英语人>词典>汉英 : 眉目传情 的英文翻译,例句
眉目传情 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ogle  ·  ogled  ·  ogles  ·  ogling

flirting glances between sexes · send speechless messages · cast glances of love · flash amorous glances
更多网络例句与眉目传情相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With 'You and Me' as a unity, all things in the universe are testimony to our love, but no words come close enough to capture the mesmeric attraction between us in its entirety.


Jane: Are you even allowed to ogle?


What to do? Just to watch and ogle them from the other side of the ditch.


Unlike men, who feel free to ogle away at chicks without the slightest sense of remorse, women have a tendency to overthink a fleeting flirtation or lusty attraction to other men.


Sky sat casting sheep's eyes at ch all the evening.


更多网络解释与眉目传情相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

carry out:实现

这位将性感带回的男歌手终于从女友杰西卡贝尔(Jessica Biel)那里翘班,在新专辑>(Carry Out)的MV中和两名穿惹火法国女佣服的黑人女郎眉目传情.

Confide in me:对我倾吐

07.KIDS 小孩 | 08.CONFIDE IN ME 对我倾吐 | 09.IN YOUR EYES 眉目传情


2.色情狂(Erotomania) 患者似乎以女性多见,患者坚信某一男性对自己流露爱慕之情,可是碍于客观情况,如双方均已婚配,或年龄相差较大,对方社会地位较高,不敢公开表明恋爱心境,而采取以眉目传情或调情方式表示心意,当患者大胆进行试探遭到对方拒绝时,

make a face at:做鬼脸

make eyes at 对......眉目传情;眉来眼去 | make a face at 做鬼脸 | make fun of 嘲笑;取笑

make sb. open his eyes:使某人目瞪口呆

make eyes at 眉目传情, 做媚眼, 挤眉弄眼 | make sb. open his eyes 使某人目瞪口呆 | measure sb. with one's eye 用眼睛上下打量某人

Secret glances:我们眉目传情

No.|不 | Secret glances.|我们眉目传情 | It all seems difficult and impossible now,|现在看来是难上加难

carry out:实现

这位将性感带回的男歌手终于从女友杰西卡贝尔(Jessica Biel)那里翘班,在新专辑<<实现>>(Carry Out)的MV中和两名穿惹火法国女佣服的黑人女郎眉目传情.

make exertions:尽力

make excuses for 找借口, 推诿. | make exertions 尽力. | make eyes at 眉目传情, 做媚眼, 挤眉弄眼.

cast sheep's eyes at sb:眉目传情

In like a lion, out like a lamb 虎头蛇尾 | cry with one eye and laugh woth the other 口是心非 | cast sheep's eyes at sb. 眉目传情