英语人>词典>汉英 : 真菌上生的 的英文翻译,例句
真菌上生的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fungicolous  ·  mycogenous  ·  fungicole

更多网络例句与真菌上生的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ascoma The fruiting body of most fungi of the phylum Ascomycota, in which the asci are borne.


A tiny cushionlike or blisterlike structure produced by certain fungi on a plant host and consisting of a mass of hyphae-bearing asexually produced spores.


A tiny cushionlike or blisterlike structure produced by certain fungi on a plant host and consisting of a mass of hyphae - bearing asexually produced spores.


Several potential fungal bioherbicidal strains of Fusarium stoveri causing the leaves wither, brown or etiolation and stems rot were isolated from the native Alternanthera philoxeroides.

蕉斑镰刀菌Fusarium stoveri是从自然界水花生植株上分离的、可致水花生表现萎蔫、地上茎腐烂、叶片上呈现褐色斑或黄化的生防真菌。

Stratum corneum strippings were taken from the forearm skin once before administration of itraconazole and 1, 4, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28, and 35 days after administration...


There was no significant effect of U0126 on the filamentous growth and condial production of the 10 tested fungal plant pathogens: S. turcica, Curvularia lunata, Cochliobolus sativus, Fusarium oxysporum, Alternaria solani, Coniothyrium diplodiella, A. alternata, A. porri, Botrytis cinerea and A. brassicae, but the inhibitor can strongly inhibit the spore germination of S. turcica, A.


Entomologenous fungi are important biological control agents, and are widely applied to control insect pest. It is for some years to control M. alternatus by entomogenous fungi. But it is limited to control pest because only spore can be used.


Anamorphs are highly important in classifying and identifying nectria-like fungi. they belong to 11 form-genera of hyphomycetes, producing conidia phialidically.


On PDA plate, colonies grow rapidly to 12.5~37.2 mm/21d, phialide discrete, arising solitary from the aerial mycelium, septated at the base or middle, hyaline, smooth, 14.9~23.2μm long, 1.9~3.1μm at base, tapering to less than 1.0 μm at tip; conidia hyaline, reniform to elliptical, bulk is (4.6~5.9)μm×(2.1~3.4)/lm. These morphological characteristics are significantly different from the well-described Neotyphodiurn species. Their phylogenetic relationship remains further researches.

ciliaris12株Neotyphodium属真菌为材料,详细研究了我国干旱地区Neotyphodium属真菌的形态学特征:在PDA平板上生长很快,21 d生长12.5~37.2 mm;分生孢子梗长14.9~23.2μm,基部宽1.9~3.1μm,顶端小于1μm,通常基部或近基部有隔膜;分生孢子无色透明,卵圆形或肾形,单个顶生,(4.6~5.9)μm×(2.1~3.4)μm,与其它已知Neotyphodium属真菌形态差异显著,需要进行更深入的研究。

After pathogenic fungi identified,we found 26 of them can cause cotton leaf spot. The 26 pathogenetic strains were carried out morphological and molecular identification of the firm. The initial identification of the pathogens is through the morphological observation such as the determination of growth, colony morphology, conidia and conidial stalk.


更多网络解释与真菌上生的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(3)子囊盘(apothecium) 仅在子囊基部有多层菌丝组成盘状. 子囊平行排列在盘上,上部展开,犹如果盘,故称子囊盘. (一)毛霉(Mucor)它是一种较低等的真菌,多为腐生,罕寄生. 具有分解蛋白质的能力,是用于制用腐乳、豆豉等食品的重要菌种.


分生孢子着生于已分化的分生孢子梗(conidiophore)或具有一定形状的小梗上,也有些真菌的分生孢子就着生在菌丝的顶端. 最普遍. 真菌的无性繁殖见图. (1)卵孢子(oospore) 是由两个大小不同的配子囊结合发育而成. 小型配囊称为雄器(antheridium),

keep out of the sun:放在阴处, 避晒

acid size 酸性胶料 | keep out of the sun 放在阴处, 避晒 | foliicolous 叶上生的, 寄生在叶上的(如某些真菌,水藻等)


仅含白锈属(Albugo)1个属. 为害植物的地上部,产生白色疤状的孢子囊堆,因此通称为白锈病. 腐霉属(Pythium)的特征是丝状、裂瓣状、球状或卵形的孢子囊着生在菌丝上. 孢子囊顶生或间生,无特殊分化的孢囊梗. 腐霉属真菌在霜霉目中是较低等的,

foliicolous:叶上生的, 寄生在叶上的(如某些真菌,水藻等)

keep out of the sun 放在阴处, 避晒 | foliicolous 叶上生的, 寄生在叶上的(如某些真菌,水藻等) | shot effects [纺]闪色效应 [电子]散粒效应


其大小、细胞数和颜色是鉴定的重要依据;小分生孢子(microconidium)较小,1个孢子只有1个细胞. 真菌都能产生小分生孢子,其诊断价值不大. 培养特性 真菌的营养要求不高,在一般细菌培养基上能生长. 检查时常用沙保(Sabouraud)培养基.


本文就白僵菌对昆虫的致病机理研究作一简单的综述白僵菌隶属半知菌亚门 (Deutero - mycotina)丝孢纲 (Hyphomycetales)丛梗孢科(Moniliaceae)白僵菌属 (Beauveria) ,是当前世界上研究和应用最多的一种虫生真菌.


多孔菌属(Polyporus)属于担子菌纲多孔菌目多孔菌科(Polyporaceae),是一类腐生真菌. 它们主要寄生在活立木、立桩上,有时也生长于腐木上. 它们在生长代谢中能产生胞外酶,能够降解纤维素和木脂素,常引起一些树木的疾病;同时,