英语人>词典>汉英 : 矛盾因素 的英文翻译,例句
矛盾因素 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
contradictory  ·  contradictories

更多网络例句与矛盾因素相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So the author of this thesis names it the antinomic text tension which indicates the confrontation of literary elements in texts.


Summary: The fundamental structural characteristic of comedical contradiction lies in its contrariety, which means that the two components which constitute the comedical contradition depart from each other, so that the self-paradox centrifugal force is formed.


Confucian scholars believe that only a contradiction between diversity and the harmonious unity factor, things can develop; If the maintenance of diverse and contradictory elements of the opposing line, things can not develop.


Extensiveness'.'' of her territory on the other.


Of Japan and her shortage of troops on the one hand, and the progressiveness of China and the extensiveness of her territory on the other.


Core competitive power and remove the secondary contradiction, which is an enterprises superintendent and the operator must face directly the question that is difficult to solve.


The fusion between the mutually contradicted forms of to sell and to buy the arbitrage. Their combined proposition, the dual arbitrage is the negation of the negation. Deducted by analogy, when summarizing all the trading forms, we can find that they all conform to the trinity philosophy of Hegel. As Marx said,"In Greek, this is the positive, negative and combined proposition. And to those readers who cannot understand Hegel"s language, we tell them a holly formula: positive, negative and the negation of the negation. All these trading forms follow the principles of the change of quantity and quality, the contradictive unification and the negation of the negation.


In such works,"Rooftop" and "Peripatetic", we can see these contradictions- the author's image typically with the state of new generation is set in an ultra-realistic spatial structure like Delvaux's style, in the low-keyed and gloomy mood, the easy and pleasant female image not only restrains the spread of the bored feeling, but also enhances the emotion to be an ideal and introspective humor. It's just this contradiction of reality and surrealism, sense and reason, as well as representationalism and abstractism supposes a visual suspense and humanism significance.


Summary: The fundamental structural characteristic of comedical contradiction lies in its contrariety, which means that the two components which constitute the comedical contradition depart from each other, so that the self-paradox centrifugal force is formed.


In the end, the paper demonstrates the application of the model with two listed companies in China, Younger and Kelong. It makes some calculation based on the initial experts grading, and gets basic status of the two companies by the analysis of weights, relative importance and effect of each factor. The results from the model are not contradictious to those from professional credit rating companies, who usually evaluate firms through financial analysis and on-site investigation.


更多网络解释与矛盾因素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在力图解答这一问题的时候,不同的评论者日益倾向于将注意力集中到统治者与被统治者"共谋"(collusion)的相关因素上. 这一工人阶级是"矛盾的"主题,无论以何种方式被概念化,都为最近那些研究兴趣集中于女性工人的研究者们所激赏. 例如,

fecal impaction:粪便嵌塞

心理、社会方面的因素均会影响正常地排便. 便秘可导致腹部不适,食欲降低及恶心. 全身症状有头晕、头痛、乏力、焦虑、坐卧不安等. 老年人便秘的主要并发症是粪便嵌塞(fecal impaction),这会导致肠梗阻、结肠溃疡、溢出性大便失禁或矛盾性腹泻.

immanent contradiction:内在矛盾

immanent action 内在活动 | immanent contradiction 内在矛盾 | immanent factor 内在因素

immanent factor:内在因素

immanent contradiction 内在矛盾 | immanent factor 内在因素 | immaterial 非物质的




掌握并处理显性悖论(paradoxes)的秘诀就是适时而动. 只有随着时间的推移,一种情况的出现,矛盾才会浮现,因为在任何时刻,一方因素或另一个都会占支配地位. 这就像是跷跷板:随着时间往复,双方都有机会在空中,或在底部. 但任何时候只有一方在上,