英语人>词典>汉英 : 短处 的英文翻译,例句
短处 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
demerit  ·  shortcoming  ·  demerits  ·  failings  ·  shortcomings

更多网络例句与短处相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Learn their advantage more, be good at discovering their fault, how is seeing them done, and how should be I done again.


Coulisse gossip, especially about others' shortcomings will never do good as in the process your quality degrades.


You may not be a hard pusher for one of your shortcomings may be that you dawdle a bit.


What will analyse others from the angle of SEO is long, oneself demerit.


Short-term those who look is good qualities, what look for a long time is demerit.


Make the most user of your own assets and downplay your flaws.


Wikipedia has come to epitomize the Web 2.0 movement, with all its benefits and pitfalls.

维基百科作为Web 2.0运动的典型代表,既有长处也有短处

Reading, it is the key problem, reading scores directly affect whether you can pass. Don't pay attention to the speed of quantity , findin yourself understand strengths and weaknesses attention after error. Reading steps of training: scan - see question - find answers point of understanding contain sentence or a paragraph - see and understand options - and corresponding options and answers.


Howells is fully aware of Bartley's failings.


Those who live in glass abodes have to not throw stones.


更多网络解释与短处相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

catch out:(棒球中)接杀; 抓住(某人)短处; (用手段)挫败(某人)

catch on [口]投合人心, 受人欢迎 理解, 明白 抓住 找到工作. | catch out (棒球中)接杀; 抓住(某人)短处; (用手段)挫败(某人) | catch sb. napping 乘人不备, 乘人不注意


demean 贬抑,降低 | demerit 短处,过失,缺点 | demise 死亡

pick a hole in sb.'s coat:找人的短处[毛病]

lace sb.'s coat 鞭打某人 | pick a hole in sb.'s coat 找人的短处[毛病] | take off one's coat 脱掉上衣(准备打架或使劲干)


scratch 刮痕 | shortcoming 缺乏;短处 | sign 征候


Short Tests of Clerical Ability 文书能力短测验 | shortcoming 短处 | shortcut 捷径


28.合理的发展rationallydeveloped | 29.长处,短处strongpoint,weekpoint | 30.各级政府governmentofalllevels

Or draw his frailties from their dread abode:或揪其短处,由敬畏之地

No farther seek his merits to disclose, 不必再寻觅,揭示其功绩, | Or draw his frailties from their dread abode 或揪其短处,由敬畏之地- | The bosom of his Father and his God. 在天父和上帝的怀中安息.

We all have our pluses and minuses:我们每个人都有长短处

It's never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,尚时未晚. | We all have our pluses and minuses.我们每个人都有长短处. | I get by. 我还过得去.

18.We all have our pluses and minuses:18.每个人都有他的长处 和短处

[10:49.47]17.We all have our good points. ;17.每一个人都有可取之 处. | [10:52.52]18.We all have our pluses and minuses. ;18.每个人都有他的长处 和短处. | [10:58.77]66.To Reject Sympathy 拒绝同情 ;

shortcomings of:缺点,短处

shed light on 阐明 | shortcomings of 缺点,短处 | sigmoid S型的