英语人>词典>汉英 : 督军 的英文翻译,例句
督军 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tuchun  ·  nazim

更多网络例句与督军相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although he's bitter as hell, Genn sends you to do one last task - eavesdrop on Sylvannas in the cathedral. As you eavesdrop on her, she is told to cease the application of plague bombs in Gilneas by one of Garrosh's generals. However, as he leaves, Sylvannas tells her High Executor to continue dropping Plague bombs. Well wtf, since when is Sylvannas more of a baddy than Garrosh?


When he was a secretary at the office of the provincial military governor, the marshal's caltrop mustache was so impressive that it looked like it had been transplanted from a Jen-tan medicine advertisement


About to face Shenk the Overseer and stop the siege, are you?


In Athens, nine archons divided state duties: the archon eponymous headed the boule and ecclesia, the polemarch commanded troops and presided over legal cases involving foreigners, the archon basileus headed state religion and the areopagus, and the six others handled various judicial matters.


As a matter of fact, the President himself is a Tuchun, for he is the virtual military governor of several districts in the proximity of Peking.


If God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made itas hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not


Maliks rule the hinterland of Afghanistan under the protection of warlords.


Under the regime of the Northern warlords, the military head of a province was called "militar governor".


There are also Great Tuchuns-- the War Lords-- who control groups of Tuchuns.


The Tuchuns are military governors, ruling over the various provinces, and collecting taxes with which they keep up large armies.


更多网络解释与督军相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stronghold Overseer:城塞督军

132Strangling Soot窒息煤烟TSP | 133Stronghold Overseer城塞督军TSP | 134Sudden Death骤死TSP

Sweeney Todd:瘋狂理髮師

>(Sweeney Todd)的故事其实已经在英国流传了150年,堪称与「杰克开膛手」齐名,曾数度改编为舞台与影视作品,其中由大师史蒂芬桑戴姆所写的音乐剧版本,更是百老汇长青剧码,因此今年由桑戴姆亲自督军搬上大银幕,


透明度 toumingdu | 督军 tuchun | 桐 tung

Strangling Soot:窒息煤烟

131Smallpox小片毒疹TSP | 132Strangling Soot窒息煤烟TSP | 133Stronghold Overseer城塞督军TSP

Sweeney Todd:瘋狂理髮師

<<疯狂理发师>>(Sweeney Todd)的故事其实已经在英国流传了150年,堪称与「杰克开膛手」齐名,曾数度改编为舞台与影视作品,其中由大师史蒂芬桑戴姆所写的音乐剧版本,更是百老汇长青剧码,因此今年由桑戴姆亲自督军搬上大银幕,