英语人>词典>汉英 : 相关事物 的英文翻译,例句
相关事物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与相关事物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The splendid development of surgery and all sciences connected with it is largely thanks to bacteriology.


Yet it does not appear to be true in all cases that correlatives come into existence simultaneously.


The difference is, he loves interstitial living, finds comfort and more in all the spaces associated with airports and airplanes or in what Walter Kirn, in his novel that inspired the film, calls Airworld.

但Bingham与其他人的区别在于,他爱飞行间隙的生活,他从与机场和飞机相关的一切事物中寻求慰藉以及更多。这些事物,被Walter Kirn称作空中世界。

Pertinence by virtue of a close relation to the matter at hand.


The author puts forward in this chapter the new concepts of literate bilinguals and illiterate bilinguals. The author also considers the features of dominance and recessiveness owing to the language function and language loyalty.


From these sweet, bitter, sour objects, sweetness, bitterness, sourness, are abstracted. Once abstracted they can be reapplied;…… For example an emotional experience is associated with the breast, in which the infant feels that there is an object existing independently of itself on which it can depend for satisfaction of its feelings of hunger; assuming a capacity for abstraction, the infant can feel that from the total experience he can detach an element which is a belief that an object exists that can satisfy his needs. The concrete statement might be: a breast exists that can be depended on to satisfy his hunger for food; abstraction from this might be: there is a something that can and does give him what he wants when he wants it. Bion,


It is, therefore, evident that if a man apprehends some relative thing definitely, he necessarily knows that also definitely to which it is related.


You describe correlations and causalities every time you observe,"I eat more when I'm tired" or "I feel wonderful near the ocean."


Site helpers/runners (3 volunteers per shift): will help with anything around the pavilion (ie: gofer duties, clean up, assisting volunteer coordinators, help supervisor with crowd control, any related duties).


Although,in philosopher of ancient Greece,the theory achievement of there explicit information mentality is not very much,we still may analysis there deep aroma the information sense,from that theory expositions,such as Anaxagoras's it on"every one thing all inclusions a part of it's"and Demokritos and so on "aporroai theory"of cognition be happened,and Gorgias's it on relation of phenomenon of thinking,language and its exist of surface,and Plato's it on relation of thing with image、differing opinion and kn...


更多网络解释与相关事物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

language acquisition:语言获得

的同一事物上的" 非口语叙述技"(nonverbal declarative skill)有显著口吻(vocal control)和制止口吻(vocal restriction)方式说话,这对唐亲也很少会去扩充(expand)孩子的单字句和「完全可被理解」的多字所挑选的玩具,则与其语言获得(language acquisition)呈负相关.

Data collection:数据采集

红宇科技集团公司是专业从事物联网(Internet of Things)和自动识别 (Auto Identification)及相关数据采集(Data Collection)的高科技集团公司. 公司核心业务为条码识别(一维及二维)、射频识别(低频、高频、超高频、微波、SAW RFID和Ultrasonic RFID等)、生物识别(指纹、虹膜、人脸和语音等)和图像识别及其相关数据采集的软硬



Positive correlation:正相关

■正相关(positive correlation) 两个被测量事物之间的关系,一事物随另一事物的增长而增长. ■原则(principle) 众所周知的事物之间的既定关系. ■随机分配(random assignment) 实验中每名被试被分到各组的机会均等.

Scatter diagram:散点图

6.散点图(scatter diagram) 散点图以直角坐标系中各点的密集程度和趋势来表示两现象间的关系(图12-7). 根据点的散布情况,推测2种事物或现象有无相关,故常在对资料进行相关分析之前使用.

Negative correlation:负相关

.负相关(negative correlation) 两个被测量事物之间的关系,一事物随另一事物的增长而下降. .表现取向的信念(performance-oriented belief) 注重表现得好和取得好成绩. .正相关(positive correlation) 两个被测量事物之间的关系,


例如作品 >(Nuremberg)上面写着:"纽伦堡-节日-草地". 批评家杰克.弗拉姆(Jack Flam)解释道:"这些文字脱离了其所题献的画面 独立地唤起了关于一系列相关事物以及各种关系的联想 诸如中世纪纽伦堡的歌唱大师以及瓦格纳为他们写的歌剧(这正是希特勒的喜好之一)以及二战前的纳粹集会和反犹

Possessions:领地 ,属地,所有物

declare:v. 断言, 宣称, 宣布, 宣告, 声明, (向海关)中报进口应纳税之货物 | possessions: 领地 ,属地,所有物 | belongings: 财产, 所有物, 相关事物, 亲戚


PB?英国药典 | POX个人、他人与事物 | QcorrelationQ相关

Scatter plot:散布图

4.散布图(scatter plot)在对於下列哪一种相关的判断特别重要?察,请问下列有关此研究的叙述何者适切? (1)研究者的田野笔记(field notes)应该针对研究情境及相关人事物做真实描20. 下列有关传记研究(biographical study)的叙述,何者正确?1.自变项(independent variable)与依变项(dependent variable)3.实验的内在效度(interna