英语人>词典>汉英 : 直起来 的英文翻译,例句
直起来 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
straighten  ·  straightened  ·  straightens

更多网络例句与直起来相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was about to speak when she sat up alertly and said "Sh!" in a warning voice.


EEK she sat straight up in her bed.


My head become more round which occupies half of my body.


I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needs.


KJV.BT: I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth.


Avoid the dreaded straight up and down torso, you know, the torso that looks like there is a metal rod going up the spine.


But we\'re going to straighten him right up.


For decades now in an attempt to sell beauty products, these companies have convinced us that we need to have shinier hair, straighter hair, curlier hair, clearer skin, minimize wrinkles, alleviate bumps, have fewer lumps, firmer necks, straighter teeth, whiter teeth, bigger boobs, flatter stomachs, junk in the trunk, no cellulite, hairless legs, hairless armpits, painted nails, smooth feet, higher cheekbones, lower foreheads, poutier lips, perfectly sculpted eyebrows and smell really, really good.


Then a couple of doves flew off of the ground, and the grosbeaks flew. All of the other birds stayed. I started looking on the ground for predators, and just then, a Cooper's Hawk came diving out of a tree.


Professors in New York and the Bay area are second class citizens—till they start hedge funds or startups respectively.


更多网络解释与直起来相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ball bearing:培林

不过若是没有球式培林(Ball Bearing)与可吸震的轮子的产生,轮鞋是决不可能达到与冰刀的功能并驾齐驱的梦想. 直到1960年代,芝加哥轮鞋公司试图销售一种看起来比较有点像今日的直排轮刀鞋(In-line skate)但是它穿起来并不舒服,而且很不稳定,

Emma Roberts:立起来一点点的前帘有些弧度更添女人味

Emily Blunt,简单的中分搭配简单的直发. | Emma Roberts,立起来一点点的前帘有些弧度更添女人味. | Emmy Rossum,简单的发型给人的感觉不是单调的.

Foramen magnum:大孔

尤其有意义的是他可以「直立行走」,因为他的枕骨大孔(foramen magnum)的位置比较靠前,不像其他四足行走的动物枕骨大孔是在头骨的后方,这显示他跟尼安德塔人、北京人、爪哇人一样是腰杆(脊柱)直起来,用双足行走的.

ruled surface:直纹面

首先按图纸尺寸作出绳槽的底面曲线和侧面曲线,绳槽的底面曲线由四段圆弧组成,侧面曲线由圆弧与直线组成. 然后用串接(chain)的方法分别将组成底面曲线与侧面曲线的圆弧与直线串接起来,以直纹面(Ruled surface)方式生成绳槽曲面.

Straiten up:好转,直起来

Stun 晕,打晕 | Straiten up 好转,直起来 | Seize 抓住

Alright. Don't sulk:好了,别发火

Can you work this stupid thing?|你会玩儿这个蠢东西吗? | Alright. Don't sulk.|好了,别发火 | Sit on it proud. Stick your back in a little bit.|要坐得挺胸抬头,让背略微直起来

upright piano:直立式钢琴

现代钢琴主要有两种形式:一为直立式钢琴(upright piano) 一为三角平台式(grand piano). 直立式里有标准尺寸及小号直立琴 三角平台琴则有许多尺寸 从最小到演奏会使用的大型平台钢琴. 早期钢琴中还有一种长的四方形样式及直立起来的三角形钢琴.

Here we are all gathered in what seems to be the centre of the storm:我们现在聚集在看起来是暴风中心的地方

til you hear both sides直... | Here we are all gathered in what seems to be the centre of the storm我们现在聚集在看起来是暴风中心的地方 | Neighbours once friendly now stand each side of the line that h...

That tings a bell:这个听起来耳熟

110.Talk turkey有話直說 | 111.That tings a bell.這個聽起來耳熟. | 112.The puzzling"bookkeeper" "薄記員"的困惑


29但我们会让他再直起来,对吧? But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest? | 30福雷斯! Forrest! | 31我刚出世时 Now, when I was a baby,