英语人>词典>汉英 : 直径一样的 的英文翻译,例句
直径一样的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与直径一样的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The profile of the sleeve trim shall be that of a cone, reducing conically from a full pipe diameter at the inlet, to reduced diameter at the mid-point of the sleeve, and retaining the reduced diameter through to the outlet of the sleeve.


The diameter of these two products is the same.


Instead of calling on some scholar, I paid many a visit to particular trees, of kinds which are rare in this neighborhood, standing far away in the middle of some pasture, or in the depths of a wood or swamp, or on a hilltop; such as the black birch, of which we have some handsome specimens two feet in diameter; its cousin, the yellow birch, with its loose golden vest, perfumed like the first; the beech, which has so neat a bole and beautifully lichen-painted, perfect in all its details, of which, excepting scattered specimens, I know but one small grove of sizable trees left in the township, supposed by some to have been planted by the pigeons that were once baited with beechnuts near by; it is worth the while to see the silver grain sparkle when you split this wood; the bass; the hornbeam; the Celtis occidentalis, or false elm, of which we have but one well-grown;some taller mast of a pine, a shingle tree, or a more perfect hemlock than usual, standing like a pagoda in the midst of the woods; and many others I could mention.

我并没有去访问哪个学者,我访问了一棵棵树,访问了在附近一带也是稀有的林木,它们或远远地耸立在牧场的中央,或长在森林、沼泽的深处,或在小山的顶上;譬如黑桦木,我就看到一些好标本,直径有两英尺:还有它们的表亲黄桦木,宽弛地穿着金袍,像前述的那种一样地散发香味,又如山毛榉,有这样清洁的树干,美丽地绘着苔藓之色,处处美妙呵,除了一些散在各地的样本,在这乡镇一带,我只知道有一个这样的小小的林子,树身已相当大了,据说还是一些被附近山毛榉的果实吸引来的鸽子播下的种子;当你劈开树木的时候,银色的细粒网闪发光,真值得鉴赏;还有,椴树,角树;还有学名为Celtis occidenta lis的假榆树,那就只有一棵是长得好的;还有,可以作挺拔的桅杆用的高高的松树,以及作木瓦用的树;还有比一般松树更美妙的我们的铁杉,像一座宝塔一样矗立在森林中;还有我能提出的许多别的树。

This article introduced types and performance of flexible jointers in water pipeline,and put forward pipe diameter augmenting a certain value is the determinant factor whether the flexible jointer can be used or not.Different type of flexible jointer allowing corner value(namely:uneven settlement ability) is different.


Hypercube has many advantages, such as smaller diameter, simple routing algorithm, many parallel paths between any two nodes, and fault-tolerance, on the other hand that the Hypercube nodal degree increased logarithmetically to the number of nodes has limited network population. So we propose a constant nodal degree hierarchical topology to remedy the weakness of Hypercube and take advantages of Hypercube most. Given the definition of FCCN we analyse the basic properties including nodal degree , number of links , extensibility and diameter (maximum network communication delay). Also we proposed a simple and self-routing algorithm applied in FCCN. Although the self-routing algorithm is not optimal, but at more than 82% case it can get the shortest path, and the percent is larger and larger increased with network levels. By the self-routing algorithm the internodal distance is calculated to evaluate the network communication delay more clearly. The average internal distance is in order of the cubic root of the network population that is almost same as logarithmetically relation in a few thousands. FCCN is a highly scalable network due to its recursive construction.


After anesthetizing the donor area, a circular punch approximately 4mm to 5 mm in diameter is used to cut hair-bearing plugs in much the same way as cookies are punched out of dough.

在麻痹捐赠人区域之后,一个圆形的打洞器大约 4 毫米至在直径中的 5 毫米用来剪头发-举止把很多插电和饼干一样的方法。

All dowels used will be hardwood 10mm diameter and have grooved ridges.

所有的木榫要用硬木且直径10mm 并且要有槽一样的山脊。

After doing a lot of experiments, the paper analyses the parameters that take effects when people judge directions between two objects, and concludes that there are two factors that play important roles: one is the diameter of the convex hull of the point set of two objects; another is the visible field between two objects.


The can has a special end with a very small opening into which the drinking straw fits perfectly.


A small band of newly licensed trappers hit the trail this week of pythons ...


更多网络解释与直径一样的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


)冥卫(Charon)是个直径800公里的卫星,离冥王星17000公里. 公转自转一样,都是6.39个地球日(其实准确直径为1206~1212公里),约为冥王一半. 1000多个柯伊伯(Kuiper)带天体在那里遨游.


外国鼓有很多种,手鼓的种类样式很多, 比如非洲鼓,流传于非洲的各种手鼓,虽然外形不一样但都可以统称为:非洲手鼓,比较典型的是:康加鼓(Conga) 结构组成:一般为直径四十厘米,高度约为一米之鼓.

fat globule:脂肪球

羊奶的脂肪球 (fat globule) 平均直径为1.3~2.7 μm, 而牛奶约是3~4.5μm , 故就体积言羊奶脂肪球的直径只有牛奶的1/3, 也因此羊奶比牛奶更好消化. 2. 凝乳性质不一样羊奶中的蛋白质在胃中形成的...


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Ideal for more demanding uses like medium-to-large diameter cutting, felling and limbing:理想的更高的要求一样,使用中,以大直径切割,砍伐和

Feature... | Ideal for more demanding uses like medium-to-large diameter cutting, felling and limbing理想的更高的要求一样,使用中,以大直径切割,砍伐和limbing | Primer bulb, compression relief and semi-au...

wave guide:波导管

实际上,我们可以完全避免差作用迟延的问题,就像在其它传送线,如波导管(wave guide)或是同轴电缆中一样,导管的大小(此例中为纤维柱心的直径)可做适当的选择,使得只有一种电磁振动方式(electromagnetic mode)可以在其中传送,