英语人>词典>汉英 : 皮层薄壁组织 的英文翻译,例句
皮层薄壁组织 的英文翻译、例句


cortex parenchyma · cortical parenchyma
更多网络例句与皮层薄壁组织相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The plant body tends to form great deal of aerenchyma under the saline-alkali habitat. The aerenchyma in three kinds of plants comes into being near the main vein and in spongy mesophyll of the leaf, in parenchyma tissue around of vascular bundle of the petiole, and in parenchyma tissue of cortex of the stem.


The results showed that compared with soil culture, the root cap was not obvious with less amyloplast and polysaccharose substance under water culture. The root epidermis under water culture was thinner than that of soil culture, with little root hair or not, in which cortex parenchyma tissue developed with big cell, solution proliferative aerenchyma in intercellular space, and thin cell wall. However, the root cap under soil culture was big, with strong PAS reaction and no aerenchyma tissue.


Mycorrhizal fungi enter the velamen and exodermis through root hair, invade the cortical tissue by the exodermal passage cells and then form pelotons.


The leaf mesophyll and the stem medulla and cortex consist of parenchyma.


Observations from the paraffin dissection showed that, the anatomical structures of treated upland rice root tip cells changed obviously, such as the arrangement confusion of cells from apical root meristem, quiescent center and root cap, increased middle lamella, the increased width and reduced elongation of cortex parenchyma cells, and the large numbers of slough off epidermis cells.


更多网络解释与皮层薄壁组织相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cortege | 行列, 随从 | Cortes | (西班牙或葡萄牙的)议会,国会 | cortex parenchyma | 皮层薄壁组织


也就是根的初生结构 皮层:是由基本分生组织发育而成,它在表皮的内方占着相当大的部分,由多层薄壁细胞 组成,细胞排列疏松,有着显著的细胞间隔隙 外皮层(exodermis):皮层的最外一层细胞,


(三)维管柱 维管柱是内皮层以内的部分,结构比较复杂,包括中柱鞘(pericycle)和初生维管组织,有些植物的根还具有髓(pith),由薄壁组织或厚壁组织组成. 中柱鞘是维管柱的外层组织,向外紧贴着内皮层.它是由原形成层的细胞发育而成,


根状菌索 高等真菌的菌丝体可以密结呈绳索状,外形似根.外层颜色较深,为皮层,由拟薄壁组织(pseudoparenchyma)组成,其顶端有1个生长点,内层由疏丝组织(prosenchyma)组成,为心层(髓层).根状菌索有的较粗,长达数尺.它能抵抗恶劣环境,环境恶劣


菌索外层颜色较深,为皮层,由拟薄壁组织(pseudoparenchyma)组成,其顶端有1个生长点;内层由疏丝组织(prosenchyma)组成,为心层(髓层). 根状菌索有的可长达数尺,它能抵抗恶劣环境,环境恶劣时,生长停止,适宜时再恢复生长,在木材腐朽菌中根状菌素很普遍.



branch trace:枝迹

茎和分枝的联系跟茎和叶的联系一样,茎维管柱上的分枝,通过皮层进入枝的部分,称为枝迹(branch trace). 枝隙(branch gap)也同样地是枝迹伸出后,在它的上方留下的空隙,而由薄壁组织填充的区域(图3-112,E-H). 在双子叶植物和裸子植物中,

cortex parenchyma:皮层薄壁组织

corrugated 缩成皱纹的 | cortex parenchyma 皮层薄壁组织 | cortex 皮层