英语人>词典>汉英 : 相碰 的英文翻译,例句
相碰 的英文翻译、例句


bump against
更多网络例句与相碰相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Page 48: The clatter of armor and clanking of metal could be heard.


Don't clatter your knives and fork s.


In public, they will just keep clinking their glasses.


In order to analyze the influence of filled metal particles on impact force for hydraulic pile hammer, analytical solution of mathematic model for pile hammer filled with metal particles considering effects of metal particles was presented. In the solution, lumped mass were used as metal particles, a spring was used as contact stiffness between metal particles and hammer body, different variable lumped masses were used as pile hammer, the ram and anvil, a spring and a dashpot were used as the anvil cushion and pile respectively.


It was a car collison , and this man's car fell off the cliff when the earth collapsed . Without his pig, the man would have died in the collapse .


Here is a picture of our children giving each other an Eskimo kiss.


Having feeling for each other without giving mouth to, which is the top of love.this is because both of the two are abundantly enjoying glad eyes,the fervent heart of each other during the eye contact and the heartquake of finger touching.once love is given mouth to,the feeling will be much weaker.this is because all will be permitted after agreement and all will be psychologically prepared and all will go numb eventually.


When be like them to slide on board, did not touch from beginning to end, the kinetic friction factor of two objects of A, B and car all is U

若它们在车上滑动时始终没有相碰,A、B 两物体和车的动摩擦因数均为 u

Transfers the bottom type resistance furnace structure outer covering becomes by the steel plate and the section welding, the furnace body welds the system full circle densely by the steel plate, lower part the spatial installment has the turntable support, the kingbolt, on the furnace body foot ledgerwall the installment has the velocity modulation electrical machinery and the transmission gearbox, through the umbrella type gear and the main axle connection, transfers the bottom type resistance furnace's stove village material to use fan-shaped ultra light quality high strength 0.6g/cm3 to conserveenergy the fireproof heat preservation brick, the heat insulating layer uses the aluminum silicate textile fiber felt and the inflation heat preservation powder, the resistance silk thread becomes spiral-shaped, installs according to the average temperature rule in the resistance wire trough, the basealso arranges the resistance wire in the special-purpose trough, in such stove the temperature is even, the work piece and the turntable cannot bump with the resistance wire, resistance wireThe service life is long, is not easy to damage.


Transfers the bottom type resistance furnace structure outer covering becomes by the steel plate and the section welding, the furnace body welds the system full circle densely by the steel plate, lower part the spatial installment has the turntable support, the kingbolt, on the furnace body foot ledger wall the installment has the velocity modulation electrical machinery and the transmission gearbox, through the umbrella type gear and the main axle connection, transfers the bottom type resistance furnace's stove village material to use fan-shaped ultra light quality high strength 0.6g/cm3 to conserve energy the fireproof heat preservation brick, the heat insulating layer uses the aluminum silicate textile fiber felt and the inflation heat preservation powder, the resistance silk thread becomes spiral-shaped, installs according to the average temperature rule in the resistance wire trough, the base also arranges the resistance wire in the special-purpose trough, in such stove the temperature is even, the work piece and the turntable cannot bump with the resistance wire, resistance wireThe service life is long, is not easy to damage.


更多网络解释与相碰相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


aforementioned 前述的 | aforementioned 如前所述 | afoul of 与......相碰


afoul of 与...相碰 | afoul 碰撞 | afoul 碰撞缠住碰撞的

afoul of:与...相碰

aforementioned 如前所述 | afoul of 与......相碰 | afoul of 与...相碰

brush by:接近(某人/某物时)轻轻相碰

176broodn. 窝; v. 孵,沉思 | 177brush by接近(某人/某物时)轻轻相碰 | 178brutalityn. 残忍,无慈悲,野蛮的行为


"在"因果性"(Causality)的这种用法中,它被认为是对象之间的关系,即石头和窗玻璃之间的关系. 科学家以不同的方式表示同一件事. 他用石头和窗玻璃在它们相碰以前的时刻t 1 的状态,和在它们相碰时以后的时刻t 2 这两个对象所组成的同一系统的状态来描述上述那组事件.


人们可以说:"石头打中窗于使得(Caused)玻璃破碎了. "在"因果性"(Causality)的这种用法中,它被认为是对象之间的关系,即石头和窗玻璃之间的关系. 科学家以不同的方式表示同一件事. 他用石头和窗玻璃在它们相碰以前的时刻t 1 的状态,

contact point:击球点

16.击球点(CONTACT POINT)当主球被击出后,主球与目标球相碰击时的入球点,叫做击球点. 17.球杆(CUE)一种由木质材料造成的锥形体,并用其击打主球. 18.缩球击法(DRAW SHOT)主球被击下击点时,会产生下旋,当主球全击目标球后,便会向后方缩回.

When coming together:他们相碰在一起

An electron. 负电子. | When coming together, 他们相碰在一起, | They two disappear; 香消玉碎同消失.