英语人>词典>汉英 : 相通 的英文翻译,例句
相通 的英文翻译、例句


communicate with each other · be interlinked
更多网络例句与相通相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Schopenhauer\'s influence has made O\'Neill hold a very pesimistic attitude toward the world and human life,which is very similar to the philosophy of the absurdist playwrights.


A descendant of this language is the Amharic, the present language of intercourse in Abyssinia itself and far beyond its boundaries.


Its characters including minority people and beauty have nothing to do with Chinese society hence it lacks power. Chao Ge's painting is beyond academism.


I'm sorry, we don't have connecting double rooms, but we have large adjoining rooms.


It is consistent with the Law of Energy Conservation by Albert Einstein.


People are alienated in the progress of this produce on the sense of technology.


But they all have one thing in common: history.


In this sense again, Guo Yan's figures are similar to Marc Chagall's angelical afterlife lovers: persistent pursuit is hidden under what seems to be casual carelessness.


Zhang Bing filter head from the filter and filter-the first component, the overall injection from its main features is the first filter for Taiwan hollow circular shape, the first by the filter at the top, strip-joints, vertical plate, horizontal plate, filter The first floor composed of horizontal and vertical plate plate symmetrical side of the first set in the filter, filter them by the side of the first formation of a number of strip-joints; par for the hollow tubular filter, filter and the filter rod first floor Phase grounding Department of thread, filter and the filter head-intracavity Intracavity the same, in the filter at a lower open air intake and intake slit, the filter is not closed at the bottom of the same with the outside world.


The results show that the equiaxed zone ratio of the casting billet is greatly increased,with its soidification structure is obviously improved,and the momentum values of the electromagnetic forces both parallel to and perpendicular to the direction of the traveling magnetic field pulsate periodically with time.


更多网络解释与相通相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That falls in well with mine,and certes brought:和我心意相通 為我帶來

Of speaking gently,-for a trick of thought 她說話輕柔 她的靈巧 | That falls in well with mine, and certes brought 和我心意相通 為我帶來 | A sense of pleasant ease on such a day'- 滿懷的喜悅和舒泰"--

connect with:连接;相通,衔接

***plain of 抱怨;诉苦;抗议 | connect with 连接;相通,衔接 | considering that 鉴于...,就...而论

Domain:Consistently connected continuous domain:相通连续

代数L-fuzzy domain:Algebraic L-fuzzy domain | 相通连续Domain:Consistently connected continuous domain | 小波域:Wavelet domain

Extremes meet:两极相通

英文俗语里有"两极相通"(Extremes meet)之语. 西方学院里"左""右"相通之处,似乎就在于对主流意识的批判和理论上的反体制、破规范、追根刨底,直 指问题核心的架势. 两边批判的都是自由派,彼此间谁也没有说服对方的幻想;

Extremes meet:两极相通,有无相生

Love is blind. 爱情是盲目的. | Extremes meet. 两极相通,有无相生. | Like knows like 人识其类.

Mystically Linked Twins:神奇"相通"的双胞胎

哭声似猫叫的罕见婴儿 A Baby Blubbers like Cat Mewing (74) | 神奇"相通"的双胞胎 Mystically Linked Twins (75) | "天生指头短"之谜 The Secret of Congenital Short Finger (77)

You are reading my mind:你与我心灵相通 - 心有灵犀一点通

49. Merry meet, merry part. 好聚好散. | 50. You are reading my mind. 你与我心灵相通 - 心有灵犀一点通. | 51. More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达.

Marry a Soul Mate:与心意相通的伴侣结婚

8. Looking For Love恋爱 | 9. Marry a Soul Mate与心意相通的伴侣结婚 | 10. Getting along 和睦相处

mutual unintelligible:互不相通

和睦共处 live in harmony | 互不相通 mutual unintelligible | 语言能力 linguistic competence

vestibule train:各车厢有走廊相通的列车

个人进取心/private enterprise | 各车厢有走廊相通的列车/vestibule train | 各色人/high and low