英语人>词典>汉英 : 短语 的英文翻译,例句
短语 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
phrase  ·  phrases  ·  phrased

更多网络例句与短语相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Phrase teaching is a very important integrant of granma teaching in modern Chinses,and analysis of complex phrases is a difficnlt point in it.


In English, if the center word has lead attributive and participle phrase or infinitive phrase, when translated, we need to shift forward the postposition participle infinitive or phrase to the position of limiting attribute.


Its basic construction is: locative phrases/temporal phrases + verb phrases /noun phrases.


Locative phrases have "shang" and "li" within them.


NP-Det N NP——Det Adj N PP S(the tall man with glasses that I met) The recursiveness of Phrase structure rules 短语结构规则的循环性 These rules can generate an infinite number of sentences, and sentence with inf inite length, due to their recursive properties.

根据短语结构规则,短语和句子可以无限循环地组合起来。 X-bar theory X 标杆理论(X 标杆理论是将各种短语结构规则高度抽象地综合成单一的X 标杆规则的理论。)一定要结合书本!

Therefore, on the basis of objective description of corpus example, this paper study and analyze the condition of "free form" and "bound form" of the verbal phrases such as "V + Particle + N"、"V+ complement"(including:"V+ trend complement","V+ result complement","V+ extent complement" and "V+ action-measure complement )、"V TO V"、"V+ adverb+ V"、"V of V "and "V+ D".At the same time, from the semantic and pragmatic perspective this paper discuss the conditions and causes from "bound form" to "free form",concluding that particle dynamics、exclamation at the end of the sentence、adverb and follow—up of the language and so on can act as the conditions from the bound verbal phrase to the free verbal phrase. The main reason for these conditions is rich in the amount of the sentence, making semantic self—contained; Finally, this paper simply describes the theoretical and practical significance of the phenomena of "free form" and "bound form in the aspect of verbal phrase; at he conclusion of the article, the author of the text further sum up the content and coverage and raise her own views of the text of underdevelopment and the questions yet continuing to study.


R īla Vi van ā tha Cakravartī points out that the word kitava - bandho expresses envy; the phrase from sapatnyāh to nah , jealousy; the phrase mā spr a ańghrim , pride; and the phrase from vahatu to prasādam , disrespect, while the phrase from yadu - sadasi to the end of the verse decries Krsna s tactless treatment of Rādhārān ī.

圣维思瓦那塔-查克拉瓦提导师指出, kitava - bandho 表示羡慕,从 sapatnyāh 到 nah 的短语表示嫉妒,短语 mā spr a ańghrim 表示骄傲,从 vahatu 到 prasādam 这句短语表示轻视,从 yadu - sadasi 到诗的结尾这句短语谴责奎师那不机智地对待拉妲拉妮。

And knowing this is not only quite construcive to deep understanding of such subordinate clause but also instrumental to the mastery of translating techniques.


Independent-samples t-test is used to compare means of the experimental and control groups.The statistical results reveal that collocational competence with the sub-technical terms of the experimental group is significantly higher than that of the control group. However, the CBSTT model's effect on the simple nominal phrase collocational competence is more significant than the effect on the complex nominal phrase collocational competence. From the perspective of production competence, the overall results of the experimental groups are significantly higher than the overall results of the control group. The complex nominal phrase production competence is not significantly developed at the beginning of the experiment. With the progress of the experiment, the differences from the two groups become salient.


Mary , a well-known Sunday painter's girl Friday , went to the art exhibition in her Sunday best yesterday and made a hit with all the gentlemen there who seemed to have Sunday-go-to-meeting manners .

在英语中,有动词和小品词( up, down, in, out, on, off, over, away )构成的动词短语很多,有时很难猜出它们的意义,笔者收集了常见的动词短语,通过分析小品词的意义,对这一类的短语进行分类,找出它们的规律,以便更好地掌握它们,注意有些短语意义很接近,这要结合例句和上下文掌握它们的用法。

更多网络解释与短语相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

before long","since then:介词+副词 构成短语介词. 如

2.介词+ 形容词 构成短语介词. 如:"at first","for sure",... | 3.介词+副词 构成短语介词. 如:"before long","since then",... | 4.形容词+介词 构成短语介词. 如:"afraid of","together with",...

cold comfort:寒冷期 短语

冷藏 短语cold spell | 寒冷期 短语cold comfort | 不值得高兴的事 短语, 无用的慰藉;敷衍性的安慰 短语head cold

determiner phrase:限定词短语

名词短语:noun phrase | 限定词短语:determiner phrase | 固定短语:fixed phrase

halfway through:(本不是短语,可作为短语来记)完成一半了

make all the difference 重要 | halfway through (本不是短语,可作为短语来记)完成一半了 | demanding 要求严格的

Infinitive Phrases:不定式短语

142. Prepositional Phrases介语短语 | 143. Infinitive Phrases不定式短语 | 144. Infinitive Phrases不定式短语

Participial Phrases:分词短语

140. Phrases短语 | 141. Participial Phrases分词短语 | 142. Prepositional Phrases介语短语

participial phrase:分词短语

b)动名词短语(gerundial phrase)如:c)分词短语(participial phrase)如:d)介词短语(prepositional phrase)如:从句(clause)内含主语部分和谓语部分,表达一定的概念,但不成为一个独立句子的一组词,叫做从句.

phrasal verb:动词短语

动词短语(Phrasal Verb)是英语的重要组成部分,在口语和书面语中都被大量使用. 本文对动词短语做一些简单的讨论. 动词短语由动词加一个或两个小品词(particle)构成,如blow up, take off, look into, face up to等.


以上句(S)为例,第一层次的分析产生出一个"名词短语"(NP):the girl(女孩)和一个"动词短语"(VP)chased the dog(追狗)(比之前面所运用的"短语",这个"动词短语"意义较为宽泛,它包括动词和其后的名词).

noun phrase:名词短语

论功能,英语短语可分为名词短语(noun phrase)、形容词短语(adjective phrase)和副词短语(adverb phrase)三种. 也就是说,在要表达的词中,为了让我们能更加严谨句子结构或者能更好将两个有词必要地联系在一起时,我们就不得不用到短语了.