英语人>词典>汉英 : 短匙 的英文翻译,例句
短匙 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Petals yellow, white, or rarely pink; blade suborbicular, obovate, or spatulate, apex obtuse or emarginate, glabrous or pubescent outside.


Fruit indehiscent, samaroid siliques or silicles, oblong, ovate, obovate, cordate, elliptic, oblanceolate, spatulate, or orbicular, strongly angustiseptate, sessile, prominently winged all around or distally, 1(or 2)-seeded, glabrous or hairy, smooth; seed-bearing locule papery or corky, prominently or obscurely 1- or 3-veined, sometimes keeled or shortly winged; valves and replum united; gynophore, style, and septum absent; stigma capitate, entire.


Leaves circinately 1-folded toward stipule when young, leaf blade spatulate, obovate, or cuneate, 0.9-2.8 cm; peduncle and sepals abaxially densely glandular hairy; styles shorter than ovary

向托叶幼时1 折叠的叶环状,匙形,倒卵形的叶片,或楔形,0.9-2.8厘米;背面的花序梗和萼片浓密腺毛;花柱短于子房 3 D。 spathulata 匙叶茅膏菜

Flower solitary and terminal, androdioecious ,pedicel stout, glabrous; flowers fragrant, tepals 12 in 4 whorls, outer 3 tepals large, obovate, red, 4cm long, 2cm wide ,rounded at apex, attenuate at base, tepals of inner 3 whorls narrow-obovate-spatulate, white, 3-3.5cm long; stamens 30 ,2.5cm long, anthers 1.58 cm long, filaments short.

花单生枝顶,雄花和两性花异株,花梗粗短,无毛;花白色,芳香,花被片12,4轮排列,外轮3片较大,倒卵形,红色,长4cm ,宽2cm ,先端圆,基部渐窄,内3轮窄倒卵状匙形,白色,长3~3.3cm ,雄蕊30,长约2.5cm ,花药长约1.5cm ,花丝短,药隔伸出成短尖的附属物;两性花花被片与雄花相同。

Female flowers solitary or several and male mixed in axillary cluster; pedicels 2-6 cm; calyx yellow-green, 6-lobed; sepals slightly thick, biseriate, outer obovate or subspatulate, ovate-elliptic, 6-7 × 3-4 mm, inner shorter, obovate, ca. 5 mm, with purple stripes; disk absent; pistil depressed globose, ca. 2 × 2.7 mm, 3-locular; styles 3, bifid at apex, arms recurved.

雌花单生或数个雌花和雄花在腋生簇束里混生;花梗2-6厘米;花萼黄绿色,6裂;萼片稍厚, 2列,外部倒卵形或近匙形,卵状椭圆形, 6-7 * 3-4 毫米,内部的短,倒卵形,长约5毫米,有紫色条纹;花盘无;雌蕊扁球形,约2×2.7毫米,3室;花柱3,在先端2裂,裂片下弯。

The important and perpetual anatomic landmarks looking for facial nerve in the course of operation are horizontal semicircular canal,digastric ridge,facial recess,cochleariform process,tarin foramen, arcuate eminence and foramen spinosum.


The important and perpetual anatomic landmarks looking for facial nerve in the course of operation are horizontal semicircular canal,digastric ridge,facial recess,cochleariform process,tarin foramen, arcuate eminence and foramen spinosum.


Petals white or pink, sometimes yellowish, longer or rarely shorter than sepals; blade obovate, spatulate, or oblanceolate, apex obtuse or retuse; claw distinct or not.


Petals spatulate to lanceolate, shorter than or ca. as long as sepals, shortly clawed.


Leaves spatulate, lanceolate, spatulate to linear, or obovate, elliptic, or oblong, less than 3(-4) cm and ca. 1 cm in diam.; branchlets pubescent or glabrous

叶匙形,披针形,匙形的到线形,或倒卵形,椭圆形,或长圆形,少于3(-4)厘米和约1厘米,小枝具短柔毛或无毛 11

更多网络解释与短匙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cuttocarve 锲 | cutty 陶制的短烟斗 | cutty 短匙


cutty 陶制的短烟斗 | cutty 短匙 | cuttythumbnailultrashort 极短的


cuttlefish /墨鱼/乌贼/鱿/ | cutty /极短的/性急的/短匙/陶制的短烟斗/ | cutup /滑稽的人/诙谐的人/

Mint Julep:薄荷朱丽浦

薄荷朱丽浦(Mint Julep) 4支薄荷叶 1苛匙糖粉 1份波本威士忌酒 在一容器中用少许苏打水将糖粉化开,加入薄荷叶捣烂,再加入波本威士忌,搅动,滤入加有冰块的古典杯中,搅凉,装饰1支薄荷叶、1支短吸管.

spool valve:短管阀

匙形桨 spoon oar | 短管阀 spool valve | 有辐轮 spoke wheel

spoon oar:匙形桨

匙形艉 spoon stern | 匙形桨 spoon oar | 短管阀 spool valve