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相邻边 的英文翻译、例句


adjacent edge
更多网络例句与相邻边相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, we show that the entities such as the length-ratio of two adjacent sides and the including angle of two adjacent sides of the parallelogram, since they are not projective invariants, cannot provide any additional useful constraints on the pose parameters.


Suppose the harried waiter cuts the pizza off-centre, but with all the edge-to-edge cuts crossing at a single point, and with the same angle between adjacent cuts.


Margin attributes: the decision elements and the adjacent edge of the box elements of the distance between the edge.

margin 属性:决定元素的 box 的边和相邻元素的边的距离。

In this paper,we proved that the total chromatic number and adjacent strong edge chromatic number of Cartesian product graph of cycle Cm and cycle C5n.


Sort-and-Incremental Algorithm Step 4: At anytime, if the leftmost intersection is against the feasible region provided by p1 or p3, we are sure the leftmost one is to be removed. Naturally, p1 or p3 walks rightwards to its adjacent edge.

January 31, 2010 Zeyuan Zhu 任意时刻,如果最左边任意时刻,任意时刻的交点不满足p1/p3所的交点不满足所在半平面的限制,在半平面的限制,我们相信这个交点需要删除 p1或p3走向它右边的或走向它右边的相邻边 36 4。

We study a polygon representation composed by the vertex angles and ratios of adjacent edge lengths, which is invariant to geometric transformations such as translation, rotation and scaling. The polygon is globally represented by a scale-invariant intrinsic matrix.


Through finding the bisector s of neighboring boundary elements, points of intersection of neighboring bisector s are obtained.

通过求解相邻边界元素的平分线,计算出相邻平分线的交点,由距离最小的平分线交点实现 Voronoi图边的增长,最终建立完整的平面单连通域的 Voronoi图。

Furthermore, we believe that the general rules for understanding the superstructures formed within boundary areas are correlated directly with different overlapping or connecting operation with respect to building units of flattened hexagons and P-B polygons. These rules are as following:I The adjoined domains at least have their basic structural units a side-shared (that is, sharing two column clustersП) The basic structural units in both domains have overlapping area as large as possible.3 For theξ-Al-Ni-Rh phase formed in the as-cast Al75Ni15Rh10 alloy, phase transition processes induced by electron beam irradiation with different amount of dose were studied by in-situ observations in an electron microscope.


The permissible deviation: verticality: it allows a standard deviation of no more than 1.5mm: two of the adjacent disk at the top permits a deviation no more than 2mm, the straddle disks at the top allows a deviation of no more than 5mm; disk face error: the adjacent disk permits a deviation no more than 1mm between the two edges, the straddle stets more than 5mm; indirect slit of the disks is no more than 2mm

允许偏差:垂直度:允许偏差不大于1.5mm 水平偏差:相邻两盘顶部允许偏差不大于2mm,成列盘顶部允许偏差不大于5mm ;盘面偏差:相邻两盘边不大于1mm ,成列盘面不大于5mm ;盘间接缝不大于2mm 。

Take sample, with10cm length, weighing about 1/2 of two adjacent fabrics , fold to half the adjacent fabric, measuring 10 cm × 4 cm, at the centr of its shorter side, insert the flattened sample thread between the folded cloth so as to make the direction of the sample parallel to the longer side of the cloth ,and sew roughly three sides except the folded line with white cotton sewing thread

取样本, 10cm长,重约1 / 2的两个相邻的布料,折叠到一半相邻织物,测量10厘米× 4厘米,其较短的一边,加上平地样本线程之间折叠布等,以使该方向的样品平行于长边的布,缝大约三面除了折叠线与白棉缝纫线

更多网络解释与相邻边相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adjacent edge:相邻边

终端结点 terminal node | 相邻边 adjacent edge | 相邻顶点 adjacent vertex

Adjacent strong edge chromatic number:相邻强边着色数

边面色数:edge-face chromatic number | 相邻强边着色数:Adjacent strong edge chromatic number | 整函数:Entire function

adjacent small side:(相邻)直角边

adjacent side 邻边 | adjacent small side (相邻)直角边 | adjacent vertex 邻顶点

adjacent vertex:相邻顶点

相邻边 adjacent edge | 相邻顶点 adjacent vertex | 关联边 incident edge


图中可以只有点,而没有边;而有边必有点若节点vi, vj 之间有一条边 eij,则称 vi, vj 是 eij 的端点(end vertex),而 eij 是节点 vi, vj 的关联边(incident edge)同一条边的两个端点称为相邻(adjacent)节点,具有共同端点的边称为相邻边一条边的两个端点相同,



adjacent extreme point:相邻极(端)点

邻角 adjacent angles | 相邻极(端)点 adjacent extreme point | 邻边 adjacent sides

adjacent extreme point:相邻极点;相邻端点

179,"adjacent angles","邻角" | 180,"adjacent extreme point","相邻极点;相邻端点" | 181,"adjacent sides","邻边"

simple graph:简单图

具有共同端点的边称为相邻边一条边的两个端点相同,称为自环(self-loop);具有两个共同端点的两条边称为平行边(parallel edges)既没有自环也没有平行边的图称为简单图(simple graph)在无向图中,与节点相关联边的数目,


nickel 五分 | nonadjacent 不相邻的 | nonagon 九边形