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直径方面 的英文翻译、例句


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The welded pipe products is partitioned into five arrangements as per its characteristics and its six developing directions toward thin wall thickness,thick wall thickness,high accuracy,high grade,inside burr removal and anti-corrosion,etc.are analyzed.


Author has described the existing problems in the production after being changed from cylindrical gasifier to conical gasifier from aspects of pressure drop of system,material balance,heat balance,slag transition area,ash tray diameter,flow protection plate,entrainment under gasifier and gasification strength etc.


PSO is a population-based optimization algorithm, which mimics the social behavior of animals in a flock. It makes use of individual and group memory to update each particle position allowing global and local search optimization. The objective function considered was the total weight of the structure subjected to stresses, displacements and forces constraints. The effects of the parameters were investigated as well and such combination of tuning parameters promote a better global search behavior avoiding premature convergence while rapidly converging to the optimal solution. Results showed the effectiveness of the proposed method by comparing with ANSYS Design Optimization Tool (zero-order method). The PSO with the tuning parameters makes it an ideal method for offshore wind turbines foundations optimization tasks.(2) A reliability analysis method for pile foundation bearing axial loads based PSOThe performance function of pile foundation's axially bearing capacity sometimes is nonlinear and complex, on the basis of geometric meaning of structural reliability index, an optimum model with PSO for structural reliability analysis under arbitrary random variables was established, The PSO algorithm is very efficient to solve global optimization problemsIts use in structural reliability field presents not only the advantage of its facility of implementation, but also the possibility to obtain the design point and the failure probability with a good accuracy. In addition, PSO is a zero order algorithm, for no derivative is necessary for its implementation.


The results prove that using the laser power P=1.7Kw, scanning velocity V=4mm/s, spot diameter D=3mm, cladding thickness T=0.6mm, 50%: 50% Ni60:Ni-Cr-Cr_3C_2 as laser cladding process can obtain the laser coating with lubricous tight surface, tiny dilution rate ,fining microstructure and higher micro hardness and fine metallurgical-bonding Interface.


It has been clear for some time that the groundwater level at Giza is rising. Pools were forming in front of the Valley Temple of Khafre, and people were worried that this might endanger the Sphinx and its temples as well. In early 2008, the SCA, in cooperation with Cairo University's Engineering Center for Archaeology and Environment, drilled four boreholes, each 4 inches in diameter and about 20 meters deep, into the bedrock at the base of the Sphinx. A camera lowered into each borehole allowed the engineers to examine the geological configuration of the plateau beneath the Sphinx. In addition, a small well called a piezometer was inserted into each borehole to monitor the underground water level. The investigation revealed that the water came up to about 15.6 meters above sea level, not an immediate threat to the statue, but cause for concern in the long term. I decided that it would be best to go ahead and address this threat before it could become more acute.

吉萨的地下水位呈上升趋势已不是一天两天的事了山谷中哈夫拉庙的前面正在形成一个个水塘,人们担心这样下去会危及狮身人面像和庙宇 2008年初,在开罗大学工程中心的合作下,最高文物委员会着手处理考古和环境方面的问题他们在狮身人面像基座的基岩上钻了四个直径4英寸,深约20米的孔,每个深孔中放入一个摄相机,让工程师们可以检查到狮身人面像下方的高原地质结构此外,把一个称为测压表的管子插入到每个钻孔中,监测地下水位调查显示,目前水位已达海拔15.6米以上,虽还未直接威胁到雕像,但提醒我们要长期关注我决定,最好防患于未然,在问题变得更尖锐之前采取一些措施应对这一威胁

Hypercube has many advantages, such as smaller diameter, simple routing algorithm, many parallel paths between any two nodes, and fault-tolerance, on the other hand that the Hypercube nodal degree increased logarithmetically to the number of nodes has limited network population. So we propose a constant nodal degree hierarchical topology to remedy the weakness of Hypercube and take advantages of Hypercube most. Given the definition of FCCN we analyse the basic properties including nodal degree , number of links , extensibility and diameter (maximum network communication delay). Also we proposed a simple and self-routing algorithm applied in FCCN. Although the self-routing algorithm is not optimal, but at more than 82% case it can get the shortest path, and the percent is larger and larger increased with network levels. By the self-routing algorithm the internodal distance is calculated to evaluate the network communication delay more clearly. The average internal distance is in order of the cubic root of the network population that is almost same as logarithmetically relation in a few thousands. FCCN is a highly scalable network due to its recursive construction.


Morifolium is different in some botanic characters:"Hongxinju" was higher than other cultivars on height of plant, length of lamina, diameter of stem and agricultural character;"Xiaobaiju" is the best on the ramification and the quantity of capitulum on individual plant;"Dabaiju" is the most on the quantity and layer number of ligulate flower;"Changbanju" is me longest on the capitulum diameter and corolla of ligulate flower.2, The plant height, rate of dried material accumulate and chlorophyll content of four medicinal C.

本研究采用比较分析的方法,于2001年和2002年在同一栽培条件下,对江苏省射阳县多年栽培的药用白菊花种内分化的4个主要药用白菊花栽培类型,进行植物学形态、内在质量、苗期耐盐性、产量性状等方面进行了比较系统的研究,结果如下: 1、4个主要药用白菊花栽培类型在植物学性状方面存在一定的差异;红心菊株高最高,茎杆较粗,叶片最大,农艺性状较好;小白菊每株头状花序数最多,小白菊分枝性好;大白菊舌状花层数、数目最多;长瓣菊花序直径最大,舌状花花冠最长。

In the experiment, two kinds of tubes with alternative diameters and material properties, and three kinds of flat-nosed cylindrical missiles with same length and various diameters are applied. Two classes including six operating modes are designed in the experiment.


Even minute variations in the diameter of the spring can cause engagement timing to be too fast or too slow; or cause the clutch to slip, grab or disengage erratically.


However, there were significant difference in term of jaundice, serum carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) and alkaline phosphatase levels, size of tumor, diameter of main pancreatic duct, presence of septum in cystic tumor, mural modules in the tumor.


更多网络解释与直径方面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

benzene ring:苯环

京都大学的山子茂教授等人,成功地将8个苯环(benzene ring)合成为直径11奈米的环. 该环在吸收波长在340奈米附近的光,可以发出黄绿色等现有材料所没有的性质,预期可以应用在新的发光材料与导电性材料、电池的电极等方面.


植物细胞的大小差别很大,例如,巨型的植物细胞,如轮藻(Chara)的节间细胞可以有数厘米长,约1mm粗细,而植物分生组织的细胞直径仅为十几微米. 大多数高等植物细胞的直径大约为几十微米. 除了细胞大小的差异,植物细胞在形态方面也有很大的差异,


此外在消磁功能方面,A781加粗了消磁线圈的直径从传统直径4.35mm变成6.4mm,增加手动消磁 (Degauss) 能力. 使显示器在日常生活中不小心着磁,也可以通过OSD按键轻松消磁,使得显示器的色纯表现更好.


对壳壁上点纹(puncta)、线纹(stria)和肋纹(costa)观察后发现,原来它们都是整齐排列的小孔,线纹小孔的直径在 20100纳米. 所以硅藻土是天然的纳米孔材料. 提纯、改性后的硅藻精土在处理城市污水等方面已表现出独特的性能.


研究结果显示,在腰椎疼痛方面,无症状的族群从L3到L5有著较宽的神经孔(foramina),在S1有较宽的矢状面直径. 椎管狭窄的患者在脊椎管(central canal),L4外隐窝(lateral recess)及L4、L5神经孔尺寸上显得比较狭小. 由以上结果可知,