英语人>词典>汉英 : 短趾的 的英文翻译,例句
短趾的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
brachydactyl  ·  brachydactylic  ·  brachydactylous

更多网络例句与短趾的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Inner metatarsal tubercle not very large, shorter than the first toe by 1.7-3.5 times.


What is taken account of includes the effects of the material, geometrical shape, manner of loading, ratio of cycle stress, residual stress and short crack in weld toe on fatigue strength.


The result of clustering analysis showed that the relationship between Alauda arvensis and Melanocorypha mongolica was closer than others; the relationship between Eremophila alpestris and Calandrella cinere was closer than that between Eremophila alpestris and Calandrella cheleensis. But the relationships between the five birds and Galerida cristata were all far.


The relationship of six species from Alaudidae (Alauda arvensis Melanocorypha mongolica Calandrella cinerea Calandrella cheleensis Eremophila alpestris Galerida cristata) distributed in Inner Mongolia were studied from three aspects: Mostly in feather keratins, chromosomal karyotype and morphology adding.The contour feather vance, down feather and shaft of six Larks were studied by means of SDS-PAGE of feather keratins.

本文在羽毛角蛋白、染色体核型及形态学三个层次上,以羽毛角蛋白凝胶电泳分析为主,以染色体核型分析和形态学分析为参考,对分布于内蒙古地区的百灵科Alaudidae的6种百灵鸟的亲缘关系进行研究,包括云雀Alauda arvensis、蒙古百灵Melanocorypha mongolica、短趾百灵Calandrella cinerea、亚洲短趾百灵Calandrella cheleensis、角百灵Eremophila alpestris、凤头百灵Galerida cristata。

The genetic DNA was extracted from the blood of 6 A. forsteri which sex was unknown. The PCR amplified fragments with primers P2/P8 were cloned in T-Vector. Taking homologous sequence of Circaetus gallicus as reference, the CHD gene sequence was compared to the homologues in GenBank to identify its sex.


The most frequently grazed three kinds of plants were Artemisia frigida, Cleistogenes songorica and Kochia prostrate.


Any of various semiaquatic carnivores of the genus Mustela, especially M. vison of North America, resembling the weasel and having short ears, a pointed snout, short legs, and partly webbed toes.


The prevalence and degree of fatty muscle atrophy were evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging in the abductor digiti minimi, flexor digitorum brevis, abductor hallucis, and quadratus plantae muscles in 80 asymptomatic volunteers (mean age, 48 years; range, 23-84 years) and 80 patients with foot pain (mean age, 48 years; range, 20-86 years).


Vison of North America, resembling the weasel and having short ears, a pointed snout, short legs, and partly ''.


Vison of North America, resembling the weasel and having short ears, a pointed snout, short legs, and partly webbed toes.


更多网络解释与短趾的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brachydactylia; brachydactyly:短趾畸形

\\"短腿的\\",\\"brachycmenic,brachydnemic\\" | \\"短趾畸形\\",\\"brachydactylia,brachydactyly\\" | \\"短趾\\",\\"brachydactylism\\"


brachycephalous | 短头颅的 | brachycranial | 圆颅型的 | brachydactyl | 短指的,短趾的


brachycranial | 圆颅型的 | brachydactyl | 短指的,短趾的 | brachydactylic | 短指的,短趾的


brachydactyl | 短指的,短趾的 | brachydactylic | 短指的,短趾的 | brachydactylous | 短指的,短趾的


\\"短趾畸形\\",\\"brachydactylia,brachydactyly\\" | \\"短趾\\",\\"brachydactylism\\" | \\"短脸的\\",\\"brachyfacial\\"


brachydactylic | 短指的,短趾的 | brachydactylous | 短指的,短趾的 | brachydactyly | 短指(或短趾)畸形


brachydactyly | 短指(或短趾)畸形 | brachydodromous | 具网结状脉的 | brachylogy | 简明, 省略语


\\"短趾\\",\\"brachydactylism\\" | \\"短脸的\\",\\"brachyfacial\\" | \\"短舌的\\",\\"brachyglossal\\"


这种现象亦见於滑蹠蟾科(Leiopelmatidae)、负子蟾科、细趾蟾科(Leptodactylidae)、短头蟾科(Brachycephalidae)、雨蛙科及姬蛙科的一些种. 非洲的泳蟾属(Nectophrynoides)为体内受精,幼体为胎生.

Tichodroma muraria:红翅旋壁雀

全球只1属1种, 红翅旋壁雀(Tichodroma muraria)(附图6-140),我国有分布,有迁徙种群. 37、旋木雀科(Certhiidae)小型适于在树干攀爬觅食的鸣禽. 喙细长而下弯,尖端具缺刻;鼻孔呈裂缝状;翅短圆;腿短,趾、爪强健;尾楔形,各羽的羽干坚韧并成尖羽形,