英语人>词典>汉英 : 着丝粒 的英文翻译,例句
着丝粒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
centromere  ·  kinetochore

更多网络例句与着丝粒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The number of the chromosomes in Henan large tail sheep is 2n=54, the karyotypes of male and female sheep are 54, XY and 54, XX, respectively. There are 26 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex-chromosome. Among 26 pairs of autosomes, 3 pairs are metacentric chromosomes, 23 pairs are telocentric chromosomes. X chromosome is the biggest subtelocentric chromosome and Y chromosome is the smallest submetacentric chromosome.


In P. dabryanus, the PdSox8 and PdSox9 were successfully localized in the No.4 and No.2 telocentric chromosome respectively, the relative distance to centromere is 40.2% and 67.5%; In M. anguillicaudatus, they were localized in the No.9 and No.6 telocentric chromosome respectively, the relative distance to centromere is 58.3% and 30.8%.

结果表明,在大鳞副泥鳅中PdSox8和PdSox9分别位于端部着丝粒染色体第4和第2 号即t4和t2染色体上,信号位点距着丝粒的相对距离分别为40.2%和67.5%;在泥鳅中,则分别位于t9和t6上,信息位点距着丝粒的相对距离分别为58.3%和30.8%。

The data show that:(1) The chromosome number of Andrias davidianus is 2n=60.(2) The karyotype consists of macrochromosomes and microchromosomes.(3) In macrochromosomes, eight pairs are metacentric and two pairs are submetacentric.(4) Andrias davidianus has 20 pairs of microchromosomes, among which are four pairs of bi-armed chromosomes. They are No.11, No.25, No.23 and No.24. Other microchromosomes are telecentric.


Effect of Different Sowing Date and Densities to the Yield of Avena nuda L .Variety Huazao No.2;2. The paper analyses the chromosome karyotype of Avena nuda L .


Thirty six homologous pairs of chromosomes were autosomes , in which chromosomes ,pairs of 1 to 20 were acrocentric-subterminal , 21 to 36 metacentric-submetacentric . And X chromosome was metacentric, Y chromosome terminal.


There are three types of Y chromosomes for yellow cattle landraces in China, that is, metacentric Y chromosomes, submetacentric Y chromosomes, and acrocentric Y chromosomes, which illustrates the origin of yellow cattle landraces in China from Bos taurus and Bos indicus.


6 The caryotype of giant panda's fibroblasts can be divided into two groups based on centromericindex.Group one of No.l-17 and X chromosomes is metacentric or submetacentric;Group two ofNo.18-20 is acrocentric little chromosomes.


There appeared prominent signals on pericentric regions of all the other chromosomes besides chromosome 4. The signals were strong on most of the chromosomes and weak only on one chromosome pair.

这一克隆除在第4染色体近着丝粒区显示明显的信号外,其它染色体的近着丝粒区同样具有信号,多数染色体为强信号,仅1对染色体信号较弱,还有3对染色体具有像着丝粒两侧异染色质块(pericentric heterochromatin block)的信号,中间有一个缢痕。

Thirty six homologous Pairs of chromosomes were autosomes, in which chromosomes, Pairs of 1 to 8 were metacentric.9 to 36 . And X was metacetric, Y chromosome terminal.


Chromosome number in all counted complete metaphases of Carassius auratus var. Dongtingking is 48. Analysis of chromosome can be divided into four sections according to the position of the centromere.


更多网络解释与着丝粒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

centric split:着丝粒分裂

centromeric exchange, CME 着丝粒交换 | centric split 着丝粒分裂 | centromere misdivision 着丝粒错分

centric fission:着丝粒分裂

central vision 中央视觉 | centric fission 着丝粒分裂 | centric fusion 着丝粒融合


遗传物质存在的特定形式,是中期染色体由两条相同的姐妹染色体(sister chromatid)构成,彼此以着丝(1) 着丝粒(centromere)与动粒(又称着丝点,

centromere misdivision:着丝粒错分

centric split 着丝粒分裂 | centromere misdivision 着丝粒错分 | centric fusion 着丝粒融合

centromere DNA:着丝粒

centromere binding protein 着丝粒结合蛋白 | centromere DNA 着丝粒DNA | centromere misdivision 着丝粒错分

centromeric heterochromatin:着丝粒异染色质

着丝粒融合|centric fusion | 着丝粒异染色质|centromeric heterochromatin | 着丝粒指数|centromeric index

telocentric:端着丝粒的, 具端着丝粒的

teliospore 冬孢子 dōngbāozǐ | telocentric 端着丝粒的, 具端着丝粒的 duānzháosīlìde, | telomerase 端粒酶 duānlìméi

telocentric chromosome:端着丝粒染色体

③亚湍着丝粒染色体(subtelocentric chromosome)和④端着丝粒染色体(telocentric chromosome). 划分的标准有:①臂比值r(长臂长/短臂长),②着丝粒指数i[(短臂长/染色体长)×100%], ③短臂长臂比等3种. 8.端粒(telomere):是染色体端部的特化部分(图12-19),

metacentric chromosome:中着丝粒染色体

染色体(giant chromosome) 巨大染色体( chromosome) 中期染色体的形态结构 中期染色体的典型形态 中期染色体的典型形态 类型 染色体的主要结构 类型 中着丝粒染色体(metacentric 中着丝粒染色体(metacentric chromosome) 亚中着丝粒染色体

centric fusions:着丝粒融合

centric ring 着丝粒环 | centric fusions 着丝粒融合 | centriole 中心粒