英语人>词典>汉英 : 着火点 的英文翻译,例句
着火点 的英文翻译、例句


flare point
更多网络例句与着火点相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Combustion process of a ceramic heat insulated compound engine was experimentally studied in a constant-volume combustion bomb and a B1135 type single-cylinder diesel engine.


Distance is measured from the point of ignition.


On the finish liquid、cleanser and solvent ignition point must be sufficient attention.


No flash point and ignition point and does not contact the fire power equipment.


Based on these regulations, only permitted ignition point of at least out of the use of up to 15 ° c the temperature of the finish of the liquid、cleanser and solvents.


The test method of tannic acid, preparation method of water sample, test method of ignition point and experiment method of head loss for activated carbon are introduced based on the abroad references and much year practice.


When the sewage sludge ratio reaches 70%, the ignition point of the blends of sewage sludge and coal is very close to that of the sewage sludge.


The results show that the intermediate H2O2 and the radical HO2 are accumulating with temperature during the compression and reach their peak values near the ethanol ignition point.


Compared with conventional gasoline, diesel not volatile, higher ignition point, the situation was not due to accidental fire or explosion.


But the sintering on the surface of the pulverized-coal leads to the shift down of the ignition point.


更多网络解释与着火点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fire point:着火点

闪点(Flash point)是指可燃性液体挥发出的蒸汽在与空气形成可燃性混合物之后,遇火源时能够闪烁起火的最低温度. 在这温度下燃烧无法持续,但如果温度继续攀升则可能引发大火. 和着火点(Fire Point)不同的是,着火点是指可燃性混合物能够持续燃烧的最低温度,高于闪点

fire point theory:着火点理论

fire pocket 隐蔽火点<在灭火进攻后 | fire point theory 着火点理论 | fire point 燃点

fire test:着火点测定

fire test procedure 燃烧试验程序 | fire test 着火点测定 | fire testing 耐火试验

fire test:着火点测定,着火温度试验

fire swatter 打火扫把 | fire test 着火点测定,着火温度试验 | fire tile 防火瓦

ignition point:着火点

缓慢加热物质至一定温度,如出现火苗,即闪火而燃烧,但瞬间熄灭,此温度就称为闪火点(flash point).但如果温度继续升高,其所发生的挥发组分足以继续维持燃烧,而火焰不再熄灭,此时的最低温度称为物质的着火点(ignition point)或燃点.

IP Ignition Point:燃点,着火点,发火点

IP Initial Phase 初始相位 | IP Ignition Point 燃点,着火点,发火点 | IP Iron Pipe 铁管

IP Ignition Point:燃点,着火点,起火点

IP Initial Phase 初始相位 | IP Ignition Point 燃点,着火点,起火点 | IP Iron Pipe 铁管

ignition point 1:[消]着火点 2、 [消]燃点

ignition lag 引燃延迟时间 | ignition point 1、[消]着火点 2、 [消]燃点 | ignition source 引火源

ignition point 1:着火点 2、 燃点

ignition lag 引燃延迟时间 | ignition point 1、着火点 2、 燃点 | ignition source 引火源

ignition point 1:[消]着火点 2, [消]燃点

ignition lag 引燃延迟时间 | ignition point 1,[消]着火点 2, [消]燃点 | ignition source 引火源