英语人>词典>汉英 : 相似的事物 的英文翻译,例句
相似的事物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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One of two or more things that are closely akin.


"He originally applied it to the winnowing of firms in the harsh winds of high—Victorian capitalism,but [when Darwin'S masterwork,"0n the Origin of Species,was published],he quickly saw the parallel with natural se— lection and transferred his bon mot tO the process of evolution.


They (1) describe the same thitlgs, behaviors or conditions opposite or contrary to the spatial direction as the original characters describe;(2) describe the images reverse to which the original characters describe;(3) give meanings completely opposite to those of original characters;(4) are used to distinguish similar but different things with the original characters;(5) give new meanings which are spread out from those of original characters;(6) expand more abstract meanings.


For example; for instance; such as; like; take...for example; a case in point; namely; in other words; that is; especially; in particular


They lose themselves in the titillation of language and form; they are infatuated with fragmentary appropriations of the classics; they are infatuated with the emptiness of decline and the passion of desire. As with the Western artists Jan Saudek and Joel-Peter Witkin, 'real-world objects should give up any idea of entering my pictures,' unless they undergo restructuring—by the artist's own taste and proclivities, by an amalgam of memory and fantasy, by a tone of pensive irony, or by seemingly absurd but in fact accurate imagination, thus restructuring the individual's relation to reality. It does not hurt to call these artists' work realism, but it is a kind of 'psychological realism' which 'extracts a deeper level of genuineness from fictive objects.

他们迷恋于语言与形式的快感,迷恋于对文化经典的片断性挪用,迷恋于衰朽的虚无或色欲的激情,与简·索德克、乔·彼得·威金(Joel-Peter Witkin)那样的西方艺术家相似,"现实中的事物永远别想进入画面",除非是经过了他们的重构——以其个人的趣味与癖好,以混合着追忆与幻想、伤感与反讽的语调,以看似荒诞其实准确的想象力,重构了个人与现实之间的关系,你也不妨将他们的作品称之为现实主义,但那是一种"心理现实主义"——"从虚构的事物之中抽取出更深层的真实。"

In the real life, have some to grow similarity since new problem and the old problem are general, unknown object and the known number object get in touch with always mutually, be on basis observing carefully in new problem , overwear knowledge , come to handle the new problem old experience, this thought is that process it is have purpose's , effective conversion contradiction, to solve a problem ultimately change solving problems that process , the mathematics inscribe one kind , is to change from saying , solving problems on this significance melt return to


Synecdoche is when one uses a part to represent the whole. Example: lend me your ears. Metonymy is substituting a word for another word closely associated with it. Example:bowing to the sceptered isle.

Great Britain metaphor--暗喻 Metaphor:以此物隐喻彼物,将某一事物以另一个与其相似的事物来表达,是一种含蓄的比喻,暗示有比较,但又不充分说出这种比较。

The ideas we have of these they acknowledge not to be the resemblances of anything existing without the mind, or unperceived, but they will haveour ideas of the primary qualities to be patterns or images of things which exist without the mind, in an unthinking substance which they call "matter".


I wanna be I wanna be I wanna be just like a melody just like a simple sound like in harmony I wanna be I wanna be I wanna be just like the sky just fly so far away to another place to be away from all to be one of everything I wanna be I wanna be I wanna be just like the wind just flowing in the air through an open space I wanna be I wanna be I wanna be just like the sea just swaying in the water so to be at ease to be away from all to be one of everything I wanna be I wanna be I wanna be just like a melody just like a simple sound like in harmony 和 Shift the future! Work on the moon!


Why does the Book of Mormon discuss " slippery treasure "(and other similar fascinations with stones and riches) so much?


更多网络解释与相似的事物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


9 着色(coloration)和去色(decoloration),它们表达的意义是一样的. 齐美尔用来指人们将事物的差异转换成货币价值. 10 客体精神(objective spirit),和时下流行的所谓物质文化大抵相似,齐美尔用来指日益增长的物质产品、生产技艺乃至语言与法律、艺术与科学.

figure of speech:比喻

1.比喻(Figure of speech)是广告中最常见的修辞手段,广告人借助比喻,充分发挥想象,使所描绘的商品形象生动,容易被人们所接受. 比喻又可分成明喻和隐喻两种. 而隐喻直接通过现实存在的或想象中的相似点,将一种事物比做另一种事物,不用比喻词.


艺术领域中常出现"再现"(reappearance)与"模仿"(imitation)这两个名词,它的含义并没有什么相似之处. 所谓再现是与回忆很近似,就是指已经听过、见过的东西可以回想起来,这些事物虽已不在当前而能凭记忆、追思、推理,利用线索或必要的联想等,


因为优良的医疗技术和外科手术意味着更快地治疗病人,更少痛苦,更少不安,更少死亡,更少疾病,和更少残废.七,借代(metonymy)是指两种不同事物并不相似,但又密不可分,因而常 用其中一种事物名称代替另一种.

nothing more than:仅仅

nothing less than 仅仅 | nothing more than 仅仅 | nothing of the kind 毫不相似的事物

of a kind:同一种类的;徒有虚名的

kind of 有点儿,有几分 | of a kind同一种类的;徒有虚名的 | nothing of the kind毫不相似(的事物),决非如此(的事物)


艺术领域中常出现"再现"(reappearance)与"模仿"(imitation)这两个名词,它的含义并没有什么相似之处. 所谓再现是与回忆很近似,就是指已经听过、见过的东西可以回想起来,这些事物虽已不在当前而能凭记忆、追思、推理,利用线索或必要的联想等,


当他回绝他们拉他入党的努力时,他总在想,英语里"革命(revolution)"这个名词如何由两个动词转化而来:"循环往复"(revolve)和"反叛"(revolt). "革命"真的是跟过去的决裂,抑或事物只是周而复始?接着他就会想"革命"和"启蒙"(revelation)两个词是多么相似.

unfettered: a.1:未上脚镣(枷锁)的 2.效果好的,有益的

parallel: n.1.平行线(或面) 2.可相比拟的事物,相似处 | unfettered: a.1.未上脚镣(枷锁)的 2.效果好的,有益的 | beneficent: a.1.行善的,慈善的 2.效果好的,有益的


IIII律师(LAWYERS) 律师和会计相似,也是帮助你和政府及法律打交道.一开始手下没有律师,一定要去法 院或律师事物所物色一个.雇佣的标准也是智力水平.律师能帮助你的手下逃避法律 和监狱,还能处理所有与贪污指控挂钩的事务.你一个星期可以给律师下达四个不同 的任务,