;野人的头骨 | ceiling light 天花板吊灯


eolith 原石器 | eolithic 原始石器时代的 | eon 永世

Eolithic age:始石器时代

风成岩 eolianite | 始石器时代 Eolithic age | 古鼠 Eomys


1892年,A.布朗提出在旧石器时代与新石器时代之间应有一个过渡期,称为"中石器时代"(Mesolithic),但这一术语到20世纪20年代才被逐渐采用. 瑞典的O.蒙特柳斯继沃尔索之后,大量使用比较考古学和类型学的方法进行研究,并将类型学的理论加以系统化.


Paleolithic 旧石器时代的 | Mesolithic 中石器时代的 | Neolithic 新石器时代

The Stone Age ~The Bronze Age:石器时代 ~ 青铜时代

Agricultural Civilization 农业文明 | The Stone Age ~The Bronze Age 石器时代 ~ 青铜时代 | Pharaoh 法老


古湖沼学 palaeolimnology | 古石器时代;旧石器时代 palaeolithic | 古生物学 palaeontology