英语人>词典>汉英 : 盛赞 的英文翻译,例句
盛赞 的英文翻译、例句


highly praise · sing the praises of · speak of sb. in glowing terms
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Placido Domingo said high praise of him, He is the best baritone I have ever seen. He is a great singer.


Ian St John has a great description of Alan when he says he was a player that could get to the by-line with top speed and he would fire these balls over straight to the striker.


They are lavishly furnished with some of the greatest treasures from the Royal Collection - paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens, Vermeer, Poussin, Canaletto and Claude; sculpture by Canova and Chantrey; exquisite examples of Sèvres porcelain; and some of the finest English and French furniture in the world.

他们盛赞与分散相结合的一些最大的珍宝,从王室收藏--画家伦勃朗,鲁本,维米尔, poussin ,威尼斯和克劳德;雕塑家卡诺瓦和钱特里;精美的例子sèvres瓷;一些优秀的英语和法语家具在世界上。

He hails from the state of Texas and is a descendant of the Comanche and Yaqui tribal nations.


Travellers have long extolled its cosmopolitanism and vibrancy. It has been protected by law since the 1920s.


Immelt effusively and declaring: Nothing is as disgusting to me as some old CEO chirping away about how things are not as good under the new guy as they were under him.


We continue to heap fulsome praise on the value of the Anglo-American special relationship which must never be upset.


Just how to do that is at the core of his programme, which receives gushing praise from many students.


The poet Heinrich Heine praised his native town as being 'very beautiful'.


And he was of such virtue, even in private fortune, that he who wrote of him said" that he lacked nothing of being a king except a kingdom" Hiero eliminated the old military and organized a new .

他具 有过人的才干,甚至在他仍是一介布衣时,就有人撰文盛赞他:海洛具备了一位君主所应该有的一切素质,所缺的就是一个王国了。

更多网络解释与盛赞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


accolade 盛赞授爵典礼 | Beaux-Arts(法)美术,艺术 | Cantata 康塔塔舞曲


咽喉痹痛,消痞块". 张锡纯盛赞其功效说"其开通经络,透达关节之力,实远胜于它药也". 马钱子主要成分是士的宁(Strychnine)、马钱子碱(Brucine)等吲哚型生物碱. 本文就近年来马钱子的药理作用进行综述.


内地发行商天凯董事长马崇雁和陈泽杉分别送给蔡依林金鲤鱼及法国著名画家埃德加.德加(Degas Edgar)的绘画作品>,陈盛赞她完全靠毅力才能登上天后位置.


他自己就是属于每一个人(everybody)的,绝非"一般人"(everyman)―――这个词暗含着一个普通人的意思,可是威尔斯并不像其他任何一个人. ...便是马丁?艾米斯对>的盛赞,他在"人人(everyman)丛书"版的前言中,

Notting Hill:诺丁山

大洋网讯 流行巨星麦当娜不久前才在盛赞伦敦治安较好,所以她将定居英伦,没想到话才讲了没多久,30日深夜就有窃贼潜入麦丹娜位于伦敦"诺丁山"(Notting Hill)的高级住宅,将男朋友盖瑞奇的爱车给偷走了.

Hudson River:哈德逊河

这五人先前安全将客机迫降在纽约 哈德逊河(Hudson River)水面上. 欧巴马盛赞机长苏伦柏格(Chesley Sullenberger)的「英雄」作为,苏伦柏格与其余机组人员已受邀前往华盛顿出席明天的历史性庆典. 欧巴马16日致电苏伦柏格.

La traviata:(茶花女)

当时 学会了"茶花女"(La Traviata)里的那段"忘不了那幸福的一天"( Un di felice eterea), 但总觉得不是味儿,正好那两个意大利鬼佬送上门来,而且 也懂歌剧,我于是没敢大声地唱了一遍,大部分还过得去,发音上他们盛赞 我打出的嘟噜(R~~~),

tout v.1:招徕,兜揽 2.下赌注 3.盛赞,吹捧,吹嘘

crossfire: n.交叉火力网,来自几方面的攻击 | tout: v.1.招徕,兜揽 2.下赌注 3.盛赞,吹捧,吹嘘 | interplay: n.相互影响,相互作用

extolled her virtues:盛赞她的美德

begrudge嫉妒 | extolled her virtues盛赞她的美德 | tremendously proud非常自豪

showered each other with compliments:互相盛赞对方

在洛杉矶联邦法院出庭 showed up in federal court in L.A. | 互相盛赞对方 showered each other with compliments | 露出一点乳沟 showing a little bit of cleavage