英语人>词典>汉英 : 知觉缺乏 的英文翻译,例句
知觉缺乏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与知觉缺乏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The mentally retarded students in elementary school lacks of the perceptual motor and experiences personally than the general and normal student, the development is slow down in the aspects of body schema and space awareness, taking into the fine and small muscle and acting ineffective live, from whole to see, present and see and move the action mode of the coordination difficulty, behavior clumsiness. So, they need more body activities and improve its drawback, and Lin's Circle-round Service assists the design and usages that haves, is by the perceptual motor train act the its perceptual sense and fines to function and stir up, and convert life ability.


Our patient evidenced a wide range of misidentification problems which mainly consisted of misidentifying place, person, and event, and these problems seem to be associated with deficits of temporal sequencing of memory, visual-spatial and visual perception, executive function, and awareness.


Lacking eyes, ears or other animalian sensory organs, h. sensitiva is nevertheless capable of detecting and targeting emitters of motion and sound in its immediate vicinity, by some process which is incompletely understood.


This second form may be described as a negative theoretic atheism; and may be furthur viewed as cosmological or psychological, according as it is motived, on the one hand, by a consideration of the paucity of actual data available for the arguments proving the existence of a super-sensible and spiritual God, or, what amounts to the same thing, the attributing of all cosmic change and development to the self-contained potentialities of an eternal matter; or, on the other hand, by an empiric or theoretic estimate of the powers of reason working upon the data furnished by sense-perception.

这第二种形式可以被描述为一种消极的理论,无神论和可furthur看作是宇宙或心理,根据,因为这是motived ,一方面,是考虑到缺乏实际数据供论据证明存在一个超级理智和精神神,或相当于同样的事情,归功于所有宇宙的变化和发展,以自我载有潜力的一个永恒的事情,或在另一方面,由一个经验性或理论估计权力的原因,工作后,提供的数据感知觉。

The imultaneous terror and realization that I had avoided finding my clitoris, had rationalized it as mainstream and consumerist because I was, in fact, terrified that I did not have a clitoris, terrified that I was one of those constitutionally incapables, one of those frigid, dead, shut down, dry, apricot-tasting, bitter - oh my God.


Self-sacrificial maternal love is a virtue,which but is inherited from our animal ancestors and we seem to be unable to take pride in it for our cattles have it too.the instinct love is just animal love and that is not why human beings are different from animals.the reason is human beings have a higher-level cognition and understanding.this perspective might be seen as something too rational,too cold,in a word,something lack of "humanity"------it is actually more "humane" in that it shows the dissatisfaction for the animal love as a standard.


更多网络解释与知觉缺乏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

impedance audiometry:阻抗听力测验

impedance 阻抗 | impedance audiometry 阻抗听力测验 | imperception 知觉缺乏

cognitive dissonance:认知失调

心理学家费斯汀格(Leon Festinger)称之为"认知失调"(cognitive dissonance). "认知失调"理论认为,当个体知觉有两个认知彼此不能调和一致时,往往倾向于改变认知之一,迁就另一认知. 最可能被改变的是缺乏吸引力的那个认知.


imperceptive 知觉缺乏的 | imperceptiveness 知觉缺乏 | impercipience 无知觉能力


imperceptiveness 知觉缺乏 | impercipience 无知觉能力 | imperfect 不完全的


impedance audiometry 阻抗听力测验 | imperception 知觉缺乏 | imperforation 闭锁


imperceptible given 未感知到的材料 | imperception 知觉不全 | imperceptive 知觉缺乏


imperception 知觉不全 | imperceptive 知觉缺乏的 | imperceptiveness 知觉缺乏

imperceptive:无感觉的; 缺乏感知力的; 觉察不出的 (形)

imperception 无感觉; 无知觉 (名) | imperceptive 无感觉的; 缺乏感知力的; 觉察不出的 (形) | impercipient 无感觉的, 无知觉的; 缺乏感知力的 (形)

impercipient:无感觉的, 无知觉的; 缺乏感知力的 (形)

imperceptive 无感觉的; 缺乏感知力的; 觉察不出的 (形) | impercipient 无感觉的, 无知觉的; 缺乏感知力的 (形) | imperfection 不完美; 瑕疵; 缺点 (名)


imperception 知觉缺乏 | imperforation 闭锁 | impermeable 不可渗透的