英语人>词典>汉英 : 皱纹多的 的英文翻译,例句
皱纹多的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
creasy  ·  creasier  ·  creasiest

更多网络例句与皱纹多的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In each case, only one of the two possible expected ratios was accepted in all markers, furthermore, no significant deviation from Mendelian inheritance (two-tailed binomial test, P≥0.053). To investigate the polymorphism of AFLP markers, and the genetic diversity in populations of H. discus hannai, eight abalone populations were analyzed by using a total of six AFLP primer combinations. The mean percentages of polymorphic loci of the eight populations were 48.65%, 50.50%, 51.17%, 50.51%, 58.90%, 60.07%, 68.92% and 54.05%, respectively.


The approach achieves results: at 53 his face may be more craggy than it used to be, but his fans haven't noticed


Suitability 】 The premature senility, splashes, wrinkles and menstrual disorder caused by nutritional anemia, fat body caused by post partum, striae gravidarum and discomforts during menopause; fatigued complexion, increasing wrinkles, acnes and splashes, irregular menstruation, lassitude, hectic fever, sweatiness, insomnia, nightmare, fidget, irascibility, endocrine dyscrasia, headache and swirl, lassitude in loin and legs, cold and heat fear, dry vagina, absence of sexual desire, and hair loss and break.


The more you sleep, the more HGH your body will produce, which results in more elastin in your skin and less vulnerability to wrinkles.


It has proven by diversified researches that it will generate different problems if skin is lack of water, for example, wrinkles for dry skin; unbalanced water and oil for oily skin will make skin send self-protection message, expand pores, release more oil to protect the skin, thus causing surplus oil secretion; sensitive skin will be damaged since the tissue is lack of water, and damages the skin if it contacts with irritative substance.


I've done the colar, added more wrinkles, and added a pouch on the arms.


Your body slowly changes as well, with more sagging and wrinkles and ones muscle mass decreasing.


Major characteristics:The breed has moderate body conformation,with mediumsized head,ununiform shape and depth transverse wrinkle,fairly small and lop ears,short and stout neck,wide and concaved back,arched ribs,large and drooping be11y,short and rough legs,unclamp rump,sleeping pastern,monkey-liked hooves.


I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else But you I will find my nitch in your car With my mp3 DVD rumple-packed guitar I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else But you Du du du du du du dudu Du du du du du du dudu Du du du du du du dudu du Up up down down left right left right B A start Just because we use cheats doesn't mean we're not smart I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else But you You are always trying to keep it real I'm in love with how you feel I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else But you We both have shiny happy fits of rage You want more fans, I want more stage I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else But you Don Quixote was a steel driving man My name is Adam I'm your biggest fan I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else But you Squinched up your face and did a dance You shook a little turd out of the bottom of your pants I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else But you Du du du du du du dudu Du du du du du du dudu Du du du du du du dudu du But you

我不搞清任何人所能在其他任何人但是你中注意到的我将发现我的nitch在你的小汽车中我不和我的mp3 DVD皱纹-挤满的吉他有关搞清任何人所能在其他任何人但是你中注意到的 Du dudu dudu dududu Dudu dudu dudu duduDu dudu dudu dududu du 是沿着沿着顺而下顺左边权利而下仅仅因为我们使用骗人的东西,左边正确B一出发不意味着我们是不我不在中搞清任何人所能注意到的刺痛其他任何人但是你你是总是设法使它保持真正我是爱你怎样感到我不搞清任何人所能在其他任何人但是你中注意到的我们在两方面同样地富人暴怒的你更多想要的有光泽愉快合身扇,我想要更多舞台我不搞清任何人所能在其他任何人但是你中注意到的&堂吉诃德&是一钢是驱动男人我的名字是亚当我你的我不看见的最大扇子是在任何人所能看见其他任何人但是你的中沿着你的脸扭歪有一点和跳你摇动的舞粪块从出来你的裤子的底部我不搞清任何人所能在其他任何人但是你中注意到的 Du dudu dudu dududu Dudu dudu dudu duduDu dudu dudu dududu du但是你

Massage gently over face and neck,targeting areas with the most lines...


更多网络解释与皱纹多的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

MARY: Amen:阿门

In the name of the Holy Trinity, amen.|以圣父圣子圣灵的名义 阿门 | MARY: Amen.|阿门 | More lines on my face.|脸上的皱纹又多了


蕴含2倍*弹力蛋白(ELASTIN)和活力纤维原(VITAFIBRINE). 除了出现皱纹之外,皮肤老化还会表现为支撑组织结构改变. 为了对抗皮肤弹性和紧致的流失,请使用含有活性多维紧致素(Fibre-Elastyl)成分的产品来护理您的肌肤.


(2)起皱(Wrinkling)漆膜呈现多少有规律的小波幅波纹形式的皱纹,它可深及部分或全部膜厚. 皱纹的大小或密集率可随漆膜组成及成膜时条件(包括温度、湿膜厚度和大气污染情况)而变化. (3)橘皮(orange skin)漆膜呈现橘皮状外观的表面病态.

creasy:有折痕的, 皱纹多的

creasy surface | (铸件的)皱纹表皮, 表皮皱纹 | creasy | 有折痕的, 皱纹多的 | create a diversion | 分散注意力 声东击西 进行牵制

creasy surface:(铸件的)皱纹表皮, 表皮皱纹

creasote | 杂芬油, 木馏油, 碳酸 用木馏油处理 | creasy surface | (铸件的)皱纹表皮, 表皮皱纹 | creasy | 有折痕的, 皱纹多的


锹甲科成虫 锹甲科(Lucanidae) 属昆虫纲鞘翅目,体多为黑色或褐色的大形甲虫,有光泽,体壁坚硬,头大而强. 触角膝状,ll节,末端3节呈叶状. 雄虫上颚特别发达,而突出成鹿角状. 跗节5节. 以第5节最长. 幼虫蛴螬形,但体节背面无皱纹,


由於职场上面对年轻人的激烈竞争,中年男人通过整形延后老化,已形成一股新趋势. 这些40至60多岁的男人,要求的整形手术包括拉皮、去眼袋、抽脂、注射填充剂(fillers)或打肉毒杆菌除皱纹等.

create a diversion:分散注意力; 声东击西; 进行牵制

creasy || 有折痕的, 皱纹多的 | create a diversion || 分散注意力 声东击西 进行牵制 | create a part || (演员)创造角色