英语人>词典>汉英 : 直肠结肠的 的英文翻译,例句
直肠结肠的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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That commonly inhabit the intestines of human beings and other vertebrates, especially the colon bacillus.


Methods 5 adult patients with Hirschsprungs disease, that were proved pathologically and followed up after Duhamel operation, were reviewed.

目的 了解Duhamel手术治疗成人先天性巨结肠的效果,探讨其术后结直肠间隔的再手术处理。

Objective To investigate the effect of Duhamel operation and the re-operation treatment of the colorectal septum after Duhamel operation for the treatment of adult Hirschsprung's disease.

目的 了解Duhamel手术治疗成人先天性巨结肠的效果,探讨其术后结直肠间隔的再手术处理。

The inferior mesenteric artery, especially in younger individuals without atherosclerotic occlusive arterial disease, can almost always be sacrificed without complication. Adequate collateral circulation is usually provided from below by inferior and middle hemorrhoidal vessels and from above by superior mesenteric arterial branches via the marginal artery of the colon.


Rectal sparing and patchiness of disease were evaluated, and scored as either absolute or relative depending on the complete absence of inflammatory disease in the former, or less inflammatory disease in the rectum compared with other parts of the colon in the latter.


Proctoscope:Lighted tube used to inspect the rectum and lower colon .


They are most abundant in the sigmoid colon but may occur anywhere except the rectum.


Among inflammatory lesion and haemorrhoid patients, a significantly increased risk of colorectal cancer was obsered only in the first year after hospitalisation.


Six, congenital megacolon: the main cause of rectal muscles are among the ganglion cells defect or dysplasia, causing the colon to expand the upper rectum.


The doctor then lubricates the colon scope and inserts it into the rectum.


更多网络解释与直肠结肠的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


肾脏细胞:Renal Cell | 结肠直肠的:Colorectal: | 黑(素)瘤:Melanoma:


2.排便反射排便(defecation)是受意识控制的脊髓反射. 人的直肠内通常是没有粪便的,当胃-结肠反射发动的集团运动将粪便推入直肠时,可刺激直肠壁感受器,传人冲动经盆神经和腹下神经到达脊髓腰骶段的初级排便中枢,并上传至大脑皮层,

radiation enteritis:放射性肠炎

放射性肠炎(radiation enteritis)是盆腔、腹腔、腹膜后恶性肿瘤经放射治疗引起的肠道并发症. 分别可累及小肠、结肠和直肠,故又称为放射性直肠、结肠、小肠炎. 根据肠道遭受辐射剂量的大小、时间的长短、发病的放射性肠炎的晚期表现和癌肿的复发与转移需作X线钡剂检查、肠系膜血管造影、内窥镜检查、活组织检查以资鉴别.

renal pedicle:肾蒂

将此皱襞小心切开即可暴露肠系膜下静脉.向上可追踪至其与脾静脉汇合处,向下追踪,可见该静脉引流降结肠,乙状结肠和直肠上部的静脉血.(2)肾门,肾蒂:肾内缘中部凹陷处称肾门(renal hilum).肾蒂(renal pedicle)由出入肾门的肾血管,

rectal polyp:直肠息肉

直肠息肉(rectal polyp)泛指自直肠黏膜突向肠腔的隆起性病变(图1). 息肉种类很多,亦很常见. 直肠是息肉的多发部位,并常常合并有结肠息肉. 肿瘤性息肉有恶变倾向.

congenital megacolon:先天性巨结肠

先天性巨结肠(congenital megacolon)是一种结肠和直肠先天缺陷引起的肠道发育畸形. 可引起肠运动机能紊乱,形成慢性部分肠梗阻,粪便不能顺利排出,郁积于结肠内,以致结肠容积增大、肠壁扩张和肥厚. 多发生于直肠和后段结肠,但有时可累及全结肠和整个消化道.


rectocolitis 直肠结肠炎 | rectocolonic 直肠结肠的 | rectocystotomy 直肠膀胱切开术


rectocolonic 直肠结肠的 | rectocystotomy 直肠膀胱切开术 | rectofistula 直肠瘘

Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery in Malignancies:恶性病的腹腔镜泌尿外科

Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery腹腔镜结肠直肠外科 | Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery in Malignancies恶性病的腹腔镜泌尿外科 | Learning Surgery学习外科学:外科住院实习手册


宠物食品工业被质疑的是食品中的许多成份(例如玉米糖浆corn syrup玉米粉Corn gluten meal)作为保湿剂(humectants)来防止食物氧化,也将水分子包附在内,这样食物实际上会附著在动物的结肠上,并可能导致阻塞,而这会大大提高结肠或直肠罹患癌症的风险.